[Fis] Summarising this weeks discussion. Another oxymoron
Loet Leydesdorff
loet at leydesdorff.net
Tue Jun 28 07:58:39 CEST 2022
Dear Koichiro.
Your email clarifies for me why I differ of opinion.
>If the temporal cohesion operates cumulatively as allowing the
>preceding products to set the conditions for the subsequent production
>[In the simulation this is recursion on a previous state; the direction
>is forward and entropy is generated.] , it may enhance its own
>specificity in time and look as goal-directed towards the durable.
>[This may be incursion.] One excuse for circumventing an oxymoronic
>charge on more precision [Against the arrow of time. Not entropy, but
>redundancy is generated.] from more uncertainty could be to admit the
>intervention of indexical agents in charge of temporal cohesion. [An
>individual agent cannot take it beyond incursion. The communication
>among agents can be hyprer-incursive and stabilize the institutional
>dynamic of reconstruction and innovation at the systems level.
Best, Loet
>Sunday, June 26, 2022 6:28 PM, Francesco Rizzo
>13francesco.rizzo en gmail.com wrote;
>"quantum mechanics" and / or "quantum computing" are valid for all the
>science of economics or the economics of science.
>Thanks. Let me have some time for figuring out what you have meant.
>Sunday, June 26, 2022 7:13 PM, Plamen plamen.l.simeonov en gmail.com
>Are there any other (anticipated) forms of biocomputation languages
>beyond the symbolical and indexing ones that can get mixed up at a
>later point in time?
>My concern in this regard is to what extent we could be allowed to keep
>indexical operations intact as they are in nature. It might be a
>horrible idea to entertain that every computation should be symbolized
>as the machine-learning strategy may suggest to us. At the least, we
>can appreciate the generative capacity of biological computation of the
>indexical origin if the undisciplined mixing of the symbolical and
>indexical is avoided.
>From:joe.brenner en bluewin.ch <joe.brenner en bluewin.ch>
>Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2022 6:04 PM
>To: 'Koichiro Matsuno' <cxq02365 en nifty.com>; 'Andrei Igamberdiev'
><a_igamberdiev en hotmail.com>; 'Gordana Dodig Crnkovic'
><gordana.dodig-crnkovic en chalmers.se>; 'Nikita Shklovsky'
><nikitashk en gmail.com>; fis en listas.unizar.es
>Subject: RE: [Fis] Summarising this weeks discussion. Another oxymoron
>Dear Koichiro,
>This statement is certainly valid. What Andrei and I have been trying
>to say is that Heisenberg uncertainty is one of a larger group of
>process descriptions characterized by uncertainty, imprecision,
>‘diversity’, etc. Their elements, however. are always dual,
>instantiating actuality and potentiality in a changing, reciprocal
>relation. “Integration”, e.g., of symbolical and indexical is not
>necessary if this would mean that the terms lose their identity. The
>logic is a logic of dynamic coexistence.
>It is, at least for me, a measure of the validity of your approach that
>what others might consider an oxymoron applies: uncertainty at the
>origin of the precision of macromolecules as computing devices”. I
>think Lupasco would have appreciated this formulation.
>From: Fis <fis-bounces en listas.unizar.es> On Behalf Of Koichiro Matsuno
>Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2022 10:06 AM
>To: 'Andrei Igamberdiev' <a_igamberdiev en hotmail.com>; 'Gordana Dodig
>Crnkovic' <gordana.dodig-crnkovic en chalmers.se>; 'Nikita Shklovsky'
><nikitashk en gmail.com>; joe.brenner en bluewin.ch; fis en listas.unizar.es
>Subject: Re: [Fis] Summarising this weeks discussion
>Saturday, June 25, 2022 3:54 AM, Andrei Igamberdiev
>a_igamberdiev en hotmail.com wrote;
>I suggested the idea that the Heisenberg uncertainty ratio
>“energy-time” can explain the precision of operation of macromolecules
>as computing devices in living systems
>Quantum mechanics has been an attempt for preventing us from falling
>into a helpless abyss in case symbolical and indexical languages simply
>got mixed up. QM regulation integrating both the symbolical and
>indexical, e.g., conservation laws and measurements, as epitomized in
>the uncertainty relation, is an instance of quantum computation, and
>relevant to biology also.
> Best,
> Koichiro
>From: Andrei Igamberdiev <a_igamberdiev en hotmail.com>
>Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2022 3:54 AM
>To: Gordana Dodig Crnkovic <gordana.dodig-crnkovic en chalmers.se>; Nikita
>Shklovsky <nikitashk en gmail.com>; Koichiro Matsuno <cxq02365 en nifty.com>;
>joe.brenner en bluewin.ch; fis en listas.unizar.es
>Subject: Re: Summarising this weeks discussion
>Dear Gordana, Joseph, Koichiro and Nikita,
>In my opinion, the exchange between Joseph and Koichiro regarding the
>transitions between the potential and the actual is very important as
>this is the point where we can approach closer to the nature of
>macromolecular (and biological) computation. The whole process of
>computation is directly related to the aspects of “potentiality in
>reality”. The advanced systems that developed complex behavior are able
>to hold the potential for a prolonged time to make precise outputs
>based on the choice of particular result that help the system to
>navigate in the external world. This means that such holding the
>potential corresponds to the abstracting capacity, which was clarified
>in recent papers of Koichiro. This also corresponds to the duality of
>actual entity and of abstract entity in the philosophy of A.N.
>Many years ago, in my first paper of BioSystems (1993) I suggested the
>idea that the Heisenberg uncertainty ratio “energy-time” can explain
>the precision of operation of macromolecules as computing devices in
>living systems in a way that the prolonged time of quantum measurement
>corresponds to the minimum dissipation of energy in it, i.e. to the
>precise result and thus represents the basis of natural computation
>performed by macromolecular devices. These devices operate as
>molecular automata of the extremal quantum computer, and their set
>maintains highly ordered robust coherent state, which precisely directs
>actualizations in the course of natural computational process. During
>this process, single events corresponding to realization of interacting
>individual programs form a percolating network, and this leads to
>concrete spatial patterns constructed using optimal coordinate scales.
>I am confident that this concept has a potential for development, and
>it is grounded in the ideas expressed by Efim Liberman in his
>conceptual approach to natural computation. Several concrete aspects of
>the quantum biological computation were outlined in the works of
>Koichiro Matsuno, including the estimation of actual energy dissipation
>in the course of measurement accompanied by emitting quanta, each
>carrying energy E at every time interval τ (Matsuno and Paton, 2000,
>BioSystems 55: 39-46). The works of Yukio Gunji, of Andrei Khrennikov,
>also earlier works of Howard Pattee and others, are particularly
>important in this development, although we are still at the beginning
>of this important paradigm of the “new science”. In this development,
>the paradigm of the new science will incorporate the ideas of
>relational biology formulated by Robert Rosen, which will result in
>overcoming their too abstract original representation. Summarizing, I
>would say that we have all prerequisites for the concept of natural
>computation that can be applied to the real world, and the logic of
>potentiality in reality is in the core of this paradigm. The real world
>is tantot libre, tantot recherché (Beethoven words), and this is a
>pledge of freedom, which is the basis of the existence of the world and
>its evolution.
>All the best,
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