[Fis] Where does the information come from?

Krassimir Markov itheaiss at gmail.com
Wed Jan 17 17:43:28 CET 2024

Dear Stu and colleagues,

*Where does the information come from?*

This has been a central question of philosophy for centuries.

And for centuries there have been two clear, radically different answers:

1. From the Creator, that is, from God or it is God himself !

2. Information is a type of subjective reflection that is recognized by the
subject what it reflects.
I.e. information is a class of subjective reflections that the subject
eventually uses to create mental models.

The first answer is unconstructive. It leads to passivity in the study of
informational phenomena.
Note that apart from vague definitions of what information is, nothing else
is offered - neither useful theories, nor practical implications.

While the second answer gives wide scope for research and development.
There are currently a number of information theories, two of which are

Thanks to the fact that after our conversation in Tbilisi, Mark agreed that
information is an impact that is recognized by the "infological system" and
causes a change in it, he came to a serious result in the form of a
"General Theory of Information".

The other, the earlier "General Information Theory", completely steps on
the primary concept of "reflection" and builds a neat system, which for
years has been used in the training of computer scientists and the
realization of new computational approaches, which come close in terms of
possibilities to some characteristics of life consciousness.

With respect,

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