[Fis] Mombering System

Karl Javorszky karl.javorszky at gmail.com
Mon Nov 18 19:05:42 CET 2019

Mombering System 1.

1. Symbols and numbers

If the symbols move in a system based on symbols representing relations
among facts, we speak of a *moving *collection of symbols, which one could
call *mombols*. To be practical, historic precedent has established the
habit of using numbers, if possible natural numbers, as symbols. Pythagoras
has begun evolving his observation by regarding triangles, not by regarding
numbers. Any two numbers have their squares, and the sum of these is a part
of the package – there is nothing clever or original in adding up the
squares of two numbers. The intellectual exercise comes from visualising a
right-angle triangle and compare the lengths of the sizes, expressed as
surfaces of squares. The symbols, their places and distances are to be
understood, not the numbers to which they translate. The translation into
numbers comes at a second stage, for Pythagoras to validate his idea, that
the squares could turn out to be equal, for us, to use the validated idea
and continue with some calculations. The practicality comes from the
knowledge, that the relations among facts depicted in the concept are
indeed there and valid in exactly such a fashion as implied. The idea,
expressed by symbols, is validated on the facts, expressed by numbers.

The subservient nature of the numbers to the ideas, expressed by symbols,
is even more visible on Pythagoras’ observation of numeric relations among
the musical pitches. In a similar fashion, Mendel has pointed out observed
regularities of a statistical nature, without using the numbers as a
conveyor of meanings.

The numbers come in in a later phase, once one has created a mental space,
in which mental images are placed, and one wants to understand, what kind
of relation among facts is that, what the numbers shall validate.

2. Moving symbols

It is traditional to distinguish between object and relation. Wittgenstein
speaks about Sachverhalt and Zusammenhang (elementary logical fact and
relationship), although avoiding contrasting the two ideas.

It may be, that further generations will put the dichotomy in clean
clothes. We have to use the traditional concepts of places and paths, of
things that stand still or move.

Maintaining the dichotomy makes the concept simpler, while not
extinguishing hope, that in a later, integrative step, attention will turn
more to densities and predictabilities, which refer to both classes of
concepts: that what is the case and that what can be the case. The
Zusammenhang states that possibly a Sachverhalt exists that connects those
elements that are presently constituents of the first, basic, Zusammenhang
of the Sachverhalt. (Sachverhalt: Mary and Joe are colleagues. /This is
Zusammenhang 1/. Zusammenhang: Are Mary and Joe lovers? /This is
Zusammenhang 2/. If there exists a public word that describes two that are
colleagues and lovers, then the Sachverhalt named by this word exists, and
Zusammenhang 2 collapses into a property of the name that describes two
that are colleagues, with the additional specific sub-meaning, that the two
are concurrently also lovers.)

What happens on a place is inseparable to who and how often visits that
place. Tradition has taught us to imagine places as empty, and uniformly
so. We would like to soften this uniformity up somewhat. Let us imagine
railway stations (or airports). The traffic hub may not even be existing on
the maps of ICE trains, while it keeps a reasonable traffic of the region
alive. The solidity and intensity of existence of a railway station is
quite well described by the list of trains halting or passing through.

The symbols are well-ordered by their nature. We imagine such symbols on
objects that make the objects easily distinguishable, while being
inclusive, just and non-discriminatory. There is no discernible difference
between the ideas: object and symbol. If we imagine *2*n *players of
basketball (football, rugby, etc.) teams, we can use any of the properties
of the players, be it the number on their shirt or their hair or eye colour
or weight in kg. The symbol we use stands for the athlete. (At a later
step, we shall validate our concepts by assigning numbers to represent the

3. Where is he now?

Each athlete has a rank according to his defensive and offensive talents.
If the strategy is to avoid defeat, the ranking arising from the defensive
dexterity will confer social status and determine the place in a linear
line-up. If the team plays for victory, the offensive ability will
determine, which athletes are the tact-givers for which supporting players.

If the field is square, and the axes are graded on offensive vs. defensive
ability, then each athlete will have exactly one place on the field while
the action is idle. There is a natural arrangement of players of a team,
where they stand if the field is square and the players carry the symbols
of their rank in the two properties that are the principle behind the axes.

If the playing field is in West -East oriented, Team West is in a maximally
defensive position, if its players are lined up from the middle line
towards West, the most talented defender being the last, spaced equally in
*n* consecutive slices of North-South territory. If Team West attacks, its
members will create *n *slices of territory of West -East orientation; here
a left and a right attacking strategy can appear, the best attacker being
once on the Northmost, once on the Southmost edge.

If there is neither attack nor defensive action, the players will occupy
their natural places, that is, such a place of which the coordinates agree
with the ranks the players have as offensive or defensive players. (Player
A is the 4th in offensive and the 8th in defensive: he will stand when idle
on position *x = 4, y = 8.*)

4. Where should he be?

Relentless as the opponent may be, he also has his dark hours (insert
effects arising from the rotation of the Earth or from the effects of the
gravitational pull of the Moon here for periodic, rhythmic, cyclic
changes). This is the moment for us to begin to reorganise into the
attacking formation. As things actually stand, the ultimate, absolute,
ideal formation shall only very rarely be actually achieved, as during the
time the reorganisation takes place, a new strategic situation may have
evolved. Our players will still be on their way to their ideal position if
Fall Barbarossa is declared, but Fall Overlord will make necessary that
alternative concepts of order shall be brought into existence.

5. With whom does he evacuate into the new order?

Polygons appear by themselves on the *(x,y) *surface. The players can
namely not directly access their places, there being no direct path there,
if that place is occupied by a different player who has also to move.

Cycles are to the *mombering system *exactly like what wheels are to
transportation. The cycle connects elements that do not seem to be
particularly connected. If we lived, as a society, in a completely
sustainable world, where nothing ever gets lost, but exchanged by other
individuals – then we would have a more familiar approach to cycles.
(Example: collection of people who have used the same 50 € bill. Some
experimental film-makers have shown communalities among otherwise
unrelated-appearing situations: stories of people using a taxi, stories
happening at meal-time, etc.) A cycle is an ad-hoc assembly of individuals
who have the same goal: that a new order come into existence. They make up
a caravan, regarding their Sachverhalt properties of symbols; and
concurrently they make up a path, regarding the positions they subsequently
gain from each other. The members of a cycle push their predecessor out of
its place, thus causing it to do the same to its predecessor, and so forth
until the last of the cycle has achieved that place that the first had
vacated *k *steps ago.

The cycle is a string and a path. It has a numeric width, length, thickness
and sections. One can imagine this pulsating artery – or standing wave – to
be sliced into moments, where the travellers have arrived and no one is
between shelters, and such, where that what travels, counts: there are many
ways of assigning concepts to symbols that move.

The idea is that we live in a whacky, shaky, instable compromise, which can
derail quite easily. If the story to be told by moving the puppets of the
story can gain credibility, it can only do so by narrating dramas that are
of interest to the public. Order is such a theme that is juicy to discuss.
The traditional view is very republican and egalitarian: each element being
equal, there can arise no ranking problems. The *mombering system *stands
and falls with order and ranking, and its wheels, cogs and transmission
belts are cycles. Cycles appear when assemblies are reordered. Cycles
create a web among symbols and their places.
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