[Fis] Action vs deduction
Roy Morrison
roy.morrison114 at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 25 16:43:04 CET 2024
The essence of living systems is response to all influences individually and collectively, unconsciously and consciously,locally and globally. This is the survival of individuals and of species and ultimately of the ecosphere and the ability so far for the ability to withstand mass extinctions and the bio-sphere co evolve with the planet for life to reshape semi stable equilibria. Sustainability the response to all influences is central from the micro to the macro level and now entails the conscious actions of humanity acting and communicating with massive global consequences. Action and responsiveness is central.
The naive position is the world physically is a stable eternal stage we act upon with impunity.In fact we now understand all is in motion including continents, ice, water, climate and shaped and reshaped by life's actions and reactions which now include the potential coordinated and fast action of billions of people and their technology potentially exercising a healing ecological response to industrial excess.This can mean the expression of an ecological civilization to replace an industrial civilization.
Ecological civilization a term that now has legs and contested meaning which reflects life's actions and reconsideration individually and collectively.Chinese scholars told me that I was the first person to use the term Ecological Civilization in my 1995 book Ecological Democracy. My claim to fame but one that has not endeared me to the academy in the US since I believe in the prospects Ecological Economic Growth with focus on the consequences of all market actions to make the price system support through new market rules, law, regulations support ecological and social justice as key. Consequences not ideology is what really matters. Can the global market system really heal and transform itself that is the question? But life is certainly capable of dramatic and collective change.
Roy, Sub-Sub social theorist
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