[Fis] The Limits

Pedro C. Marijuan pcmarijuan.iacs at aragon.es
Mon Feb 25 19:42:47 CET 2019

Dear Karl and FIS Colleagues,

Your message has made me think a couple of subjects. First, I have 
acknowledged several times, both publicly and privately, that your 
approach to estimating the multidimensional partitions on limited sets 
(the limit of distinctions when multiple qualities are piled upon 
elements of finite sets) is highly original and may find application in 
different fields. I think particularly in hippocampus' space/time 
organization of our spike sequences into binding percepts; probably in 
fields of physics too. But on the other hand, I have always disagreed on 
your (over)extension to DNA triplets, which has received a strong 
emphasis from your part ... Well, it is my personal opinion, and it may 
be quite wrong, of course.

Anyhow, the above has taken me to the next reflection, somehow 
outlandish, that concerns "limits". I have some vague memories of a 
reflection in C.Booker (2004; or was it in Bonnet 2006?) on why we are 
not conscious of our own limitations and incur in quite many 
idiosyncratic biases, which are so well captured in narratives. I will 
try to put it in a more conceptual way: our thinking limitations do not 
let us establish the limits of our thought. It has individual 
consequences in our terrible inclination to overextend paradigms, but 
also a more "abstract", collective lack of final anchors. There is a 
false closure attempted that fails, and inevitably reappears later on in 
strange but fundamental principles: Godel, Heisenberg, Church-Turing... 
They basically consist in limits of thought put to the foundations of 
universalistic disciplines. In other more restricted fields, 
particularistic ones, those principles do not appear, or better, they 
are not needed. In the case of information science, which in my view is 
also universalistic, that kind of principled limit is needed too. Once 
properly established, or at least intuited, we could better discuss on 
the kinds of general theories that may be comprehended within a really 
multifarious enterprise such as info science.

I will appreciate hearing opinions on these baseless comments.


El 19/02/2019 a las 12:08, Karl Javorszky escribió:
> Dear Pedro,
> please allow me to raise a dissenting voice to the content of 
> following citation:
> /“…On the other hand, no general theory for large non-equilibrium 
> systems exists.  The legendary Hungarian mathematician John Von Neuman 
> once referred to the theory of non-equilibrium systems as the “theory 
> of non-elephants” meaning there could be no unique theory of such a 
> vast area of science.” /(Per Bak, How Nature Works)
> In fact, the theory has been brought to you since some 24 years, as a 
> sequence of suggestions, proposals, models, initiatives, 
> encouragements, requests and so forth,  that observing the interaction 
> between sequences and mixtures  is opening up a new door to a 
> completely fresh view of the interrelations among the parts of the 
> world. The principles deducted from models that employ such elements 
> which are distinguishable and concurrently both contemporaneously and 
> sequentially labeled (as opposed to all models known hereto, which 
> each use elements that are indistinguishable and either sequential or 
> contemporary), these principles are valid and actually at work in 
> Nature, on all echelles, from the subatomar to the galactic .
> I include the abstract I submitted to IS4SI, as part of the FIS track, 
> and hope that the colleagues will participate in bringing recgnition 
> to the collaborative work that has gon on in this FIS chatroom since 
> 1997. The abstract describes, in the form of a general theory, large 
> non-equilibrium systems. By including that part of the world, which is 
> not the case, the theory encompasses elephants and non-elephants 
> concurrently.
> Karl

Pedro C. Marijuán
Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group

pcmarijuan.iacs at aragon.es

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