[Fis] The Age of Discord. The Foundations of DIS-information Science

Joseph Brenner joe.brenner at bluewin.ch
Wed Nov 27 22:29:12 CET 2019

Dear Colleagues,


I thank both those of you who commented and those who did not. I would like
to understand the latter - why there were only 6 responses: was my
formulation in fact too 'political'? Do people think that negative things
like disinformation don't require analysis? The key things I learned: 



Three clear contributions:

1) Understanding disinformation and misinformation is part of a full
conceptualization of information. 

2) Principles applying to them may have essential implications for the
underlying physics (and other sciences).

3) We should list again the things we do not understand as a key part of our



A melancholy posting. I had thought human beings possessed recursive levels
of cognitive processing such that even disinformation and selfish behavior
are the not the results of blind instinct alone. When those capacities
atrophy . . .     



1) The strengths and weaknesses of what it is to be human.

2) Avoid lies and liar paradoxes. They are binary 'traps' for thought.



Thank you. Clearly,

1) Normative aspects of information should be an essential part of a full
scientific conceptualization of it.

2) Lets start with just one way to mitigate the operation of disinformation.



I mention a term I just heard for the first time on Swiss TV - infobesity.

We need an informational biotope to treat this.


I look forward to a next round, even though this is not a formal discussion


Best wishes. 


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