[Seapv] Fwd: Davis Thompson Foundation European Symposia in Turin, Italy (24/25 August, 2020) and Lerida, Spain (2/3 April, 2020)

Lluís Luján Lluis.Lujan en unizar.es
Mie Dic 25 13:35:35 CET 2019


Feliz Navidad!


-------- Missatge Original --------
Assumpte: Davis Thompson Foundation European Symposia in Turin, Italy 
(24/25 August, 2020) and Lerida, Spain (2/3 April, 2020)
Data: 2019-12-23 15:53
Remitent: Liz Mcinnes <lizmcinnes50 en gmail.com>
Destinatari: McInnes Liz GBJH <liz.mcinnes en syngenta.com>

Dear Colleagues

Attached please find details of the Davis-Thompson Foundation European
Division Symposium to be held in Turin, Italy on 24 and 25th August
2020, just before the ECVP/ESVP Annual Meeting. We have two great
speakers; Drs Cory Brayton and Denise Imai, discussing mouse and
laboratory  animal pathology.

The early bird Early registration is €390 (until 30/06/20). Please
register and pay by credit card at

In addition, the Davis Thompson Foundation are also organising the
second  Spanish Davis-Thompson DVM Foundation European Division Meeting
from 2 to 3 April, 2020 in Lerida, Spain.  The theme is diseases and
pathology of ruminants and pigs and speakers include Prof Francisco Uzal
and Dr Joaquim Segalés. Please pay and register at

  It would be great if you could join us at either Lerida or Turin in


Liz McInnes and Simon Priestnall

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