Buenos días:<br><br>
Para su conocimiento, les remito la siguiente información que nos han
remitido a la Facultad desde la Sección de Relaciones Internacionales
Un saludo,<br>
Eva Izárbez <br>
Secretaria de Decanato<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite><font color="#000080"><b>INFORMACIÓN:</b></font><br><br>
-------- Mensaje reenviado -------- <br>
Asunto: Summer Schools | University of Angers - FRANCE | June - July 2019
Fecha: Tue, 26 Mar 2019 11:51:39 +0100 (CET) <br>
De: Summer Schools
<a href="mailto:summerschools@univ-angers.fr"><summerschools@univ-angers.fr></a>
Responder a: <a href="mailto:summerschools@univ-angers.fr">summerschools@univ-angers.fr</a> <br><br>
Dear Sir, Dear Madam,<br><br>
The Faculty of Health of Angers organizes 8 summer schools including one called "<a href="http://summerschools.univ-angers.fr/en/index/about-schools/schools/research.html"> Research</a>" (9th edition) and we would be grateful if you could promote it to your students.<br>
You can use the following text and the attached documents. <br>
Thanks in advance for your help and don't hesitate to contact us for further details.<br>
Best regards<br>
The Summer Schools Team<br><br>
<img src="cid:" width=679 height=174 alt="717a6a.jpg"> <br><br>
Dear Students, <br><br>
The Faculty of Health of Angers (France) organizes 8 summer schools including one called "<a href="http://summerschools.univ-angers.fr/en/index/about-schools/schools/research.html"> Research</a>" which will be held from <b>24 June to 5 July 2019.</b> <br><br>
This intensive program will show students the links between fundamental sciences and clinical research. Topics to be covered include different research and medical fields:<br>
cell and molecular biology, genetics, epigenetic, space medicine research, mitochondrial diseases, physiopathology, cancer... <br><br>
During the 60-hours program, students will enjoy:<br>
-Lectures by international researchers (45 min) followed with questions and debate<br>
-Research workshops in small groups<br>
-Oral presentations on selected topics<br>
-Visits of research institutions ("Genethon" in Paris & "Institut du Thorax" in Nantes)<br><br>
This is also a great opportunity to:<br>
-Validate 6 ECTS credits <br>
-Enjoy an attractive social program<br>
-Meet people from all over the world<br>
-Discover France and Angers, a human-scale city in Loire Valley, just 90 minutes from Paris.<br>
<b>The application deadline is the 15th of April.</b><br>
<b>The €1200 registration fees include tuition, welcoming and teaching materials, accommodation, coffee breaks and weekday lunches, bike rental and bus pass, all costs (transport, meals, entrance tickets) related to the scientific visits and the social program. <br>
</b>Â <br>
All the information and videos of the previous editions are on our website : <a href="http://www.summerschools.univ-angers.fr/"><b>www.summerschools.univ-angers.fr</a> <br>
</b>Â <br>
Should you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us. <br>
We look forward to welcoming you !<br>
With our best regards,<br>
Prof. Audrey Rousseau <br>
Project Coordinator<br>
Prof. Nicolas Lerolle<br>
Dean of the Faculty of Health of the University of Angers<br>
Summer schools team contact: <a href="mailto:summerschools@univ-angers.fr">summerschools@univ-angers.fr</a><br>
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/summerschoolsinangers/" eudora="autourl">https://www.facebook.com/summerschoolsinangers/</a><br><br>
<img src="cid:" width=274 height=78 alt="717a89.jpg"> <br><br>
<font size=2>Carolina Gómez Zazurca<br><br>
Facultad de CC. de la Salud y del Deporte <br>
(Universidad de Zaragoza)<br>
Teléfono: 974-239393 <br>
<a href="mailto:zazurca@unizar.es" eudora="autourl">mailto:zazurca@unizar.es</a><br>
</font>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <br><br>