[Fis] Abstract--Electronic Symbiosis—Lessons from Bacteria & Numbers

Karl Javorszky karl.javorszky at gmail.com
Tue Feb 16 18:03:48 CET 2021

Dear List,

Howard's idea of pre-peer-circulating the abstracts is very helpful in my
eyes. By this method, one can test the deeps, who and how many people are
interested in one's stick horse.
Let us have a tour d'horizon. Who knows, whether we shall actually meet,
and perusing the abstracts is a good prelude for virtual meetings.

The picture Howard draws is of a biotop, in which recycling processes and
feed-back loops maintain a stable periodicity.  There are systems and

It is a dream task for a design engineer to translate this artist's vision
into a realisable concept. Does this list think that it is possible to come
up with a plan to realise Howard's vision? Is the idea that Howard
presented, a rational one? If so, a technical feasibility study is the next

What general ideas have to be laid to rest and what new general ideas have
to be accepted as fundamentals? Is it possible at all to create a picture
of interdependent systems that are nested in each other and influence each

We are at the entry of a new session of fis. May it be fruitful and
entertaining, deepening our enlightenment about symbiotic processes.

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