[Fis] How Molecules Became Signs

Pedro C. Marijuán pedroc.marijuan at gmail.com
Sat Feb 19 22:11:36 CET 2022

Dear FISers,

We are going to start the new discussion modality based on specific 
publications. The initial contribution to comment is:

*"How Molecules Became Signs****."* By *Terrence W. Deacon*, recently 
appeared in Biosemiotics.

At his earlier convenience, Terry will send a leading text to start the 
Now, given that there is a doi 
<https://doi.org/10.1007/s12304-021-09453-9> (for freely downloading the 
interested parties may read in advance the publication.

Best greetings to all,

PS. Given that there are another three contributions tentatively 
arranged, a time span of around 2-3 weeks could be adequate. But we will 
see on the spot.

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