[Fis] Note to Francesco

Francesco Rizzo 13francesco.rizzo at gmail.com
Fri Jul 31 15:29:03 CEST 2020

          Bisogna eliminare un disguido:

                                           (...) "Non bisogna nemmeno
confondere i bit di entropia di Shannon e Weaver" (...)

                 deve essere sostituita con

(...) Non bisogna nemmeno  confondere l'entropia (degradazione energetica o
dis-informazione) termodinamica con i bit di entropia di Shannon e Weaver


> .
> .
> Il giorno gio 30 lug 2020 alle ore 13:56 Marcus Abundis <55mrcs en gmail.com>
> ha scritto:
>> Francesco,
>> From your post, roughly translated:
>> > it is not so onto-logical to see information as limited to biological
>> life in the strict sense.<
>> I am unsure of what you mean here . . . still, this discussion of
>> `primary and secondary’, or contrasts in animate and in-ainmate matter – is
>> ironic in claiming Life is primary, the main/only informatic consideration.
>> The irony is that this glosses over our ONLY accepted scientific theory
>> of information – Shannon Signal Entropy. Signal Entropy shows information
>> as in-animate bits and wave forms. To next claim a similar role for Life,
>> requires an exact/clear mapping of Signal Entropy and Life Entropy (the
>> later is not even a defined term?!) I am unsure if such maps exist; please
>> correct me if I am wrong. I know of MEPP (maximal entropy producing
>> principle) but this requires a *closed* system, where Life stipulates
>> *open* systems. Thus, I think most people argue INTUITIVELY for
>> entropy-like roles in Life, cellular mechanics, etc. – but with NOTHING
>> precisely defined or mapped (no unified theory exists – hence, endless FIS
>> debate). I do not think a precise mapping of Signal Entropy and
>> Thermodynamic Entropy (another closed system) even exists. The 'two
>> entropies’ are instead *intuitively* related as similar mathematic forms.
>> It is for their entropic 'un-reconciled-ness’ that Shannon and Weaver call
>> information theory a 'disappointing and bizarre’ concept.
>> This irony deepens when one considers the Standard Model of particle
>> physics, and the periodic table – both in-animate informatic expressions,
>> and both Life precursors.
>> If we are to speak of or propose an *actual* information SCIENCE we need
>> to move beyond intuitive notions and arguments. Of course, we begin with
>> intuition, pre force, but only as a starting point – moving beyond
>> intuition is the essence of science. If not, we would never have seen
>> beyond a geocentric cosmos and a 'flat earth’.
>> Marcus
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