[Pdi.cisdh] Summer Schools | University of Angers - FRANCE | June - July 2019

Facultad CC. Salud y del Deporte facuhu en unizar.es
Mie Mar 27 10:31:48 CET 2019

Buenos días:

Para su conocimiento, les remito la siguiente información que nos han 
remitido a la Facultad desde la Sección de Relaciones Internacionales .

Un saludo,
Eva Izárbez
Secretaria de Decanato

>-------- Mensaje reenviado --------
>Asunto: Summer Schools | University of Angers - FRANCE | June - July 2019
>Fecha: Tue, 26 Mar 2019 11:51:39 +0100 (CET)
>De: Summer Schools 
><mailto:summerschools en univ-angers.fr><summerschools en univ-angers.fr>
>Responder a: 
><mailto:summerschools en univ-angers.fr>summerschools en univ-angers.fr
>Dear Sir, Dear Madam,
>The Faculty of Health of Angers organizes 8 summer schools including one 
>Research" (9th edition) and we would be grateful if you could promote it 
>to your students.
>You can use the following text and the attached documents.
>Thanks in advance for your help and don't hesitate to contact us for 
>further details.
>Best regards
>The Summer Schools Team
>Dear Students,Â
>The Faculty of Health of Angers (France) organizes 8 summer schools 
>including one called 
>Research" which will be held from 24 June to 5 July 2019.
>This intensive program will show students the links between fundamental 
>sciences and clinical research. Topics to be covered include different 
>research and medical fields:
>cell and molecular biology, genetics, epigenetic, space medicine research, 
>mitochondrial diseases, physiopathology, cancer...
>During the 60-hours program, students will enjoy:
>-Lectures by international researchers (45 min) followed with questions 
>and debate
>-Research workshops in small groups
>-Oral presentations on selected topics
>-Visits of research institutions ("Genethon" in Paris & "Institut du 
>Thorax" in Nantes)
>This is also a great opportunity to:
>-Validate 6 ECTS credits
>-Enjoy an attractive social program
>-Meet people from all over the world
>-Discover France and Angers, a human-scale city in Loire Valley, just 90 
>minutes from Paris.
>The application deadline is the 15th of April.
>The €1200 registration fees include tuition, welcoming and teaching 
>materials, accommodation, coffee breaks and weekday lunches, bike rental 
>and bus pass, all costs (transport, meals, entrance tickets) related to 
>the scientific visits and the social program.
>All the information and videos of the previous editions are on our website 
>: <http://www.summerschools.univ-angers.fr/>www.summerschools.univ-angers.fr
>Should you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us.
>We look forward to welcoming you !
>With our best regards,
>Prof. Audrey Rousseau
>Project Coordinator
>Prof. Nicolas Lerolle
>Dean of the Faculty of Health of the University of Angers
>Summer schools team contact: 
><mailto:summerschools en univ-angers.fr>summerschools en univ-angers.fr


Carolina Gómez Zazurca

  Facultad de CC. de la Salud y del Deporte
(Universidad de Zaragoza)
Teléfono: 974-239393
mailto:zazurca en unizar.es

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(Universidad de Zaragoza)

  facuhu en posta.unizar.es
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