[Fis] 回复: 回复: Hello IS4SI?

钟义信 zyx at bupt.edu.cn
Sun Mar 8 02:32:15 CET 2020

Dear All,

Many thanks for the deep-thoughtful and helpful comments, given by many friends these days, on the concepts of information, from which I learned a lot.

As response to the comments, I try to provide some more explanations on the concepts such as "information", "subject" and "object", and etc., in what follows. You are also very much welcome to give more comments on the explanations.

(1) The Concept of Information
As Krassir pointed out that both the concepts, "ontological information" and "epistemological information", have been given in my eariler message but did not mention the concept "information" itself. 
My answer to this point is that ontological information (or object information) is just the information. So, the definition of ontological information is just the definition of information. 

It may need mention that ontological information depends only on object in environment and has nothing to do with subject, and thus has only one component - the state of the object and the pattern of state varying - the formal expression.

Only when the ontological (object) information being perceived by subject, can both components of pragmatical and sementic informatio be occured. 

Because the epistemological information is the result perceived by subject from ontological information, therefore, the ontological information is the origin while the epistemological information is the outcome of the origin.

Further, syntactic, pragmatic, and semantic information are not in the same level, instead they have the following relationship:

                                     Isem = f (Isyn, Iprag),

where Isem, Iprag, Isyn stands for semantic, pragmatic, syntactic information respectively, and f is an operator mapping the (syntactic, pragmatic) into the spapce of semantic information and then naming the result.

(2) The Concept of Subject 
What we should say that any kinds of living things can be regarded as subject, such as humans, animals, plants, and bacteria, and etc., depending on the specific situation discussed. The common feature for all kinds of living things is that they all have desire to be alive and to avoid to be dead. Yet the differences among them is the ability that different kinds of subject have is different. The higher rank subjects  (for example human subjects) have, in principle, stronger ability to get, to handle, and to utiliza the information from environment and hence to be alive and to avoid risks whereas the lower rank subjects (for instance bacteria) have weaker ability. 

(3) The Concept of Object
The object can either be living things or non-living things  depending on the situation concerned.

Whether or not these eaplanations are right? Welcome again for comments and criticism.

All the best,

Prof. Zhong Y. X.
Center for Intelligence Science Research
Beijing University of Posts & Telecom





------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "Pedro"<pcmarijuan.iacs at aragon.es>;
发送时间: 2020年3月6日(星期五) 凌晨4:41
收件人: "fis"<fis at listas.unizar.es>; 

主题: Re: [Fis] 回复: Hello IS4SI?


                   Dear Yixin & FIS Colleagues,
     My impression is that your approach has       merit in connecting the problem of information with the ecology of       knowledge and the new directions of artificial intelligence. You       have introduced order, but may I say that it is somehow       "artificial" and has not cut through the Gordian knot that freezes       current approaches to information? Metaphorically speaking, of       course... Although far from having any clear solution, I will       propose some alternative/complementary  directions to explore.       Sorry if what follows sounds a little bit confusing.
     First. About "ontological information"        ( you say "of any object, including         the living and non-living thins, is the object’s formal           state and the pattern of the state varying that are         produced and presented by the objects in the real world"). I think this category is open ended, unassailable except by a lot of intersubjective           consensus that has to cut among the multiple processes           involved in the apparent stability of that object. I almost           remember a fine, classical essay about what's in a dime           (although I cannot locate it on the Internet--does anyone           reminds it??). So that one can relate dozens and dozens of           processes that may be taking part, facultatively, of the           multiple info wrappings around that innocent "object". In your terms, I think, we must use our own           epistemic information, and make a series of exchanges, in           order to abduce some items and agree: this is the concrete           piece of information of the object we will focus on.           Fortunately we have a social-cognitive instinct that gives us           all that fuss almost for free. But, in fact we amalgamate not           two but the three kinds of information you mention --for our           agreement on the concrete piece of information abduced will be           due to previously sharing/discussing some pragmatics. 
     And second, speaking only on "objects" obscures the many crisscrossed           processes that may be intervening. Actually, any object is but           a temporal "island of stability" concerning some of those           intervening processes, the most generative ones. And depending           on the space-time scale of observation, some of these           processes will disappear (irrelevant) while others will take           relevance. To go beyond, a philosophy of processes is needed           that may clarify the necessary coupling of the environmental           presences with the subject. But more difficulties appear now,           for the subject always seems to be the ineffable scientific observer           endowed with the "principle of objectivation" and with           unlimited cognitive capability. This point is important for           me, as the further components of epistemological information           you mention (syntactic, semantic, pragmatic) do not match well           with this coupling. If we want to consider a non-human           observer --eg, my favorite bacterium, E. coli k12 responding           to a quorum signal-- we have no clear responses. What             matches the environmental presences is always an ADVANCING             LIFE CYCLE, always engaged in the procurement of its own             advancement. For bacteria or for the microscopist.           Further, the particular subject has to look for the consensus           (quorum signals, reports & publications) within the           community of co-observers. And in the human case, the bodies           of knowledge to be exchanged, in order to abduce the info item           & obtain its meaning, shouldn't they be scientific           disciplines whenever available or possible? It is the           classical "methods", "results", "discussion"...
     I realize the above "pan-vitalist" views are           still primary and difficult to cohere. In any case, rather           than trying to cajole the general information problem in           communication terms (Shannon) or physicalist terms (Stan will           allow me the criticism), it is the other way around. They may           be obtained as simplifications--Yixin, already provides clear           statements about that. My impression is that the new           developments around quantum info and particularly entanglement           cosmic role suggest that the new physics is another part of           the multidisciplinary convergence on the renewed info problem.           
     Best wishes--Pedro
     El 05/03/2020 a las 7:30, 钟义信 escribió:
                            Dear Pedro and All,
         You are welcome to join in the discussion.
         Best regards,
                                                                                     Prof. Zhong Y. X.
                     Center for Intelligence Science Research
                     Beijing University of Posts & Telecom
                            ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
                                发件人: "Pedro"<pcmarijuan.iacs at aragon.es>;
                 发送时间: 2020年3月4日(星期三) 晚上7:33
                 收件人: "fis"<fis at listas.unizar.es>; 
                 主题: [Fis] Hello IS4SI?
Dear                   List Colleagues,
Let                   me remind the desirable seasonal contribution of IS4SI                   Board members to the vitality of this list. It is not                   so difficult: any comments on relevant papers or books                   recently read, any discussion on the problems of the                   own research, or any reflection on the amazing                   evolution of our societies... does still exist the                   aspiration of being a thought-collective?  Below I                   reproduce a very interesting message from Yixin, say                   his "seasonal contribution" to this winter. It passed                   undiscussed except by Gordana and by Joseph in his                   Summary. Part of the problem was that it was sent as                   an attachment. In any case I think it deserves further                   discussion as it implies a very holistic view on                   information (that one can share or not) very useful                   for our common foundational info purposes. 
Best                   wishes
Dear Joseph, Dear Pedro,                     Dear All,
The discussions on the                     topics of information, disinformation and                     misinformation have been carried on for a couple of                     weeks from which I learnt a lot. Let me also share                     some of my views with friends and colleagues within                     our society, IS4SI.
1, Why Is The Discussion Important?
The current discussion is                     important simply because of the fact that, together                     with matter and energy, information is the most                     valuable resource for human society as well as for                     the living world. Particularly, in the stage of                     information age, the role information plays is even                     more fundamental. As to the members of International                     Society for the Study of Information, we are bearing                     on the special responsibility for making as clear as                     possible the concepts, properties, utilities, risks,                     and policies related to information. 
2, What Is Information On Earth                       Then?
For making clear the                     policies related to information, the first thing we                     should do (and also cannot be avoided) is to                     precisely understand what information is – the                     definition of information. It IS, no doubt, the very                     foundation for distinguishing the concepts of                     information, disinformation, misinformation, and                     etc. Shannon,                     Wiener, Ashby, Bateson and many others have made                     contributions to the issue, the definition of                     information. Negative entropy, variety, and                     difference that make difference are the mutually                     linked, and yet different, answers. 
But, all the ‘definitions’                     mentioned above have certain demerits. Firstly, for                     example, the concept of entropy in Shannon                     Information Theory and Wiener’s Cybernetics is based                     on the probability theory whereas information is not                     limited to statistical category. Secondly, the                     concept of ‘variety’ seems much too simple and it                     cannot distinguish two events having same number of                     elements and different weights associated to each of                     the elements. Thirdly, the concept of ‘difference                     that make difference’ is also not perfect because of                     the fact that ‘no difference’ does not mean ‘no                     information’. As a matter of fact, ‘no difference’                     itself does give information. To my understanding, there have been                     two categories of information, rather than one,                     existed and related to each other in the real world.                 
The first category of                     information is the one produced and presented from                     all things in the real world, which may suitably be                     termed ontological                       information(or object                       information) and the second category is the                     one perceived and utilized by humans, which may                     accordingly be termed epistemological                       information(or subject                       information). Detailed explanations concerning                     these concepts can be found below in section 3, or                     from the book <Principles of Information                     Science> (Yixin Zhong, BUPT Press, 1988, 1st                     edition; 1996, 2nd edition; 2002, 3rd                     edition; 2005, 4th edition; and 2013, 5th                     edition; all in Chinese). Up to now, unfortunately, people have                     paid little attentions to the understanding of the                     two categories of information and the mutual                     relation between them. Some concerned only with the                     first category while some others with the second.                     More often, people just use the same term of                     ‘information’ to referred to the two. This makes the                     concept of information extremely chaotic. This is                     really the root producing variety of the                     misconceptions related to information. 
3, How To Define Different                       Categories of Information?
The definitions of the two                     category of information can briefly be given as                     follows.
                 The ontological information of any object(including the                   living and non-living thins)is the object’s formal                     state and the pattern of the state varying that                   are produced and presented by the objects in the real                   world.
The epistemological information perceived by any subject                     about any object consists of three components: (1)the                       syntactic information which is the one                     perceived by the subject directly from the object’s                     ontological information, (2) the pragmatic                       information which is the utility of the                     object’s ontological information towards the                     subject’s goal, and (3) the semantic information                     which is the meaning that the subject understand                     about the object and which is jointly defined by (1)                     and (2) through the mapping of the Cartesian product                     of syntactic and pragmatic information into the                     space of semantic information and then naming it. 
The key words in the                     definition of ontological information are “the                       formal state and the pattern of the state varying”,                     neither “negative entropy”, “variety”, nor                     “difference that make difference”. In fact, when                     someone received a piece of (ontological)                     information about a thing, this means that the                     person knew the thing’s formal state and the                       pattern of the state varying. It is very clear that the                       concept of information                         in Shannon Theory is a special case of                       epistemological information having only the                       syntactic information and completely ignoring both                       the pragmatic and the semantic information.                     Yet, Shannon information is practically useful                     because it meets the needs of communication                     engineering – whenever there is message appeared at                     the sending terminal of the communication system,                     just transmit it without asking what meaning and                     value embedded in the message, as long as there is                     sufficient channel capacity.  
4, How To Classify and Handle the                       Various Kinds of Information?
According                     to the definitions of ontological information,                     epistemological information and the information in                     Shannon Theory stated above, it is reasonable to                     have the following points.
(1)                     Ontological                       Information: If the term of information is                     referred to the one only related to objects                     themselves, either living things or non-living                     things, without touching the processes of human                     perception and any processing, it is the concept of                     ontological information. 
(2)                     Epistemological                       Information: If the term of information is                     referred to the one only related to the results of                     perception and processing, either by humans, living                     things or machines, it is the epistemological                     information.
(3)                     Shannon                       Information: If the term of information is                     referred to the one only related to communication                     process, it is then the Shannon information.
(4)                     Disinformation:                     It is a kind of epistemological information produced                     by someone who is with immoral goal (its pragmatic                     information is negative to human society).
(5)                     Misinformation:                     It is also a kind of epistemological information                     produced by someone who may not be with immoral goal                     but have made mistakes in operation.
(6)                     It is almost                       impossible to classify the various kinds of                     information mentioned above merely by analyzing                     their formal structures (syntactic information). As                     mentioned above, the major differences among normal                     epistemological information, disinformation, and                     misinformation lie on the pragmatic information.
(7)                     The                       technology most suitable for handling the                     disinformation and misinformation is artificial                     intelligence (AI) based on the natural language                     understanding (NLU). However, the current state of                     the art of NLU in AI is still in its stage of                     infancy due to the fact that the ‘information                     concept’ applied in AI is limited to Shannon Theory.
(8)                     The Better                       solution for dealing with disinformation must                     rely on the power of advanced artificial                     intelligence that we have been dealing with for many                     years and have made good progress (See                     <Principles of Advanced Artificial                     Intelligence> by Yixin Zhong, Science Press,                     2014, in Chinese)
(9)                     The Ultimate                       Solution for successfully dealing with such                     kind of problem like disinformation would rely                     heavily on the collectively human efforts worldwide                     in the fields of honesty, responsibility, ethics,                     and morality. 
Best                     wishes,
Yixin                     Zhong, 2020-01-24, Beijing, China
                 --  ------------------------------------------------- Pedro C. Marijuán Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group pcmarijuan.iacs at aragon.es http://sites.google.com/site/pedrocmarijuan/ -------------------------------------------------                  
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     --  ------------------------------------------------- Pedro C. Marijuán Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group pcmarijuan.iacs at aragon.es http://sites.google.com/site/pedrocmarijuan/ -------------------------------------------------
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