[Fis] FW: Fwd: Entropy, the Second Law, and Life. Order /and/ Disorder

Loet Leydesdorff loet at leydesdorff.net
Wed Jan 6 09:35:01 CET 2021

Dear Arjeh,

Let me take the liberty to point you to:

Leydesdorff, L., & Ivanova, I. A. (2014). Mutual Redundancies in 
Interhuman Communication Systems: Steps Toward a Calculus of Processing 
Meaning. Journal of the Association for Information Science and 
Technology, 65(2), 386-399. doi: 10.1002/asi.22973

Leydesdorff, L., Johnson, M., & Ivanova, I. (2018). Toward a Calculus of 
Redundancy: Signification, Codification, and Anticipation in Cultural 
Evolution. Journal of the Association for Information Science and 
Technology, 69(10), 1181-1192. doi: 10.1002/asi.24052

Leydesdorff, L., & Ivanova, I. A. (2021; early view). The Measurement of 
Interdisciplinarity and Synergy in Scientific and Extra-Scientific 
Collaborations. Journal of the Association for Information Science and 
Technology. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.24416

I try to stay close to the Shannon measures of information; for resaons 
of parsimony.


<https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030599508>Loet Leydesdorff


Professor emeritus, University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR)

loet en leydesdorff.net <mailto:loet en leydesdorff.net>; 


ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7835-3098;

"The Evolutionary Dynamics of Discursive Knowledge" at


------ Original Message ------
From: "Arieh Ben-Naim" <ariehbennaim en gmail.com>
To: "Loet Leydesdorff" <loet en leydesdorff.net>
Cc: "Joseph Brenner" <joe.brenner en bluewin.ch>; "fis" 
<fis en listas.unizar.es>
Sent: 1/6/2021 8:50:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Fis] FW: Fwd: Entropy, the Second Law, and Life. Order 
/and/ Disorder

>Dear Loet,
>To the best of my knowledge redundancy, as defined by Shannon, is a 
>measure of how far the Shannon measure of information (SMI) of a given 
>distribution is far from its maximal value. In this sense redundancy is 
>not “opposed to entropy”
>Entropy, is related to the maximum SMI defined on the distribution of 
>locations and momenta of all particles of the system.
>Thus, I think redundancy is certainly part of information theory, 
>whether it can have any relevance to thermodynamics, I do not know.
>On Wed, 6 Jan 2021 at 8:29 Loet Leydesdorff <loet en leydesdorff.net> 
>>Dear Joe,
>>Interesting questions can be raised about
>>* redundancy (as opposed to entropy)
>>* Second law vs the dynamics of anticipation (Rosen, Dubois)
>>* Culture as a non-living system of communications
>>Arieh: I enjoyed reading the chapter.
>>It seems to me that a calculus of redundancy can be juxtaposed to the 
>>Shannon measures of information. It is a methodological challenge to 
>>keep these two theories as compatible as possible.  Would you agree?
>><https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030599508>Loet Leydesdorff
>>Professor emeritus, University of Amsterdam
>>Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR)
>>loet en leydesdorff.net <mailto:loet en leydesdorff.net>; 
>>ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7835-3098;
>>"The Evolutionary Dynamics of Discursive Knowledge" at
>>------ Original Message ------
>>From: "Joseph Brenner" <joe.brenner en bluewin.ch>
>>To: petitjean.chiral en gmail.com
>>Cc: "fis" <fis en listas.unizar.es>
>>Sent: 1/5/2021 10:07:28 PM
>>Subject: [Fis] FW: Fwd: Entropy, the Second Law, and Life. Order /and/ 
>>>Dear Michel and All,
>>>I cannot show you a single definition of order or disorder. Perhaps 
>>>the best place to start is with the origin of the English word 
>>>‘order’ (Latin: ordo) which refers to the sequence of threads in the 
>>>woof of a weaving. Different sequences are perfectly clear 
>>>phenomenologically, no? It also seems to me that such an ‘order’ is a 
>>>quite limited scalar quantity.
>>>I would like to propose that order and disorder cannot in fact be 
>>>defined independently of one another. Any sequence of threads which 
>>>has been changed is a disorder relative to the initial state. The 
>>>notion of change clarifies the problem further, because any 
>>>non-random change requires an operator, who is capable of reversing 
>>>the process, replacing the threads in their initial sequence.
>>>I conclude, following Michel, that the answers to questions of 
>>>maximal and minimal order defined as a scalar will be the same as 
>>>those for any other scalar quantity.
>>>However, characterization of a dynamic concept of order, where order 
>>>is not a scalar quantity but can have qualitative properties, is 
>>>possible but requires reference to the evolution of some process, 
>>>that is, to change. One could define regions where the sequences are 
>>>stable or unstable (actually or potentially being changed), but also 
>>>pleasing or displeasing
>>>We can then expect that the laws of this kind of ‘order’ will follow 
>>>a non-Kolmogorovian probability distribution, be difficult to define 
>>>and impossible to compute. That’s life.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Fis [mailto:fis-bounces en listas.unizar.es] On Behalf Of Michel 
>>>Sent: lundi, 4 janvier 2021 20:48
>>>To: Arieh Ben-Naim
>>>Cc: fis
>>>Subject: Re: [Fis] Fwd: Entropy, the Second Law, and Life
>>>Dear Arieh,
>>>Many thanks for your great contribution.
>>>Eisnstein was right, the framework of applicability is the main 
>>>And it is often neglecetd, about the universe, and about life.
>>>We can find in many books about thermodynamics a definition of 
>>>I don't discuss it, even if there is much to say about it.
>>>An important point is, what is disorder?
>>>Does anybody can show me a definition of disorder?
>>>May be the negation of order.
>>>But what is order ?
>>>Not the mathematical definition in set theory (partial order, total
>>>order), it seems to be something else.
>>>Does anybody can show me a definition of order?
>>>If somebody can tell me what is order or what is disorder
>>>(microstates? randomness? else?), my next question follows.
>>>Is it possible to define what is the maximal order (or minimal
>>>disorder), and conversely, what is the minimal order (or maximal
>>>Once we get clear concepts in simple situations, we may discuss their
>>>application to life.
>>>If the concepts are unclear in simple situations, disussing their
>>>application to life will never end.
>>>Best regards,
>>>Michel Petitjean
>>>Université de Paris, BFA, CNRS UMR 8251, INSERM ERL U1133, F-75013 
>>>Paris, France
>>>Phone: +331 5727 8434; Fax: +331 5727 8372
>>>E-mail: petitjean.chiral en gmail.com (preferred),
>>>         michel.petitjean en univ-paris-diderot.fr
>>>Le lun. 4 janv. 2021 à 19:03, Arieh Ben-Naim <ariehbennaim en gmail.com> 
>>>a écrit :
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>>> > From: Pedro C. Marijuan <pcmarijuan.iacs en aragon.es>
>>> > Date: Sat, Jan 2, 2021 at 8:57 PM
>>> > Subject: Entropy, the Second Law, and Life
>>> > To: Arieh Ben-Naim <ariehbennaim en gmail.com>
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Dear FIS Discussants,
>>> >
>>> > It is for me a great pleasure to impart this New Year Lecture. I 
>>>will address one of my favorite topics: the numerous and notable 
>>>misunderstandings that historically have accompanied, and continue to 
>>>accompany, the relationship between entropy and life. I have devoted 
>>>many years to the study of entropy and produced quite a few books and 
>>>articles about that (see the references below). It is amazing the 
>>>persistence of so many errors, misunderstandings and blunders around 
>>>that fundamental concept. As a guide to the present discussion, I 
>>>have attached a chapter of my new book on "Entropy: The greatest 
>>>Blunder in the History of Science". In the excerpt that follows 
>>>herein, I have dropped most of the formal arguments, so let me 
>>>emphasize reading the entire chapter --sent in a separate mail (for 
>>>list-server reasons).
>>> >
>>> > Best wishes
>>> >
>>> > Arieh
>>> >
>>> > 
>>> >
>>> > Entropy, the Second Law, and Life
>>> >
>>> > Arieh Ben-Naim
>>> >
>>> > Emeritus Professor, Department of Physical Chemistry, The 
>>>HebrewUniversity of Jerusalem
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Introduction
>>> >
>>> > I would like to start this article with a quotation by Albert 
>>>Einstein on thermodynamics:
>>> >
>>> > “It is the only physical theory of universal content, which I am 
>>>convinced, that within the framework of applicability of its basic 
>>>concepts will never be overthrown.”
>>> >
>>> > Most people who use this quotation, emphasize the last part, 
>>>namely, that Thermodynamics will “never be overthrown.” Of course I 
>>>agree with that part. However, my emphasis, in this article is on the 
>>>“framework of applicability.” My main point is that entropy and the 
>>>Second Law were used far beyond their “framework of applicability.”  
>>>One such application is to living systems, which I will discuss in 
>>>this article. The second is the application of Entropy and the Second 
>>>Law to the entire universe. This is discussed in details in 
>>>references [1,2].
>>> >
>>> > The application of entropy and the Second Law to a living system is 
>>>based on two erroneous assumptions:
>>> >
>>> > 1.   Entropy is a measure of disorder (or disorganization)
>>> >
>>> > Life is understood as a process towards organization and creation 
>>>of order
>>> >
>>> > From these two assumptions it follows, almost naturally that 
>>>life-processes seem to be “a struggle against the Second Law of 
>>> >
>>> > In this article we shall distinguish between two different 
>>>questions: The first one, the possibility of defining entropy; and 
>>>the second, the applicability of the Second Law to living systems. We 
>>>shall start with the general question on whether one can or cannot 
>>>describe a living system by a few thermodynamic variables such as 
>>>temperature, pressure and composition. This discussion will lead us 
>>>to conclude that one cannot specify the “thermodynamic state” of a 
>>>living system. It follows that entropy is undefinable for any living 
>>>system. Next, we shall discuss the question of the applicability of 
>>>the Second Law to living systems. The answer to this question is a 
>>>definite, No!
>>> >
>>> > Can entropy be defined for any living system?
>>> >
>>> > This question is part of a more general question: Can physics, as 
>>>we know it today, be used to discuss and explain all aspects of life? 
>>>In particular, those aspects of life we call mental processes such as 
>>>thinking, feeling, consciousness, and the like. This question has 
>>>been discussed by numerous scientists, in particular by Schrödinger 
>>>[3], Penrose [4,5] and many others. Interestingly, some of these 
>>>scientists raised serious doubts about the general question stated 
>>>above, yet they did not shy away from applying entropy and the Second 
>>>Law to living systems.
>>> >
>>> > Everyone knows that life phenomena are the most complex, intricate, 
>>>interesting, wonderful, and whatever one wishes to ascribe to it. 
>>>During the 20th century science had achieved a great amount of 
>>>knowledge and understanding about the many aspects of life, from 
>>>biochemical processes, genetics, molecular biology, to brain 
>>>functions, and many more. There are however many more aspects of life 
>>>that we do not understand. There are also aspects of life that we 
>>>might never understand.
>>> >
>>> > Indeed, during the past century remarkable advances in 
>>>understanding the molecular basis of life have been achieved. A whole 
>>>new branch of biology was created: Molecular Biology. The mechanism 
>>>of heredity was deciphered, the so-called “genetic code” was 
>>>discovered, the code which is responsible for translating the message 
>>>“written” in the DNA into synthesizing proteins which are the 
>>>so-called molecular robots in our cells.
>>> >
>>> > There are many specific processes which have been studied by 
>>>thermodynamics. Examples: Chemical reactions, including metabolism 
>>>where energy stored in some chemical bonds are used to synthesize 
>>>many molecules which are vital to life. Photosynthesis, where energy 
>>>from the sun rays is used to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) and water 
>>>(H2O) to high energy sugars.  In all of these cases the reactions 
>>>could be studied in vitro, i.e. in a laboratory setting, or in test 
>>>tubes, isolated from the entire complicated environment in the cell 
>>>(in vivo). Clearly, thermodynamics was, and still is, the main tool 
>>>in understanding the energetics of these reactions.
>>> >
>>> > There are other processes such as muscle contraction (i.e. 
>>>converting chemical energy into mechanical work) or “firing” of 
>>>electrical signals along the nerves’ axons which were studied 
>>>thoroughly by thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. In all of 
>>>these specific processes one can isolate the process and study it in 
>>>well-defined environments and apply all the tools of thermodynamics 
>>>successfully. However, with all these remarkable achievements which 
>>>fill up countless textbooks on molecular biology, biochemistry, 
>>>energy transduction, neural networks and more, there is still one 
>>>phenomenon that was, and still is, inaccessible to study with the 
>>>tools of thermodynamics in particular, and in physics, in general. 
>>>This is life itself.
>>> >
>>> > In fact, we still do not know how to define “life” or life related 
>>>phenomena such as consciousness, awareness, the mechanism underlying 
>>>our thinking, our feelings, and our ability to make decisions or 
>>>create arts. Notwithstanding the difficulty of defining “life,” it is 
>>>clear that a living system is far from equilibrium. As such the 
>>>concept of entropy cannot be applied. Simply because entropy is a 
>>>state function. This means that entropy is definable for a 
>>>well-defined thermodynamic system at equilibrium.
>>> >
>>> > We can easily describe the “state” of person sitting in a room. But 
>>>this is not a thermodynamic description which requires just a few 
>>>thermodynamic parameters. However, even if we could describe the 
>>>physical state of the body, there is still the question of how to 
>>>describe the state of the mind of the person? The last question 
>>>brings us to the classical question about the nature of the mind. It 
>>>is possible that within some future extensions of physical theories 
>>>all mental activities could be discussed. However, at this point in 
>>>time it is appropriate to be cautious and refer to this possibility 
>>>as a “hypothesis.” In my view, statements such as Crick’s 
>>>“Astonishing Hypothesis” is very much a hypothesis, and it will 
>>>remain a hypothesis for a long time. If and when this hypothesis will 
>>>be proven to be correct, then it will be an enormously astonishing 
>>>achievement, particularly to all those who subscribe to the concept 
>>>of dualism.
>>> >
>>> > To conclude, we do not know whether or not living systems can be 
>>>described as purely material objects on which all the physical laws 
>>>are applicable. But even if such a description becomes feasible, one 
>>>could not claim that living systems are well-defined thermodynamic 
>>>systems, i.e. macro-systems describable by a few thermodynamic 
>>>variables. Therefore, entropy may not be applied to such systems. 
>>>This conclusion very clearly follows from any definition of entropy 
>>>See Ben-Naim [1,2,8-10].
>>> >
>>> > The history of application of Entropy and the Second Law to living 
>>> >
>>> > Perhaps the oldest association of Second Law with life is due to 
>>>Boltzmann. On May 29, 1886, Ludwig Boltzmann presented a talk at the 
>>>Festive Session of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in Vienna where 
>>>he discussed “The Second Law of Thermodynamics” with special emphasis 
>>>on its application in relation to Charles Darwin's 1859 theory of 
>>>evolution [16].
>>> >
>>> > The most-quoted passage from this lecture is that life is a 
>>>struggle for entropy:
>>> >
>>> > “The general struggle for existence of animate beings is not 
>>>struggle for raw materials, these, for organisms, are air, water and 
>>>soil, all abundantly available, nor for energy, which exists in 
>>>plenty in anybody in the form of heat Q, but of a struggle for 
>>>entropy, which becomes available through the transition of energy 
>>>from the hot sun to the cold earth.”
>>> >
>>> > As we have discussed above (see attached Chapter), Boltzmann 
>>>believed that a system proceeds from a low to a high probability, 
>>>also he stated that systems proceed from ordered to disordered 
>>>states. Since living systems are considered to proceed from 
>>>disorganized to more organized he has used essentially the argent in 
>>>the abstract to conclude that life is a “struggle for entropy”
>>> >
>>> > However, the most influential physicist who propagated the 
>>>erroneous ideas about entropy and life was Erwin Schrödinger. In his 
>>>book “What is Life?” published in (1944) [3], he discussed in greater 
>>>detail the role of entropy in living systems. We will provide some 
>>>quotations from this book in the next section.
>>> >
>>> > Schrödinger’s book: What is life?
>>> >
>>> > On the question: “What is life? one cannot avoid starting with the 
>>>most famous book written by Schrödinger [3].
>>> >
>>> > This book is based on lectures delivered by Schrödinger in Dublin 
>>>in 1943. This book was most influential for a long time and probably 
>>>laid the cornerstone for the creation of the whole field of molecular 
>>>biology. It also has encouraged many physicists to apply the methods 
>>>of physics to biology. In this section we shall present only a few 
>>>comments about some of Schrödinger’s statement regarding entropy, 
>>>more details may be found in reference [2].
>>> >
>>> > In Chapter 1 of his book, Schrödinger correctly pointed out that 
>>>“the physicist’s most dreaded weapon, mathematical deduction, would 
>>>hardly be utilized. The reason for this was not that the subject was 
>>>simple enough to be explained without mathematics, but rather it was 
>>>too much involved to be fully accessible to mathematics. As I noted 
>>>above, it is not clear at all which kind of mathematics or physics 
>>>one would need to describe life. Then Schrödinger outlines the plan 
>>>of his lectures as follows:
>>> >
>>> > “The large and important and very much discussed question is: How 
>>>can the events in space and time which take place within the spatial 
>>>boundary of a living organism be accounted for by physics and 
>>> >
>>> > His preliminary answer to this question:
>>> >
>>> >  “The preliminary answer which this little book will endeavor to 
>>>expound and establish can be summarized as follows: The obvious 
>>>inability of present-day physics and chemistry to account for such 
>>>events is no reason at all for doubting that they can be accounted 
>>>for by those sciences.”
>>> >
>>> > Schrödinger attempts to explain the source of difficulty of 
>>>applying the methods of physics and chemistry to living systems. The 
>>>fundamental difference between a living system and any piece of 
>>>matter that physicists and chemists have ever handled is in the 
>>>structure, or the arrangement of atoms and molecules in the organism 
>>>differs fundamentally from that of a system dealt with physics and 
>>>chemistry. It seems to me that Schrödinger, at least in this stage of 
>>>the book believed that once physicists enter into biology and apply 
>>>their powerful arsenal of physical methods and theories, they shall 
>>>be able to answer the question posed in the book.
>>> >
>>> > On page 10 Schrödinger provides some hints about his intention to 
>>>use the Second Law:
>>> >
>>> >  “The reason for this is, that what we call thought (1) is itself 
>>>an orderly thing, and (2) can only be applied to material, i.e. to 
>>>perception or experiences, which have a certain degree of 
>>>orderliness… Therefore, the physical interactions between our system 
>>>and others must, as a rule, themselves possess a certain degree of 
>>>physical orderliness, that is to say, they too must obey strict 
>>>physical laws to a certain degree of accuracy.”
>>> >
>>> > My impression is that Schrödinger used the terms “orderly thing,” 
>>>“orderliness,” “physical organization,” “well ordered organization,” 
>>>and similar terms in anticipation of his usage of entropy and the 
>>>Second Law of thermodynamics in later chapters.
>>> >
>>> > Chapter 6, of his book is titled: “Order, disorder and entropy.” He 
>>>starts with the common and erroneous statement of the Second Law in 
>>>terms of the “order” and “disorder.”
>>> >
>>> >  “It has been explained in Chapter 1 that the laws of physics, as 
>>>we know them, are statistical laws. They have a lot to do with the 
>>>natural tendency of things to go over into disorder.”
>>> >
>>> > There is of course, no such “natural tendency,” except in the minds 
>>>of those who have a distorted view of the Second Law. Then, he makes 
>>>another typical statement about life:
>>> >
>>> > Life seems to be orderly and lawful behavior of matter, not based 
>>>exclusively on its tendency to go over from order to disorder, but 
>>>bases partly on existing order that is kept up.
>>> >
>>> > The idea that life somehow withstands the “natural tendency to go 
>>>from order to disorder” is quite frequently found in the literature;” 
>>>“life withstands the ravages of entropy,” “life disobeyed the Second 
>>>Law” and so on. Unfortunately, all these statements are meaningless; 
>>>there exists no tendency of going from order to disorder in the first 
>>>place. The tendency of entropy to increase applies to some specific 
>>>processes in isolated systems, and not to a living system which is an 
>>>open system, far from equilibrium. It is only on page 74 that he 
>>>explicitly relates the Second Law with the behavior of living 
>>> >
>>> >  “The general principle involved is the famous Second Law of 
>>>Thermodynamics (entropy principle) and its equally famous statistical 
>>> >
>>> > His main claim is that “living matter evades the decay to 
>>> >
>>> >  “It is avoiding the rapid decay into the inert state of 
>>>‘equilibrium’ that an organism appears to be enigmatic; so much so, 
>>>that from the earliest times of human thought some special 
>>>non-physical or supernatural force (vis viva, entelechy) was claimed 
>>>to be operative in the organism, and in some quarters is still 
>>> >
>>> > Then he asks:
>>> >
>>> >  “How does the living organism avoid decay? The obvious answer is: 
>>>By eating, drinking, breathing and (in the case of plants) 
>>>assimilating. The technical term is metabolism.”
>>> >
>>> > I believe that the book’s highlight is reflected on page 76:
>>> >
>>> >  “What then is that precious something contained in our food which 
>>>keeps us from death? That is easily answered. Every process, event, 
>>>happening – call it what you will; in a word, everything that is 
>>>going on in Nature means an increase of the entropy of the part of 
>>>the world where it is going on. Thus, a living organism continually 
>>>increases its entropy – or, as you may say, produces positive entropy 
>>>– and thus tends to approach the dangerous state of maximum entropy, 
>>>which is death. It can only keep aloof from it, i.e. alive, by 
>>>continually drawing from its environment negative entropy – which is 
>>>something very positive as we shall immediately see. What an organism 
>>>feeds upon is negative entropy. Or, to put it less paradoxically, the 
>>>essential thing in metabolism is that organism succeeds in freeing 
>>>itself from all the entropy it cannot help producing while alive.”
>>> >
>>> > First, I certainly do not agree that everything that goes on in 
>>>Nature means an “increase of the entropy,” second, that living things 
>>>“produce positive entropy,” and finally that the only way it can keep 
>>>alive is by drawing negative entropy from its environment. I, of 
>>>course realize that such assertions have been made by numerous 
>>>scientists. Unfortunately, none of these can be justified in terms of 
>>>the entropy and the Second Law. Such statements, in my opinion are 
>>>meaningless. Entropy, by definition, is a positive quantity. There is 
>>>no negative entropy, as there is no negative volume, negative mass or 
>>>negative time.
>>> >
>>> > Did Schrödinger have a bad slip of the tongue in this statement? It 
>>>seems to me that Schrödinger did believe in what he said. It is 
>>>unfortunate however, that many others, scientists as well as 
>>>non-scientists fell into the pitfall created by Schrödinger’s 
>>>negative entropy. On page 78 Schrödinger concludes that “organization 
>>>is maintained by extracting order from the environment.”
>>> >
>>> > “Living organism… delays the decay into thermodynamic equilibrium 
>>>(death), by feeding upon negative entropy, attracting a stream of 
>>>negative entropy upon itself… and to maintain itself on a stationary 
>>>and fairly low entropy level.”
>>> >
>>> > Since there is no way of measuring or calculating the “entropy 
>>>level” of a living system, all these impressive statements are 
>>>outright meaningless. They certainly do not answer the question posed 
>>>in the title of Schrödinger’s book.
>>> >
>>> > In concluding, Schrödinger’s book was no doubt a very influential 
>>>one especially in encouraging many physicists to look into biology. 
>>>Most people praised the book, but some expressed their doubts about 
>>>its content.
>>> >
>>> > Perhaps, the most famous skeptic of Schrödinger’s contribution to 
>>>understanding of life, was Linus Pauling. In Hager’s (1995) biography 
>>>of Linus Pauling, he wrote about Pauling’s view about Schrödinger’s 
>>>book [17].
>>> >
>>> > “Pauling thought the book was hogwash. No one had ever demonstrated 
>>>the existence of anything like “negative entropy… Schrödinger’s 
>>>discussion of thermodynamics is vague and superficial… Schrödinger 
>>>made no contribution to our understanding of life.”
>>> >
>>> > I fully agree!
>>> >
>>> > Likewise, Perutz had a similar criticism of Schrodinger’s book, in 
>>>1987) [18]:
>>> >
>>> > “When I was invited to review the influence of What is Life? I 
>>>accepted with the intention of doing honor to Schrodinger's memory. 
>>>To my disappointment, a close study of his book and of the related 
>>>literature has shown me that what was true in his book was not 
>>>original, and most of what was original was known not to be true even 
>>>when it was written.”
>>> >
>>> > In conclusion, in my view both comments by Pauling and Perutz were 
>>>quite mild. Regarding the involvement of entropy and the Second Law, 
>>>I feel that Schrödinger has miserably gone astray. In general, I was 
>>>disappointed with his book. My main reason is not because Schrödinger 
>>>did not offer an answer to the question posed in the title of the 
>>>book, but because whatever partial answers he offered are at best 
>>>unconvincing and perhaps even meaningless.
>>> >
>>> > I should also add one personal comment about the very idea of 
>>>invoking entropy and the Second Law in connection with life 
>>>phenomena. Personally, I believe that if ever a “complete theory of 
>>>life” will be available, it will involve neither entropy nor the 
>>>Second Law of thermodynamics. In light of this belief, I think that 
>>>Schrödinger’s book has unintentionally encouraged people in making a 
>>>lot of meaningless statements associating entropy and the Second Law 
>>>with life phenomena.
>>> >
>>> > More on Entropy, the Second Law and life
>>> >
>>> > Open any book discussing the question of “What is Life?” and you 
>>>are likely to read grandiose statements ranging from “life violates 
>>>the Second Law of Thermodynamics,” to “life emerges from the Second 
>>>Law,” and that the Second Law explains many aspects of life, perhaps 
>>>life itself.
>>> >
>>> > The involvement of the Second Law in life is based on the 
>>>misconstrued (I would even say, perverted) interpretation of entropy 
>>>as a measure of disorder, on one hand, and the view that life is a 
>>>process towards more order, more structure, more organization, etc. 
>>>on the other hand.
>>> >
>>> > Combining these two erroneous views inevitably leads us to the 
>>>association of life phenomena with a decrease in entropy. This in 
>>>turn leads to the erroneous (perhaps meaningless) conclusion that 
>>>life is a “struggle” against the Second Law. I should add that even 
>>>if the two assumptions were correct, the conclusion will still be 
>>>wrong! The fact is that entropy cannot be defined forany living 
>>>system, and the Second Law, in its entropy formulation does not apply 
>>>to living systems.
>>> >
>>> > Here is an example from Katchalsky[19] in (1963):
>>> >
>>> >  “Life is a constant struggle against the tendency to produce 
>>>entropy by irreversible process. The synthesis of large and 
>>>information-rich-macromolecules…all these are powerful anti-entropic 
>>>force…living organism choose the least evil. They produce entropy at 
>>>a minimal rate by maintaining a steady state.”
>>> >
>>> > This is a beautiful statement but devoid of any meaning. No one 
>>>knows how to define the entropy of a living system, and how much 
>>>entropy is produced by a living organism.
>>> >
>>> > Volkenstein [20], comments on the “anti-entropic” by saying:
>>> >
>>> > “At least we understand that life is not “antientropic,” a word 
>>>bereft of meaning. On the contrary, life exists because there is 
>>>entropy, the export of which supports biological processes…”
>>> >
>>> > Indeed “anti-entropic” is as meaningless as “anti-volume,” (see 
>>>also reference [2]). Unfortunately, Volkenstein’s statement is far 
>>>more meaningless than the concept of “anti-entropic.”
>>> >
>>> > Here is another outstanding example:
>>> >
>>> > In Atkins’ (1984) introduction to his book [11] he writes:
>>> >
>>> >  “In Chapter 8 we also saw how the Second Law accounts for the 
>>>emergence of the intricately ordered forms characteristic of life.”
>>> >
>>> > Of course, this is an unfulfilled promise. No one has ever shown 
>>>that the Second Law accounts for the emergence of… life! At the end 
>>>of Chapter 7, Atkins writes:
>>> >
>>> > “We shall see how chaos can run apparently against Nature, and 
>>>achieve that most unnatural of ends, life itself.”
>>> >
>>> > Finally, after discussing some aspects of processes in a living 
>>>organism, Atkins concludes his book:
>>> >
>>> >  “We are the children of chaos, and the deep structure of change is 
>>>decay. At root, there is only corruption, and the unstemmable tide of 
>>>chaos… This is the bleakness we have to accept as we peer deeply and 
>>>dispassionately into the heart of the universe.
>>> >
>>> > Yet, when we look around and see beauty, when we look within and 
>>>experience consciousness, and when we participate in the delights of 
>>>life, we know in our hearts that the heart of the universe is richer 
>>>by far.”
>>> >
>>> > So beautiful and so empty combination of words!
>>> >
>>> > Do we feed on negative entropy?
>>> >
>>> > Brillouin [21], “feeding on the negative entropy” ideas pronounced 
>>>by Schrödinger, goes even further and claims that:
>>> >
>>> >  “If living organism needs food, it is only for the negentropy it 
>>>can get from it, and which is needed to make up for the losses due to 
>>>mechanical work done, or simple degradation processes in living 
>>>systems. Energy contained in food does not really matter: Since 
>>>energy is conserved and never gets lost, but negentropy is the 
>>>important factor.”
>>> >
>>> > This is quite strange. If this is the case, why do all food 
>>>products reflect caloric value on their labels? The food 
>>>manufacturers should instead print the “important factor” of 
>>>negentropy in units of calories per degree or perhaps in bits, on 
>>>their labels. Thus, next time you look at the labels on food products 
>>>you can ignore the “energy value” as they are not important. What 
>>>matters and the only important information to watch out for is the 
>>>meaningless negentropy!
>>> >
>>> > While I am still baffled with the concept of negative entropy, or 
>>>its shorter version negentropy, I was greatly relieved to read 
>>>Hoffmann’s [22] explanation:
>>> >
>>> >  “Life uses a low-entropy source of energy (food or sunlight) and 
>>>locally decreases entropy (created order by growing) at the cost of 
>>>creating a lot of high-entropy “waste energy (heat and chemical 
>>> >
>>> > In more modern books the meaningless notion of negative entropy (or 
>>>neg-entropy) is replaced by the more meaningful term of low entropy.
>>> >
>>> > Is it meaningful to claim that we, living organisms feed on low 
>>>entropy food?
>>> >
>>> > If you are convinced that feeding on low entropy food is the thing 
>>>that keeps you alive you should take your soup (as well as your 
>>>coffee and tea) as cold as possible. This will assure you of feeding 
>>>on the lowest possible liquid food. As for solid food, you should try 
>>>to eat frozen food (but be careful not to put anything at very low 
>>>temperatures into your mouth, that’s going to be very dangerous). As 
>>>we have noted before, the entropy of a living system is not defined – 
>>>not yet, or perhaps never. The main reason is that we do not know how 
>>>to define the state of a living system.
>>> >
>>> > In a recent book by Rovelli [23], the nonsensical idea that 
>>>“entropy is more important than energy is elevated to highest peak. 
>>>You will find there a statement written in all capital letters:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > This very sentence has been praised by some of Rovelli’s reviewers. 
>>>Here, I will briefly say that the entropy of the universe (or the 
>>>world) is not definable. Therefore, entropy does not, and cannot 
>>>drive the universe. In fact, (yes, it is a fact) entropy does not 
>>>drive anything, not even processes in systems for which the entropy 
>>>is defined.
>>> >
>>> > Besides this nonsensical statement, Rovelli goes on to discuss the 
>>>idea of living beings feeding on low entropy. In another copycat 
>>>statement which is attributed to Schrödinger, he suggests something 
>>>which I think is deceiving, irresponsible and dangerous. On page 164 
>>>he writes:
>>> >
>>> > “If all we needed was energy rather than entropy, we would head for 
>>>the heat of the Sahara rather than toward our meal.”
>>> >
>>> > First, I think it is unfair (to say the least) to say “if all we 
>>>needed was energy.” No one needs only energy. We need energy, for 
>>>certain, but we also need some minerals, vitamins, and more than 
>>>anything, water is essential for our general well-being. For the sake 
>>>of argument, suppose that we already have everything, and all the 
>>>rest we need is energy. But then, the author suggests that one should 
>>>head for the heat of the Sahara.
>>> >
>>> > This comment is dangerous because the energy that we need is energy 
>>>stored in some chemical compounds, not the “heat of the Sahara.” If 
>>>one were to believe that energy is important (and assuming that all 
>>>other things including water, are available) then going to the Sahara 
>>>instead of having the next meal, will kill you, so better not to heed 
>>>the Rovelli’s advice.
>>> >
>>> > Besides, the danger of the author’s suggestion is also an absurd 
>>>one. As I wrote above if you believe that entropy is more important 
>>>than the energy of food, then you should drink water as cold as 
>>>possible (preferably iced) which has a lower entropy than hot water. 
>>>To paraphrase the author’s suggestion (not to be taken seriously), I 
>>>would say that if all we need is entropy rather than energy, we 
>>>should head for the cold arctic rather than towards our next meal. I 
>>>repeat that this is just to paraphrase the author’s statement. I am 
>>>not really suggesting that you do it.
>>> >
>>> > If you swallow a cube of ice at 0 , or drink the equivalent amount 
>>>of liquid water at 0 , you will get the same benefit from the water 
>>>molecules. If you have a choice between the two options I recommend 
>>>drinking water (with a higher entropy) rather than the ice (with the 
>>>lower entropy), not because of the entropy difference between the 
>>>two, but simply because the latter might get stuck in your throat.
>>> >
>>> > To conclude this section, it should be stressed that my objection 
>>>to the usage of entropy and the Second Law applies to the entire 
>>>living system and the whole life phenomena. There is no objection to 
>>>studying specific chemical, mechanical, or electrical processes 
>>>occurring within a living system. However, phenomena involving mental 
>>>or conscious activities cannot be included in such process.
>>> >
>>> > Some concluding remarks on Entropy, the Second Law and Life
>>> >
>>> > A great deal of knowledge (or information) has been accumulated on 
>>>many aspects of life. Yet, there is one aspect of life which is 
>>>elusive and that is, life itself. We do not know how to define life, 
>>>how life was created and whether or not life succumbs to the laws of 
>>>physics. Specifically, we do not know how to describe the state of 
>>>being “alive,” for any living organism. We can tell when something is 
>>>alive or not alive, but we cannot specify these states in any of the 
>>>available physical terms. Therefore, there is no point of applying 
>>>the concept of entropy, or of the Second Law to a living system.
>>> >
>>> > We can still apply the concept of information both in its 
>>>colloquial sense, and in its informational theoretical sense. In 
>>>spite of many claims in the literature, the information we have about 
>>>life is in general, not measurable. On the other hand, we can use the 
>>>Shannon Measure of information (SMI) to many probability 
>>>distributions associated with living systems. We can define the 
>>>probability distribution of compounds in a cell, in an organ, or in 
>>>the entire organism. We can assign distribution to the letters in the 
>>>DNA or the letters of proteins, and so on. To each of these 
>>>distributions we can define the corresponding SMI. All these SMI are 
>>>well-defined quantities but they are not entropy. Entropy, when 
>>>viewed as a particular case of a SMI is defined for a specific 
>>>distribution at a specific state of equilibrium. We know that a 
>>>living system is not an equilibrium state. We do not know whether a 
>>>living system tends to an equilibrium state, and whether it will ever 
>>>reach an equilibrium state. Therefore, as long as a living system is 
>>>alive, it is meaningless to apply to it the concept of entropy, nor 
>>>the Second Law of thermodynamics. It also follows that life does not 
>>>violate the Second Law, nor does it emerge from the Second Law. The 
>>>Second Law does not apply to a living system.
>>> >
>>> > At this stage of our knowledge of life we can be satisfied with 
>>>applying the SMI to well specified distribution functions associated 
>>>with a living system.
>>> >
>>> > Unfortunately, we do not know whether or not the SMI or information 
>>>theory can be applied to life itself. Certainly, it cannot be applied 
>>>to explain aspects of life that are far from being understood such as 
>>>consciousness, thoughts, feelings, creativity, etc. Yet again, 
>>>statements claiming that information theory can help us with the 
>>>comprehension of these aspects of life abound in the literature. 
>>>These statements are no doubt very impressive, but unfortunately they 
>>>are far from being true.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > References
>>> >
>>> > 1. Ben-Naim, A. (2016), Entropy the Truth the Whole Truth and 
>>>Nothing but the Truth, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore
>>> >
>>> > 2.  Ben-Naim, A. (2020), The Greatest Blunder in the History of 
>>>Science, involving Entropy, Time, Life and the Universe. 
>>>Independently Publisher, Amazon.
>>> >
>>> > 3. Schrödinger (1944), What Is Life? : The Physical Aspect of the 
>>>Living Cell, Based on lectures delivered under the auspices of the 
>>>Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies at Trinity College, Dublin, in 
>>>February 1943
>>> >
>>> > 4. Penrose, R. (1989), The Emperor’s Mind. Concerning Computers, 
>>>Minds and the Law of Physics, Penguin Books, New York
>>> >
>>> > 5. Penrose, R. (1994)Penrose, R. (1994), Shadows of the Mind: An 
>>>Approach to the Missing Science of Consciousness, OxfordUniversity 
>>>Press, Oxford
>>> >
>>> > 6. Crick, F. (1994), “The Astonishing Hypothesis,” The Scientific 
>>>Search For the Soul,” Touchstone, Simon and Shuster, New York
>>> >
>>> > 7. Dennett, D. (2017), “From Bacteria to Bach and Back,” The 
>>>Evolution of Minds,” W. W. Norton, Inc. USA, Henry Holt and Co., New 
>>>York (2018)
>>> >
>>> > 8. Ben-Naim, A. (2017), The Four Laws that do not drive the 
>>>Universe, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore
>>> >
>>> > 9. Ben-Naim A. and Casadei D. (2017), Modern Thermodynamics, World 
>>>Scientific Publishing, Singapore
>>> >
>>> > 10. Ben-Naim, A. (2018), Time’s Arrow?The Timeless Nature of 
>>>Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Lulu Publishing 
>>> >
>>> > 11. Atkins, P. (1984),The Second Law, Scientific American Books, W. 
>>>H. Freeman and Co., New York
>>> >
>>> > 12.  Atkins, P. (2007), Four Laws That Drive The Universe, 
>>>OxfordUniversity Press
>>> >
>>> > 13. Brush, S. G. (1976), The Kind of Motion We Call Heat. A History 
>>>of the Kinetic Theory of Gases in The 19th Century, Book 2: 
>>>Statistical Physics and Irreversible Processes. North-Holland 
>>>Publishing Company
>>> >
>>> > 14. Brush, S. G. (1983), Statistical Physics and the Atomic Theory 
>>>of Matter, from Boyle and Newton to Landau and Onsager. 
>>>PrincetonUniversity Press, Princeton.
>>> >
>>> > 15. Ben-Naim, A. (2020),Time for Everyone and Time for Everything, 
>>>Independent      Publisher, Amazon
>>> >
>>> > 16. Boltzmann, L. (1877), ViennaAcademy. 42, “Gesammelte Werke” p. 
>>> >
>>> > 17. Hager, T. (1995), Forces of Nature, the Life of Linus Pauling, 
>>>Simon and Schuster, New York
>>> >
>>> > 18. Perutz, M.F. (1987),Physics and the riddle of life, Nature,  
>>>326, 555–558
>>> >
>>> > 19. Katchalsky, A. (1963), Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics, Int. Sci. 
>>>Technol, 43
>>> >
>>> > 20. Volkenstein, M. V. (2009), Entropy and Information, translated 
>>>by A. Shenitzer and A. G. Burns, Birkhauser, Berlin
>>> >
>>> > 21. Brillouin, L. (1962), Science and Information Theory, Academic 
>>>Press, New York
>>> >
>>> > 22. Hoffman, P.M. (2012), Life’s Ratchet, How Molecular Machines 
>>>Extract Order from Chaos, Basic Books, New York
>>> >
>>> > 23. Rovelli, C. (2018) The Order of Time, Riverhead books, New York
>>> >
>>> > 24. Styer, D.F. (2008), Entropy and Evolution, Am. Journal of 
>>>Physics, 76, 1031
>>> >
>>> > 25. Sanford, J. C. (2005), Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the 
>>>Genome, Ivan Press, a division of Elim Publishin
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > -------------------------------------------------
>>> > Pedro C. Marijuán
>>> > Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
>>> >
>>> > pcmarijuan.iacs en aragon.es
>>> > http://sites.google.com/site/pedrocmarijuan/
>>> > -------------------------------------------------
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Prof. Arieh Ben-Naim
>>> > Department of Physical Chemistry
>>> > The HebrewUniversity of Jerusalem
>>> > Jerusalem, 91904
>>> > Israel
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>Department of Physical Chemistry
>The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
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