[Fis] Answer Kate's questions

Krassimir Markov itheaiss at gmail.com
Tue Jun 4 22:49:58 CEST 2024

Dear Kate,
The questions you raise are important.
There are many different definitions.

I will give you mine, which in recent years has been well understood,
including in Large language models.
In general, the information is "recognized data", i.e. data that the
subject knows what it reflects. In the mind, recognized data, or what is
the same, "meaningful data", is stored in long-term memory as "mental
models". The externalization of mental models gives rise to reflections
that we call "knowledge".

The confusion surrounding the term "information" comes from its use for
both knowledge and data. It usually says "collect information" instead of
the more correct "collect data". In practice, the concept of "data" is less
and less used by non-specialists.
Everything is information for them :-( !

Regarding "evaluative information" there is also a relatively clear
This is the correlation of received data or knowledge with previously
selected data or knowledge, which I call "information expectation". Often,
the information expectation is presented as standards, norms, etc. But for
the subject, the information expectation is a pre-selected mental model
(information) that serves to compare with a newly received one.
The closer the two mental models are, the more qualitative the evaluated
model (information) is.

With respect,

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