[Fis] Fwd: World Logic Day 2023, Jan. 14: Flyer with Program. Brenner Talk
Francesco Rizzo
13francesco.rizzo at gmail.com
Tue Dec 27 08:22:26 CET 2022
Dear Joseph, Dear Pedro, Dear Friends and Colleagues,
the first proposition of Giuseppe's email "A logic for the information
society" has turned on a double light in my mind and in my heart which
return to synchronously illuminate two selective affinities: one with
Giuseppe and concerns the philosophy of the economy or the economy of
philosophy, the other with Pedro and concerns the biology of the economy or
the economics of biology. Both, but I could recall many others, were
determined by the title of the Reference World Logic Day which evokes "The
science of logic" published by G.W.F. Hegel from 1812-1816.
This work, not widely known or considered, except by a few chosen
philosophers, is divided into three doctrines. Here and now I am
considering one, that of "being", that is, of thought in its immediacy, of
the concept as it is "in itself", which deals with the categories of
"quantity", "quality" and "measure".
Dealing with "qualitative quantities" or "quantitative qualities" means
hypothesizing a measure (today I prefer to call it "evaluation") to which
the indeterminacy, unpredictability, undecidability, improbabilities
typical of economics or quantum physics are matched.
Which and how is not a trivial matter and I really appreciate Joe for
having linked this problem to the Happy New Year preceded, not by chance,
in my opinion, by the Merry Christmas. In any case, I make my own any wish
that uses the adjective good.
A warm hug to everyone, including Loet.
Il giorno lun 26 dic 2022 alle ore 11:39 joe.brenner en bluewin.ch <
joe.brenner en bluewin.ch> ha scritto:
> Dear Pedro, Dear Friends and Colleagues,
> Further to our recent most interesting exchanges, I am pleased to forward
> the Program of the Reference World Logic Day at which I will make one of
> the 4 presentations. Its title will be "A Logic for the Information
> Society".
> I hope you will be able to listen in (links attached), as I will discuss
> some new work of mine about which I would welcome questions. For those
> unable to participate, as well as on request by others, I will be happy to
> forward the text of my presentation.
> Happy New Year!
> Joseph
> ----Original Message----
> From : rafgiovagnoli en gmail.com
> Date : 20/12/2022 - 18:05 (E)
> To : lmagnani en unipv.it, gbdecfil en gmail.com, wolfgang.hofkirchner en gsis.at,
> joe.brenner en bluewin.ch
> Subject : WLD2023
> Dear all,
> I send you the flyer of the World Logic Day. I give a brief Introduction
> before the first talk.
> I send you the complete link asap.
> Happy Christmas!
> Raffaela
> Inviato da iPad
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