[Exalgeolog] Tesis en Marie Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Network

Luis Eduardo Arlegui Crespo arlegui en unizar.es
Lun Ago 28 13:13:00 CEST 2023

Por si os atañe

Second Call for application to 3 PhD remaining positions part of the Marie
Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Network “SHINE: Safe underground Hydrogen storage
IN Earth subsurface reservoirs” project: The 3 projects re advertised are:
- Integrated Numerical-Experimental analyses of the safety of porous rocks
under cyclic loading. Based at TUDelft (Netherland). (CONTACT:
H.Hajibeygi en tudelft.nl ) - Multiscale modelling and simulation of cyclic
storage of H2 in heterogeneous porous rocks. Based at TUDelft (Netherland).
(CONTACT: H.Hajibeygi en tudelft.nl ) - Modelling of coupled THMC processes
and assessment of long-term caprock integrity. CSIC (Spain). (CONTACT:
victor.vilarrasa en csic.es) - Deadline for applications: 14th of Sept 2023
(5pm CET time) Any interest please feel free to contact the main supervisor
of the proposal. We aim to start all PhD positions the latest by December
31, 2023. These are particularly attractive PhD positions with regard to
salary terms and benefits. The aim of SHINE is to train a new generation of
researchers to tackle the scientific challenges associated with hydrogen
storage in subsurface porous media, namely exploring fluid, rock and
microbial interactions, characterization and integrity of the
reservoir/caprock and safety and monitoring of subsurface porous storage
 The SHINE objectives are: - to recruit 10 international Doctoral
Candidates (DCs) to be assigned to a specific PhD course/doctoral project,
to be monitored and supervised in their career development by the
multidisciplinary expertise network of SHINE consortium. - to provide
high-level training in the field of subsurface hydrogen storage
technologies to produce a new generation of high achieving doctoral
researchers skilled in a variety of innovative technologies necessary to
support the low carbon energy transition. For further details (eligibility
criteria, description of PhD projects, application procedure, benefits,
etc.) check the project on offer and recruitment pages in
 The SHINE consortium comprises 6 academic and 5 industry partners:
University of Naples Federico II (IT) University of Edinburgh (UK) TU Delft
(N) University of Grenoble Les Alpes (F) CSCI (E) Universitat Politècnica
de Catalunya (E) ENI (IT) Shell (N) EBN (N) Seismik (CZ) SLB (US) Further
informations: Benefits SHINE fellows will be employed according to the
rules for doctoral candidates in MSCA-DNs and the general regulations of
each host institution. The financial package will include the monthly
researcher allowances subdivided into 1) a living allowance of around
€3,400 (country correction coefficient applies), 2) a mobility allowance of
€600 and, 3) a family allowance (€660), if applicable. Employer costs and
other deductions depend on recruiting host. Doctoral candidate will be
given an employment contract for 36 months by their host institution and
will be entitled to full employee benefits and inclusion in social security
schemes of the host country. Eligibility criteria Supported researchers:
applicants must be doctoral candidates, i.e., not already in possession of
a doctoral degree at the date of recruitment. Mobility rule: researchers
must not have resided or carried out their main activity (e.g., work,
studies) in the country of the recruiting beneficiary for more than 12
months in the 36 months immediately before their recruitment date. Other
eligibility criteria may apply depending on the recruiting beneficiary. (
Selection process SHINE will select the 3 doctoral candidates through a
3-step recruitment process. The selection procedure will be open,
transparent, and merit-based, fully aligned with the Code of Conduct for
the Recruitment of Researchers. (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.shine-edn.eu/recruitment/__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!XLAhk7N4b6b2ad1sq47cBeJI6loGo2MdSB0CucGKuv-hT-p5y-QPLRPLPwWdJyo534UH-9XLfGLoCIQWmqEjjSpZyg$ 
Best regards, David Iacopini (on behalf of the SHINE research group)

Luis Arlegui
Ciencias de la Tierra, @Unizar
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