[Fis] TR: 10 Principles

Karl Javorszky karl.javorszky at gmail.com
Fri Jul 3 16:59:14 CEST 2020

Dear Christophe,

Please allow me to sympathetically restate your excellent points, in my

*You write: *

*… component of information for meaning and knowledge …*

*… information as meaning carrier … foundation of information science …*

*… historically reluctant to use the concept of evolution …*

*… not really considering evolution …*

*… concepts like bio-intentionality … neglected …*

*… go beyond the weight of history …*

My rewording:

Of the tree of philosophy, the investigations into the syntax of true
sentences is a branch. It has yielded its own fruits, but it is off the
main idea of philosophy, which has to address that which we do not or not
sufficiently understand. True sentences are by definition true, and can
contain nothing that is worthy of investigation. There is nothing
philosophically interesting in the grammar of true sentences.

That what Wittgenstein did by clarifying both the subject and the methods
to be applied to the subject was a gift of friendship for the people,
including the engineers, but it was no philosophical work sensu stricto.

Unfortunately, the rules of the grammar of languages, natural or logical,
do have a high technical interest, as all machines since von Neumann,
Frege, …, Shannon, … are based on the general understanding mapped out by

The reluctance of philosophers to deal with meaning lies in the fact that
meaning can only be present if there is an alternative to the result that
was meant. Without the idea of misunderstandings, noise, desinformation and
lies as the background, the idea of communication in the post-Wittgenstein
sense cannot exist, as the present version cannot be mis-understood,
therefore cannot carry any meaning.

The unfortunate point is in the small print: Wittgenstein begins with *a=a*.
There is not much to discuss about that. Whatever we can say in a
comprehensive manner, there can be no misinterpretation, because the
correct sentence points out one specific fact.

The edifice of formal thinking is solidly fundamented in the axiom that
there is but one truth in one moment, and the corollary that the future is
not predictable.

It is against the grammatical rules to think clearly about chains of events
that come in the future, in the present understanding of mathematics, as
expressed by Bruno in his *mathematical structure (N, 0, s, +, *)., *which
roots in Wittgenstein, as he basically said, if it is a correct sentence,
it will result/revert in its most simplified form to *a=a.*

*Meaning* develops with the presence of alternatives, of which we learn *(by
the words and pointing movements of those who educated me, Augustinus)* to
distinguish that one which is meant.

We need to think also in formal contexts by the technique used in planning.
We know what happens as we set a step-by-step procedure in motion. We need
to introduce this method of thinking in periods and cycles to the basic
fundamentals of reasoning.

*Supporting *your ideas is the Zeitgeist, which needs a new version of the
codex of what is reasonable to say and in which fashion. Everybody wants to
talk about processes and changes. Your friendly and helpful accountant is
ready to serve you with the tools needed.

*Focusing *on what happens in *limited collections *that are subject
to *periodic
changes *allows a Latter Day Wittgenstein to publish observations relating
to those wondrous little creations of human ingenuity, the so-called
natural numbers.

*Kaleidoscopic *changes between readings and changes that happen by
themselves show a wide variety of phenomena, which introduce in a natural
fashion the deictic furniture of facts and relations, on which we can
learn, how things become what they are and enter into discussions about
meaning and evolution. *(By using words while pointing to facts.}*

*Predictable fulfilments of expectations based on properties *is the
overall name of the Tractatus bio-informaticus which is presented to you
the people and specifically FIS. The Tractatus bio-informaticus is in its
ideal condensation form a large and complicated table, which the reader
creates for himself on his own computer (as long as there is no public
online decision delivering machine in use). Instructions can be found e.g.
in “Picturing Order”.

Once we have agreed on the idea that our reasoning system no more stands
only on *a=a*, but also on *{a1 **→ a2 **→… ak **→ a1}*, the tables on
expectations, fulfilments and predictability are open to you.

*Cultural optimism *was no characteristic of Freud. Your wish: *… go beyond
the weight of history …* is happily shared by your accountant, but such
miracles would need some.

Bon weekend


Am Fr., 3. Juli 2020 um 14:46 Uhr schrieb Christophe Menant <
christophe.menant en hotmail.fr>:

> Dear Pedro,
> Your post is welcome as you address the evolutionary component of
> information for meaning and knowledge (“the life cycle, from the cellular
> to the biographic”, ”communication/information exchanges among adaptive
> life-cycles"). As you know, the coming up of information as meaning
> carrier in our universe is for me at the foundation of information science (
> https://philpapers.org/rec/MENCOI
> <https://eur05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fphilpapers.org%2Frec%2FMENCOI&data=02%7C01%7C%7Ca1c7d6f82fc44db4b7be08d81f4deb05%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637293766795171742&sdata=hyFCQELEZZGjTKTlQd8xhsjlWWX1TafjWfjjno8FsrU%3D&reserved=0>)
> . My March 26 post highlights most of these points.
> Also, as discussed off-line with some FISers, it may be worth recalling that
> phenomenology and analytic philosophy are historically reluctant to use the
> concept of evolution (see S. Cunningham “Philosophy and the Darwinian
> legacy”). The founding fathers had an excuse: the Darwin theory was not
> really known at their time. But it is a bit surprising to see the heirs,
> well aware of the evolution of life, still not really considering evolution.
> As a consequence some key concepts like bio-intentionality have been
> neglected.
> It may be time to go beyond the weight of history.
> Could our FIS forum be part of that?
> Best
> Christophe
> ------------------------------
> *De :* Fis <fis-bounces en listas.unizar.es> de la part de Pedro C. Marijuan
> <pcmarijuan.iacs en aragon.es>
> *Envoyé :* jeudi 2 juillet 2020 21:39
> *À :* 'fis' <fis en listas.unizar.es>
> *Objet :* Re: [Fis] 10 Principles
> Dear List,
> I am following with interest the ongoing exchanges related (at least
> initially) to the 10 Principles. I my view, there is a fundamental
> problem, difficult to expostulate, that somehow lurks in most of these
> messages taken from different generalizing perspectives: the Shannonian,
> the cognitive, the data processing, the art.intelligence, the
> panbiological, the pansemiotic, dynamic systems, etc.
> In my own approach 3 years ago, I purposely left that basic problem
> almost untouched and started by a tautology (Wiener's dictum), although
> the problem partially reappeared behind other points (basically 4 and 5,
> and also 8). My unresolved hunch contemplated a central element –the
> life cycle, from the cellular to the biographic– having the potential to
> organize the new scientific discourse on information and nucleating the
> new mode of thought, appearing as the fundamental source/sink,
> emitter/receptor, and essential organizer of the informational way of
> being in the world, the only creator of "meaning" and "knowledge". But
> time has passed and I have not been able to decently cohere the info
> scheme of the cell with the neural processing evolutionary
> functionality, the individual human inquirer's limitations, and the
> thought collective within a culture. The info day-to-day that our
> organisms spontaneously live in!
> OK, I admit the problem may not be very well put... In my opinion,
> advancing in the resolution of this presumed informational conundrum
> brings to the fore fundamental philosophical discussions—disentangling
> them concerns stances from both information science and information
> philosophy, I think.
> In any case, if I am right about the persistence of that unsolved stuff,
> there is always a consensus option: to agree in some bridging principles
> or fundamentals, even if they are not so tight-sound (it happens in the
> beginnings of many new disciplines--some parties may remember I
> advocated years ago for an ad hoc face-to-face meeting only about these
> problems). Or we can continue waiting for the synthetic effort of
> individuals within/outside this thought collective to find out an
> acceptable meta-perspective... And if I am wrong, and one of the
> generalized perspectives above has muscle to bring sufficient solution,
> then it will finally prevail and as usual "the winner takes all". Time
> will tell. I am inclined towards the consensus option.
> Best wishes
> --Pedro
> --
> -------------------------------------------------
> Pedro C. Marijuán
> Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
> pcmarijuan.iacs en aragon.es
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> --
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