[Fis] [External Email] Re: Fis Digest, Vol 85, Issue 16--CLOSING

Loet Leydesdorff loet at leydesdorff.net
Sat Feb 5 12:13:14 CET 2022

Dear Karl,

>The Lecture by Youri has opened many approaches towards understanding 
>the general concept of information, specifically in a biologic context.
The concept of information, defined specifically in a biological context 
is for that very reason not the general concept of information. This 
confusion does not help for the understanding. In economics, for 
example, one should not work with a biological concept of information.

Information can be measured in bits and bytes. I have not heard a single 
argument in this discussion of how the biological theorizing leads to 
(proposals for) the measurement of information. Without the beginning of 
an operationalization, the theory remains a pure philosophy. I don't 
think that one should go for a biological philosophy, including social 
darwinism etc.

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