[Inageneral] Recordatorio Seminario prof. Guillermo Rus 18-02-2019
Raúl Mendoza
rmendoza en unizar.es
Lun Feb 18 08:28:40 CET 2019
SEMINARIO:Interaction between tissue and ultrasonic mechanical waves for
diagnosis: challenges from modeling to patient application
Ponente: Prof. Guillermo Rus
Fecha: 18 Febrero
Hora:13 h.
Lugar:Salon Actos Edificio I+D
Ultrasonic characterization and understanding of soft tissue has been
developed as a clinical diagnostic tool over the last two decades (Barr
R. G., et al. 2012. /Ultrasound Quarterly/28 13-20)and evolved through
different technologies: quasi-static, dynamic elastogra-phy, based
acoustic radiation force: ARFI, vibroacous-tography or pSWE, or on
direct excitation: sonoelasto-graphy and our emerging torsional wave
principle (Melchor J and Rus G. Ultrasonics, 54(2014): 1950-1962).
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