[Exalgeolog] Tesis en Australia

Luis Eduardo Arlegui Crespo arlegui en unizar.es
Vie Ago 25 09:26:03 CEST 2023

Hola, por si os interesa alguien:

Exciting geology PhD and MPhil opportunity in Australia. Two PhD and one
MPhil projects available

Be part of a large collaborative project undertaken by multiple
institutions and supported by the Australian Research Council will
investigate the tectonic origin of ophiolitic rocks, high pressure
metamorphism, and critical metal mineralisation in eastern Australia. We
are inviting applications to work on this project involving a collaboration
between three universities and the New South Wales and Queensland State
geological surveys.

*See attachment for more details*

Scholarship is $32,192 per annum. Students who apply for a PhD at The
University of New England are eligible to apply for a  top up of an
additional $15,000 per year.

Interested? Highly motivated students please get in touch with us directly
and attach a CV:

• Prof Gideon Rosenbaum: The University of Queensland: g.rosenbaum en uq.edu.au
• Dr Luke Milan, The University of New England: luke.milan en une.edu.au
• Prof Balz Kamber, Queensland University of Technology:
balz.kamber en qut.edu.au
Luis Arlegui
Ciencias de la Tierra, @Unizar
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