[Fis] Fwd: A new discussion session; Self-Other in Biology

Loet Leydesdorff loet at leydesdorff.net
Wed Dec 28 07:56:59 CET 2022

Dear Joe:

You can phone on +316 27378730 or "Leydesdorff" at skype.

Best. Loet

PS. Given a health condition, I am no longer able to read and write 
emails without mistakes. Please, consider using the telephone or skype. 
Best, Loet


"The Evolutionary Dynamics of Discusive Knowledge" 
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-59951-5__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!Wbhj4g67Lun_cr1u1y1fj6hAiGuDB-1VOSP6GzcuBX6GVTljSubyIy-2wIpQSdXz8YBdkIuVLZ2DeRAE4cw$ >(Open Access)

Professor emeritus, University of Amsterdam

------ Original Message ------
>From "Loet Leydesdorff" <loet en leydesdorff.net>
To joe.brenner en bluewin.ch; "fis" <fis en listas.unizar.es>
Date 12/26/2022 5:53:15 AM
Subject Re[2]: [Fis] Fwd: A new discussion session; Self-Other in 

>Dear colleagues, family, and frineds
>Pleiase, find a pdf ile at the webpage above.
>This file is in DUtch.
>The reference is::
>Leydesorff, L. (2022). „Herr Obersturmbahnführer, gestatten Sie daß Ich 
>rede?. (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://leydesdorff.net/hertzberger/hetty/25dec22.pdf__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!Wbhj4g67Lun_cr1u1y1fj6hAiGuDB-1VOSP6GzcuBX6GVTljSubyIy-2wIpQSdXz8YBdkIuVLZ2DIGPAFsM$ ), 39 pp.
>Comments are most welcome in this stage:
>Best, Loet
>PS. Given a health condition, I am no longer able to read and write 
>emails without mistakes. Please, consider using the telephone or skype. 
>Best, Loet
>"The Evolutionary Dynamics of Discusive Knowledge" 
><https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-59951-5__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!Wbhj4g67Lun_cr1u1y1fj6hAiGuDB-1VOSP6GzcuBX6GVTljSubyIy-2wIpQSdXz8YBdkIuVLZ2DeRAE4cw$ >(Open Access)
>Professor emeritus, University of Amsterdam
>------ Original Message ------
>From "joe.brenner en bluewin.ch" <joe.brenner en bluewin.ch>
>To pedroc.marijuan en gmail.com
>Cc fis en listas.unizar.es
>Date 12/25/2022 10:05:10 PM
>Subject Re: [Fis] Fwd: A new discussion session; Self-Other in Biology
>>Dear Pedro, Dear All,
>>Christmas is not even over and already a fascinating disagreement! In 
>>my system, Gödel is closer to reality because incompleteness is a 
>>feature of reality. Fixed points look pretty inert to me, and in 
>>I believe since I don't have all the skills needed to be sure that 
>>fixed points eliminate the need for recursive functions but you have 
>>just gotten rid of another, probably real mental process. Recursion 
>>and anticipation, using dynamic forms of information, are what mind is 
>>I don't claim that mine is the "right" handle. I just plead for it to 
>>humbly accompany the story from computer science.
>>Thank you and Happy New Year!
>>>----Original Message----
>>>From : pedroc.marijuan en gmail.com
>>>Date : 25/12/2022 - 21:42 (E)
>>>To : fis en listas.unizar.es
>>>Subject : [Fis] Fwd: A new discussion session; Self-Other in Biology
>>>-------- Mensaje reenviado --------
>>>Asunto: Re: [Fis] A new discussion session; Self-Other in Biology
>>>Fecha: Fri, 23 Dec 2022 09:31:53 +0100
>>>De: guillaume.bonfante <guillaume.bonfante en loria.fr>
>>>Para: Louis Kauffman <loukau en gmail.com>, Markose, Sheri 
>>><scher en essex.ac.uk>
>>>CC: Pedro C. Marijuán <pedroc.marijuan en gmail.com>, fis 
>>><fis en listas.unizar.es>, 
>>>guillaume.bonfante en mines-nancy.univ-lorraine.fr<guillaume.bonfante en mines-nancy.univ-lorraine.fr>, 
>>>mikhail.prokopenko en sydney.edu.au<mikhail.prokopenko en sydney.edu.au>, 
>>>Neil Gershenfeld <neil.gershenfeld en cba.mit.edu>, Koonin, Eugene 
>>>(NIH/NLM/NCBI) [E] <koonin en ncbi.nlm.nih.gov>, Oron Shagrir 
>>><oron.shagrir en gmail.com>, 
>>>Noson en sci.brooklyn.cuny.edu<Noson en sci.brooklyn.cuny.edu>, Friston, 
>>>Karl <k.friston en ucl.ac.uk>, John Mattick <j.mattick en unsw.edu.au>
>>>Dear all,
>>>End of the year, and now some spare time.  As a computer scientist, 
>>>in my opinion,  Goedel's Incompleteness Theorem is touchy but not the 
>>>right handle. As some of you mentioned below, I think that fix-points 
>>>are much more promising.
>>>They have various forms. They exist at every layer of the 
>>>arithmetical hierarchy (you don't need to implement recursive 
>>>functions). So, a very flexible tool.
>>>All the best,
>>>Le 05/12/2022 à 00:25, Louis Kauffman a écrit :
>>>>Dear Sheri,
>>>>It would indeed be very helpful to have a zoom conversation about 
>>>>these themes.
>>>>Please let me know when you would be available to have it.
>>>>We could start with an hour meeting and discussion and then perhaps 
>>>>extend to a second meeting with some presentations.
>>>>Included below is a slide show of mine that is a bit cryptic but 
>>>>does summarize some points of view.
>>>>I have downloaded the papers you indicated in your email and will 
>>>>read them now.
>>>>Very best,
>>>>>On Dec 5, 2022, at 2:53 PM, Markose, Sheri < scher en essex.ac.uk> 
>>>>>Dear Louis, Pedro and All –
>>>>>I apologize again for not attending to the comments as soon as they 
>>>>>appear. Autumn term is my very busy teaching term.  Also, one of 
>>>>>the reasons why I got waylaid is that I had to urgently send in my 
>>>>>external examiner review of a Thesis of Adam Svahn (University of 
>>>>>Sydney) on 25 Nov. I was free to invite folk who I have had some 
>>>>>convos with on this topic and may be interested in the Foundations 
>>>>>of Information Systems online forum as participants and potential 
>>>>>leads on topics…  I do this somewhat belatedly, my apologies again.
>>>>>(i)            The bulk of  Adam Svahn’s work co-authored with 
>>>>>Mikhail Prokopenko (S & P)  is already published and can be found 
>>>>>  and is relevant to our discussion.  While we are still in the dark 
>>>>>about how the near universal genomic (ACGT/U) alphabets emerged, 
>>>>>the genome clearly manifests an unbroken chain of life with 
>>>>>programs encoded in these alphabets and their execution via gene 
>>>>>expression produce the somatic and phenotype identity of organisms. 
>>>>>S & P share objectives as those that I have given specifically re 
>>>>>how  self-reference and negator operations known from Gödel (1931) 
>>>>>incompleteness theorems and undecidability thereof arise so the 
>>>>>software based genomic system is capable of endogenous novelty 
>>>>>production and evolvability.
>>>>>S& R give an interesting and plausible account of how RNA-push down 
>>>>>automata with their push and pop rules can produce limit cycle 
>>>>>dynamics or the extensively found repetitive motifs sometimes 
>>>>>called biological palindromes in the genome. They argue that a 
>>>>>2-stack RNA-push down automata is necessary to produce reflexive 
>>>>>structures where the automata in addition to simply executing a 
>>>>>program can use the 2ndstack to reflect on codes and make changes 
>>>>>to them.
>>>>>(ii)          Section 5 of S&P relates to undecidability as fixed 
>>>>>points of negation functions and has much in common Louis’s 15 Nov 
>>>>>email point 5 below ( I have scissored and pasted this in the email 
>>>>>trail below) on the ease with which self-negating Gödel sentences 
>>>>>can be created by logicians.  However, biology unlike Gödel (and 
>>>>>other logicians) is not directly concerned about undecidability, 
>>>>>incompleteness, or whether a program halts. I have stuck my neck 
>>>>>out and said that Gödel machinery used by biology and the 
>>>>>formidable genomic self-referential general intelligence is to 
>>>>>establish a hack free agenda for the genome geared toward 
>>>>>autonomous life.
>>>>>Thus, some further thought needs to be expended as to how the 
>>>>>negator operation naturally occurs in biology. I have stated it is 
>>>>>the bio malware or the viral software that Eugene Koonin et al have 
>>>>>said has been coextensive with life having provided the 
>>>>>copy/replicate program possibly in what the computer literature 
>>>>>calls Quines.  The latter are distinct from online self-assembly of 
>>>>>somatic self which requires gene expression or machine execution as 
>>>>>in the ribosomal machines.  To make out gene-codes that 
>>>>>self-assemble the organism have been changed/tampered with by 
>>>>>software of non-self other appears to be a pressing matter for 
>>>>>homeostasis which is clearly a bio-cybersecurity problem.
>>>>>(iii)         The over 85% offline recording in the Thymic MHC 
>>>>>receptors of expressed genes in humans for example brings us to the 
>>>>>points made by Pedro in his 1 December email on Self and non-self 
>>>>>antigen recognition in Adaptive Immune System.  Thank you Pedro for 
>>>>>the nugget of information of how the MHC receptors has two strips 
>>>>>of  8-10 amino acids residues for Class 1, mostly "self",  and 
>>>>>13-18 amino acids residues for Class 2 for non-self.   I did not 
>>>>>know this.  I will read "Sensing the world and its dangers: An 
>>>>>evolutionary perspective in
>>>>>neuroimmunology." By Aurora Krauset al. In, eLife 2021;10:e66706. 
>>>>>DOI: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.66706__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!Wbhj4g67Lun_cr1u1y1fj6hAiGuDB-1VOSP6GzcuBX6GVTljSubyIy-2wIpQSdXz8YBdkIuVLZ2DfVVOpfc$  
>>>>>                  If you recall how the Recursive Fixed Point 
>>>>>Theorem which starts with a mirror mapping between online 
>>>>>self-assembly program execution, fg(g))  that have halted and 
>>>>>create somatic identity and the offline record of the
>>>>>                   same in a 2-  place  function  s (g, g) in the 
>>>>>MHC receptors creating the Thymic self. I say the first g from the 
>>>>>left in s (g, g)  and changes thereof relate to what happens to 
>>>>>self and the second is self’s record of what
>>>>>                 the other has done to self.  So if the 2nd entry is 
>>>>>different from the first entry in s (g, g) it is off diagonal etc.  
>>>>>The non-self hostile other is a projection of self g ‘gene codes’ 
>>>>>and those  f ¬ !  which are reactive to the self g-
>>>>>                 codes denoted as g¬.  As we know an astronomic 
>>>>>number of potential indexes g¬ are generated by the RAG genes.
>>>>>                  How the immune system identifies a yet to happen 
>>>>>attack by a novel non-self antigen requires the first part of the 
>>>>>fix point of the latter generated in the Thymic T-cell receptors to 
>>>>>sync with those generated in the
>>>>>                  the peripheral MHC receptors when the said 
>>>>>expressed genes are attacked (like the lung tissue etc)  in real 
>>>>>time.  The latter is experientially generated and while the former 
>>>>>is a spectacular case of predictive coding. So
>>>>>                  unless the T-cell receptor has cloned the index of 
>>>>>the novel bio-malware in advance via V(D) J,  the AIS will not be 
>>>>>recognize the biomalware should it attack.  I have said  fixed 
>>>>>point for the software/algorithm f ¬ !  requires
>>>>>                  the full use of say Rogers Second Recursion 
>>>>>Theorem and the Gödel Sentence thereof, viz. far more machinery  
>>>>>self-referential structures than in the original Gödel (1931) 
>>>>>(iv)         Finally, there is the problem that the information 
>>>>>processing for advanced code based systems is one akin to Formal 
>>>>>Systems  of Theorems and non-Theorems. For this Raymond Smullyan’s 
>>>>>book of the same name is what gave me the idea that a tight grip 
>>>>>will be exerted with all inference based recursive reductions and 
>>>>>Gödel Sentences when some potential negations to theorems viz. the 
>>>>>halting self-assembly gene codes that generate the organism, are in 
>>>>>the offing. This self-referential genomic blockchain distributed 
>>>>>ledger of the unbroken chain of life has similarities with manmade 
>>>>>BCDL, but latter are not self-referential with individual nodes 
>>>>>being able to self-report attacks.
>>>>>Louis, I would love to have a zoom chat with you as it will be 
>>>>>great to sound you out more. You are right about the mindboggling 
>>>>>variants of self-reference ….
>>>>>Ditto for many others who I hope to be in touch with soon.
>>>>>Many thanks again for the great comments.
>>>>>All best
>>>>>From: Pedro C. Marijuán <pedroc.marijuan en gmail.com>
>>>>>Sent: 01 December 2022 13:03
>>>>>To: Markose, Sheri <scher en essex.ac.uk>; Louis Kauffman 
>>>>><loukau en gmail.com>
>>>>>Cc: fis <fis en listas.unizar.es>; 
>>>>>guillaume.bonfante en mines-nancy.univ-lorraine.fr
>>>>>Subject: Re: [Fis] A new discussion session
>>>>>Dear Sheri, Lou, and all discussants,
>>>>>It is a pity that this excellent discussion has taken place in 
>>>>>complicated academic weeks, as it has been caught in a sort of 
>>>>>"punctuated equilibrium" of longer stasis than activities in our 
>>>>>evolutionary list. Well, I have a couple of very brief comments:
>>>>>First, emphasizing that one of the references in Youri's last 
>>>>>messages should be obligated reading for biologically interested 
>>>>>parties:  "Sensing the world and its dangers: An evolutionary 
>>>>>perspective in
>>>>>neuroimmunology." By Aurora Krauset al. In, eLife 2021;10:e66706. 
>>>>>DOI:  https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.66706__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!Wbhj4g67Lun_cr1u1y1fj6hAiGuDB-1VOSP6GzcuBX6GVTljSubyIy-2wIpQSdXz8YBdkIuVLZ2DfVVOpfc$  
>>>>>In this vein, I will follow with the argument that the 
>>>>>multicellular self is a composite, an association with a microbial 
>>>>>consortium that probably was the big evolutionary cause to create a 
>>>>>defense system of such a great complexity.  The innate immune 
>>>>>system would represent the evolutionary learning about those 
>>>>>dangers, with scores of different components and pattern 
>>>>>recognition strategies...
>>>>>And second, about the adaptive immune system, it is where the 
>>>>>ongoing mostly formal discussion would apply (can we agree with 
>>>>>that?). Then, it seems that the core of this adaptive immune branch 
>>>>>is the Major Histocompatibility Complex molecule (MHC). This MHC 
>>>>>molecules of two major classes are highly complex (polygenic and 
>>>>>polymorphic) and they are in charge of presenting to lymphocyte T 
>>>>>cells the protein fragments churned out from the proteosomes inside 
>>>>>cells (fragments of variable lenght: 8-10 amino acids residues for 
>>>>>Class 1, mostly "self",  and 13-18 amino acids residues for Class 
>>>>>2, mostly "non self"). Then, the thymus is in charge of 
>>>>>deactivating the T cells loaded with self stuff. My point is that 
>>>>>the defense in front of the non-self is based on  indirect products 
>>>>>of protein translation. This causes me some uneasiness, as protein 
>>>>>translation (see Youri's presentation months ago) introduces a 
>>>>>layer of extra complexity, not to speak the processing via 
>>>>>proteosomes. Further, with just 10 or 12 amino acids can we 
>>>>>faithfully ascertain algorithmic non-self provenance??
>>>>>Well, Sheri is far more acknowledged with all this stuff. And 
>>>>>perhaps Lou can say something about the formal distinguishability 
>>>>>of 10-12 aa.
>>>>>From: Louis Kauffman loukau en gmail.com
>>>>>Sent: 15 November 2022 23:02
>>>>>To: Markose, Sheri scher en essex.ac.uk
>>>>>Cc: "Pedro C. Marijuán" pedroc.marijuan en gmail.com; fis 
>>>>>fis en listas.unizar.es; 
>>>>>guillaume.bonfante en mines-nancy.univ-lorraine.fr
>>>>>Subject: Re: [Fis] A new discussion session
>>>>>I will try to respond to your letter about the post Goedel 
>>>>>structures by first quoting the last part of my previous letter 
>>>>>that discusses Goedelian ideas from the point of view of fixed 
>>>>>My letter was quite long, and it is possible to not get to the 
>>>>>second half.
>>>>>Note also that the first half is based on a referential situation g 
>>>>>—> F where #g ——> Fg is what I call the Indicative Shift of g —> F. 
>>>>>This is formal and does not assume anythng other than arrow 
>>>>>With g —> F# we have #g —> F#g making F#g refer to its own name. 
>>>>>There is more to say herd and references that I cannot send to the 
>>>>>list, so I will get a dropbox for it and further discussion later 
>>>>>Lou K.
>>>>>It is a very interesting question whether such encoding or such 
>>>>>multiple relationships to context occur in biology. Here are some 
>>>>>1. In biology is is NORMALLY the case that certain key structures 
>>>>>have multiple interpretations and uses in various contexts.
>>>>>The understanding of such multiple uses and the naming of them 
>>>>>requires an observer of the biology. Thus we see the action of a 
>>>>>cell membrane and we see the action of mitosis, and so on.
>>>>>2. There are implicit encodings in biology such as the sequence 
>>>>>codes in DNA and RNA and their unfoldment. To what extent do they 
>>>>>partake of the properties of Goedel coding?
>>>>>3. The use of the Goedel coding in the Incompleteness theorem 
>>>>>depends crucially on the relationship of syntax and semantic in the 
>>>>>formal system and in the mathematician’s interpretation of the 
>>>>>workings of that system. The Goedel argument depends upon the 
>>>>>formal system S being seen as a mathematical object that itself can 
>>>>>be studied for its properties and behavior.
>>>>>When we speak of the truth of G, we are speaking of our assessment 
>>>>>of the possible behaviour of S, given its consistency. We are 
>>>>>reasoning about S just as Euclid reasons about the structure of 
>>>>>right triangle.
>>>>>4. In examining biological structures we take a similar position 
>>>>>and reason about what we know about them. Sufficiently complex 
>>>>>biological structures can be seen as modeled by certain logical 
>>>>>formal systems.
>>>>>And then Goedelian reasoning can be applied to them. This can even 
>>>>>be extended to ourselves. Suppose that I am modeled correctly in my 
>>>>>mathematical reasoning by a SINGLE CONSISTENT FORMAL SYSTEM S.
>>>>>Then “I” can apply the above proof of Goedel’s Therem to S and 
>>>>>deduce that G cannot be proven by S. Thus “I” have exceeded the 
>>>>>capabilities of S. Therefore it is erroneous to assume that my 
>>>>>mathematical reasoning is encapsulated by a single formal system S. 
>>>>>If I am a formal system, that system must be allowed to grow in 
>>>>>time. Such reasoning as this is subtle, but the semantics of the 
>>>>>relationship of mathematicians and the formal systems that they 
>>>>>study is subtle and when biology is brought in the whole matter 
>>>>>becomes exceedingly interesting.
>>>>>5. We man not need numbers to have these kinds of relationships. 
>>>>>And example is the Smullyan Machine that prints sequences of 
>>>>>symbols from the alphabet {~,P,R} on a tape. Sequences that begin 
>>>>>with P,~P,PR and ~PR are regarded as meaningful, with the meanings:
>>>>>PX: X can be printed.
>>>>>~PX: X cannot be printed.
>>>>>PRX: XX can be printed.
>>>>>~PRX: XX cannot be printed.
>>>>>Here X is any string of the symbols {~,P,R}.
>>>>>Thus PR~~P means that XX can be printed where X = ~~P. Thus PR~~P 
>>>>>means that ~~P~~P can be printed.
>>>>>By printed we mean on one press of the button on the Machine, a 
>>>>>string of characters is printed.
>>>>>Then we have the
>>>>>Theorem. There are meaningful true strings that the Smullyan 
>>>>>Machine cannot print.
>>>>>This is a non-numerical analog of the Goedel Theorem. And the 
>>>>>string that cannot be printed is G = ~PR~PR.
>>>>>For you see that G is meaningful and since G = ~PRX, G says that XX 
>>>>>cannot be printed. But X = ~PR and XX = ~PR~PR = G. So G says that 
>>>>>G cannot be printed.
>>>>>If the machine were to print G, it would lie. And the machine does 
>>>>>not lie.
>>>>>Therefore G is unprintable.
>>>>>But this is what G says.
>>>>>So we have established the truth of G and proved the Theorem.
>>>>>6. Examine this last paragraph 5. The Machine is like an organism 
>>>>>with a limitation. This limitation goes through the semantics of 
>>>>>reference. ~PRX refers to XX and so can refer to itself if we take 
>>>>>X = ~PR. ~PX refers to X and cannot refer to itself since it is 
>>>>>longer than X. In biological coding the DNA code is fundamentally 
>>>>>smaller or equal to the structure to which it refers.
>>>>>Thus the self-reproduction of the DNA is possible since DNA = W+C 
>>>>>the convention of the Watson and Crick strand and each of W and C 
>>>>>can by themselves engage in an action to encode, refer to, the 
>>>>>other strand. W can produce a copy of C in the form W+C and C can 
>>>>>produce a copy of W in the form W+C each by using the larger 
>>>>>environment. Thus W+C refers to itself, reproduces itself by a 
>>>>>method of encoding quite similar to the self reference of the 
>>>>>Smullyan Machine.
>>>>>7. Von Neuman devised a machine that can build itself. B is the von 
>>>>>Neuman machine and B.x —> X,x where x is the plan or blueprint or 
>>>>>code for and entity X. B builds X with given the blueprint x.
>>>>>Then we have B,b —> B,b where b is the blueprint for B. B builds 
>>>>>itself from its own blueprint. I hope you see the analogy with the 
>>>>>Goedel code.
>>>>>8. I will stop here. The relationships with biology are very worth 
>>>>>Before stopping it is worth remarking that the Maturana Uribe 
>>>>>Varela autopoeisis is an example of a system arising into a form of 
>>>>>self-reference that has a lifetime due to the probabilisitic 
>>>>>dynamics of its process.
>>>>>  ###############
>>>>>Lou Kauffman
>>>>>El 15/11/2022 a las 21:19, Markose, Sheri escribió:
>>>>>>Dear Louis, dear Colleagues -
>>>>>>Louis has given an excellent exposition of Gödel Numbering (g.n) 
>>>>>>(your point number 2 on coding and semantics is giving me food for 
>>>>>>thought) , giving example of prime factorization and also of Gödel 
>>>>>>Sentence as one that states its own unprovability.  Unlike 
>>>>>>statements like  "this is false", GS is not paradoxical and in a 
>>>>>>consistent system it is a theorem with a constructive g.n. The 
>>>>>>latter in terms of the prime factorization format, it is indeed a 
>>>>>>Hilbert 10 Diophantine equation with no integer solutions.  A 
>>>>>>remarkable achievement in maths, considering Gödel was only 23 
>>>>>>years of age ....   But what has this got to do with Biology and 
>>>>>>novelty production, the objectives of the my FIS discussion ?
>>>>>>In view of brevity and also urged by Pedro, I dropped a couple of 
>>>>>>paragraphs in my FIS kick off submission as to why we need to 
>>>>>>exceed Gödel (1931) and couch the Gödel Incompleteness Results and 
>>>>>>the Gödel Sentence with a fuller understanding of algorithms as 
>>>>>>encoded instructions and as machine executable codes, of the 
>>>>>>notion of recursive enumeration (re) and re sets that was 
>>>>>>developed in the Emil Post (1944).  I hope Louis Kauffman can 
>>>>>>comment on the the application of the fuller Gödel-Turing 
>>>>>>-Post-Rogers framework mentioned in my FIS note and in my papers 
>>>>>>cited there.
>>>>>>1. I have found the following statement by Joel Hamkins (  :  
>>>>>>) useful as it makes an important observation that the original 
>>>>>>Gödel (1931) framework permits an encodable proposition to make 
>>>>>>statements about itself while Second Recursion Theorems (SRT) also 
>>>>>>called Fixed Point Theorems  are needed “to construct 
>>>>>>programs/algorithms that refer to themselves”.  The terms programs 
>>>>>>and algorithms will be used interchangeably.
>>>>>>I choose Rogers Fixed Point Theorem of (total) computable 
>>>>>>functions starting with the staple I have already indicated Diag 
>>>>>>(g) (RHS of (8) below) is what Neil Gerschenfeld  calls ribosomal 
>>>>>>self-assembly machines in gene expression where the program  g 
>>>>>>builds the machine that runs g.
>>>>>>II. The first requirement of a system to identify Fixed Points 
>>>>>>viz. self-referential constructions of algorithms/programs is (8) 
>>>>>>viz to identify  what function/algorithm has altered the Diag (g).
>>>>>>When online gene expression takes place on RHS of (8), viz. these 
>>>>>>programs have halt commands  and builds the somatic and phenotype 
>>>>>>identity of vertebrates online, the offline record of this is made 
>>>>>>in the Thymus that can not only represent the Thymic/immune self 
>>>>>>but also concatenate changes thereof.
>>>>>>I have suggested that the Adaptive Immune System and the Mirror 
>>>>>>Neuron System have these structures in (8).  And the domain of 
>>>>>>self-halting machines as in (8) are the Theorems of the system and 
>>>>>>a subset of Post (1944) Creative Set.   The non-Theorems have 
>>>>>>codes say  g¬ which cannot halt in a formal system that is 
>>>>>>consistent.  To my mind, the embodiment via the physical self 
>>>>>>being self-assembled and an offline record of this on LHS of (8) 
>>>>>>is what fuses syntax and semantics.
>>>>>>II. Once, (8) is in place, the Adaptive immune system has to 
>>>>>>identify novel negation software function  f¬!  of non-self 
>>>>>>antigens which is an uncountable infinite possibilities. Hence the 
>>>>>>close to astronomic search with V(D) J of  10 20 – 10  30 ) of 
>>>>>>non-self antigens  that can hijack the self- assembly machines as 
>>>>>>recorded  on RHS of (8).  Only from knowledge of self can the 
>>>>>>hostile other, in the case of the AIS, be identified.
>>>>>>III.  Roger Fixed Point assures us that the indexes of the fixed 
>>>>>>point for  f¬!   be generated. I have cced Guillame Bonfante who I 
>>>>>>think was among the first (with coauthors, 2006) to suggest how 
>>>>>>SRT can be used to identify computer viruses. But they do not use 
>>>>>>the full force of Self-Ref and Self -Rep  and only implicitly use 
>>>>>>Post Creative and Productive Sets. The index of the Godel Sentence 
>>>>>>for the fixed point will endogenously lie outside of Post listable 
>>>>>>or recusively enumerable set for Theorems and known non-Theorems.
>>>>>>IV. From these Gödel Sentences produced in the immune-cognitive 
>>>>>>systems, the explicit use of Post (1944) Theorems indicates how 
>>>>>>novel antibodies cannot be produced in the absence of the Gödel 
>>>>>>Sentence which allows a biotic element to self-report it is under 
>>>>>>V. In conclusion, while it has become fashionable for some like 
>>>>>>Jurgen  Schmidhuber to claim that there can be endogenous self 
>>>>>>improving recursive novelty (he calls them Gödel machines) , the 
>>>>>>Gödel Logic says that the original theorems and self-codes are 
>>>>>>kept unchanged/hack free and novelty is produced only in response 
>>>>>>to adversarial attacks of self codes.  So the AIS story is somatic 
>>>>>>  hypermutation so that nothing in the genome changes.  As to how 
>>>>>>the germline itself changes, needs more investigation, in 
>>>>>>Biosystems paper, I suggest something very briefly.
>>>>>>So thankyou all again for your in depth comments and interest.
>>>>>>Best Regards
>>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>>From: Fis < fis-bounces en listas.unizar.es> On Behalf Of Louis 
>>>>>>Sent: 08 November 2022 00:13
>>>>>>To: "Pedro C. Marijuán" < pedroc.marijuan en gmail.com>
>>>>>>Cc: fis < fis en listas.unizar.es>
>>>>>>Subject: Re: [Fis] A new discussion session
>>>>>>CAUTION: This email was sent from outside the University of Essex. 
>>>>>>Please do not click any links or open any attachments unless you 
>>>>>>recognise and trust the sender. If you are unsure whether the 
>>>>>>content of the email is safe or have any other queries, please 
>>>>>>contact the IT Helpdesk.
>>>>>>Dear Pedro,
>>>>>>Here are some comments about Goedel numbering and coding.
>>>>>>It is interesting to think about Goedel numbering in a biological 
>>>>>>Actually we are talking about how a given entity has semantics 
>>>>>>that can vary from context to context.
>>>>>>It is not simply a matter of assigning a code number. If g —> F is 
>>>>>>the relation of a Goedel number g to a statement F, then we have 
>>>>>>two contexts for F.
>>>>>>1. F as a well formed formula in a formal system S.
>>>>>>2. g as a number in either a number system for an observer of S or 
>>>>>>g as a number in S, but g, as a representative for F can be 
>>>>>>regarded in the system S with the meanings so assigned.
>>>>>>Thus we have produced by the assignment of Goedel numbers a way 
>>>>>>for a statement F to exist in the semantics of more than one 
>>>>>>This is the key to the references and self-references of the 
>>>>>>Goedelian situations.
>>>>>>Lets look at this more carefully. Recall that there is a formal 
>>>>>>system S and that to every well formed formula in S, there is a 
>>>>>>code number g = g(S). The code number can be produced in many 
>>>>>>For example, one can assign different index numbers n(X) to each 
>>>>>>distinct generating symbol in S. Then with an expression F 
>>>>>>regarded as an ordered string of symbols, one can assign to F the 
>>>>>>product of the prime numbers, in their standard order, with 
>>>>>>exponents the indices of the sequence of characters that compose 
>>>>>>F. For example, g(~ x^2 = 2) = 2^{n(~)} 
>>>>>>3^{n(x)}5^{n(^)}7^{n(2)}11^{n(=)}13^{n(2)}. From such a code, one 
>>>>>>can retrieve the original formula in a unique way.
>>>>>>The system S is a logical system that is assumed to be able to 
>>>>>>handle logic and basic number theory. Thus it is assumed that S 
>>>>>>can encode the function g: WFFS(S) —> N where N denotes the 
>>>>>>natural numbers.
>>>>>>And S can decode a number to find the corresponding expression as 
>>>>>>well. It is assumed that S as a logical system, is consistent.
>>>>>>With this backgound, let g —> F denote the condition that g = 
>>>>>>g(F). Thus I write a reference g —> F for a mathematical 
>>>>>>discussion of S, to indicate that g is the Goedel number of F.
>>>>>>Now suppose that F(x) is a formula in S with a free variable x. 
>>>>>>Free variables refer to numbers. Thus if I write x^2 = 4 then this 
>>>>>>statement can be specialized to 2^2 = 4 with x =2 and the 
>>>>>>specialization is true.
>>>>>>Or I can write 3^2 = 4 and this is a false statement. Given F(x) 
>>>>>>and some number n, I can make a new sentence F(n).
>>>>>>Now suppose that
>>>>>>g —> F(x).
>>>>>>Then we can form F(g) and this new statement has a Goedel number. 
>>>>>>Let #g denote the Goedel number of F(g).
>>>>>>#g —> F(g).
>>>>>>This # is a new function on Goedel numbers and also can be encoded 
>>>>>>in the system S. I will abbreviate the encoding into S by writing 
>>>>>>#n for appropriate numbers n handled by S.
>>>>>>Then we can consider
>>>>>>F(#x) and it has a Goedel number
>>>>>>h —> F(#x)
>>>>>>And we can shift that to
>>>>>>#h —> F(#h).
>>>>>>This is the key point.
>>>>>>Now we have constructed a number #h so that F(#h) discusses its 
>>>>>>own Goedel number.
>>>>>>This construction allows the proof of the Goedel Incompleteness 
>>>>>>Theorem via the sentence B(x) that states
>>>>>>B(x) =  “The statement with Goedel number x is provable in S.” 
>>>>>>(This can also be encoded in S.)
>>>>>>We then construct
>>>>>>h—> ~B(#x)
>>>>>>#h —> ~B(#h)
>>>>>>and obtain the statement
>>>>>>G= ~B(#h).
>>>>>>G states the unprovability of the Goedel decoding of #h.
>>>>>>But the Goedel decoding of #h is the statement G itself.
>>>>>>Thus G states its own unprovability.
>>>>>>Therefore, S being consistent, cannot prove G.
>>>>>>By making these arguments we have have proved that G cannot be 
>>>>>>proved by S.
>>>>>>Thus we have shown that G is in fact true.
>>>>>>We have shown that there are true statements in number theory 
>>>>>>unprovable by system S..
>>>>>>The above is a very concise summary of the proof of Goedel’s 
>>>>>>Incompleteness Theorem, using Goedel number encoding.
>>>>>>It is a very interesting question whether such encoding or such 
>>>>>>multiple relationships to context occur in biology. Here are some 
>>>>>>1. In biology is is NORMALLY the case that certain key structures 
>>>>>>have multiple interpretations and uses in various contexts.
>>>>>>The understanding of such multiple uses and the naming of them 
>>>>>>requires an observer of the biology. Thus we see the action of a 
>>>>>>cell membrane and we see the action of mitosis, and so on.
>>>>>>2. There are implicit encodings in biology such as the sequence 
>>>>>>codes in DNA and RNA and their unfoldment. To what extent do they 
>>>>>>partake of the properties of Goedel coding?
>>>>>>3. The use of the Goedel coding in the Incompleteness theorem 
>>>>>>depends crucially on the relationship of syntax and semantic in 
>>>>>>the formal system and in the mathematician’s interpretation of the 
>>>>>>workings of that system. The Goedel argument depends upon the 
>>>>>>formal system S being seen as a mathematical object that itself 
>>>>>>can be studied for its properties and behavior.
>>>>>>When we speak of the truth of G, we are speaking of our assessment 
>>>>>>of the possible behaviour of S, given its consistency. We are 
>>>>>>reasoning about S just as Euclid reasons about the structure of 
>>>>>>right triangle.
>>>>>>4. In examining biological structures we take a similar position 
>>>>>>and reason about what we know about them. Sufficiently complex 
>>>>>>biological structures can be seen as modeled by certain logical 
>>>>>>formal systems.
>>>>>>And then Goedelian reasoning can be applied to them. This can even 
>>>>>>be extended to ourselves. Suppose that I am modeled correctly in 
>>>>>>my mathematical reasoning by a SINGLE CONSISTENT FORMAL SYSTEM S.
>>>>>>Then “I” can apply the above proof of Goedel’s Therem to S and 
>>>>>>deduce that G cannot be proven by S. Thus “I” have exceeded the 
>>>>>>capabilities of S. Therefore it is erroneous to assume that my 
>>>>>>mathematical reasoning is encapsulated by a single formal system 
>>>>>>S. If I am a formal system, that system must be allowed to grow in 
>>>>>>time. Such reasoning as this is subtle, but the semantics of the 
>>>>>>relationship of mathematicians and the formal systems that they 
>>>>>>study is subtle and when biology is brought in the whole matter 
>>>>>>becomes exceedingly interesting.
>>>>>>5. We man not need numbers to have these kinds of relationships. 
>>>>>>And example is the Smullyan Machine that prints sequences of 
>>>>>>symbols from the alphabet {~,P,R} on a tape. Sequences that begin 
>>>>>>with P,~P,PR and ~PR are regarded as meaningful, with the 
>>>>>>PX: X can be printed.
>>>>>>~PX: X cannot be printed.
>>>>>>PRX: XX can be printed.
>>>>>>~PRX: XX cannot be printed.
>>>>>>Here X is any string of the symbols {~,P,R}.
>>>>>>Thus PR~~P means that XX can be printed where X = ~~P. Thus PR~~P 
>>>>>>means that ~~P~~P can be printed.
>>>>>>By printed we mean on one press of the button on the Machine, a 
>>>>>>string of characters is printed.
>>>>>>Then we have the
>>>>>>Theorem. There are meaningful true strings that the Smullyan 
>>>>>>Machine cannot print.
>>>>>>This is a non-numerical analog of the Goedel Theorem. And the 
>>>>>>string that cannot be printed is G = ~PR~PR.
>>>>>>For you see that G is meaningful and since G = ~PRX, G says that 
>>>>>>XX cannot be printed. But X = ~PR and XX = ~PR~PR = G. So G says 
>>>>>>that G cannot be printed.
>>>>>>If the machine were to print G, it would lie. And the machine does 
>>>>>>not lie.
>>>>>>Therefore G is unprintable.
>>>>>>But this is what G says.
>>>>>>So we have established the truth of G and proved the Theorem.
>>>>>>6. Examine this last paragraph 5. The Machine is like an organism 
>>>>>>with a limitation. This limitation goes through the semantics of 
>>>>>>reference. ~PRX refers to XX and so can refer to itself if we take 
>>>>>>X = ~PR. ~PX refers to X and cannot refer to itself since it is 
>>>>>>longer than X. In biological coding the DNA code is fundamentally 
>>>>>>smaller or equal to the structure to which it refers.
>>>>>>Thus the self-reproduction of the DNA is possible since DNA = W+C 
>>>>>>the convention of the Watson and Crick strand and each of W and C 
>>>>>>can by themselves engage in an action to encode, refer to, the 
>>>>>>other strand. W can produce a copy of C in the form W+C and C can 
>>>>>>produce a copy of W in the form W+C each by using the larger 
>>>>>>environment. Thus W+C refers to itself, reproduces itself by a 
>>>>>>method of encoding quite similar to the self reference of the 
>>>>>>Smullyan Machine.
>>>>>>7. Von Neuman devised a machine that can build itself. B is the 
>>>>>>von Neuman machine and B.x —> X,x where x is the plan or blueprint 
>>>>>>or code for and entity X. B builds X with given the blueprint x.
>>>>>>Then we have B,b —> B,b where b is the blueprint for B. B builds 
>>>>>>itself from its own blueprint. I hope you see the analogy with the 
>>>>>>Goedel code.
>>>>>>8. I will stop here. The relationships with biology are very worth 
>>>>>>Before stopping it is worth remarking that the Maturana Uribe 
>>>>>>Varela autopoeisis is an example of a system arising into a form 
>>>>>>of self-reference that has a lifetime due to the probabilisitic 
>>>>>>dynamics of its process.
>>>>>>Very best,
>>>>>>Lou Kauffman
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