[Fis] Fis Digest, Vol 108, Issue 4

Stuart Kauffman stukauffman at gmail.com
Sun Jan 7 00:11:36 CET 2024

Hello Roy and All. Roy I am glad to be meeting you. We seem to share profound interests in the vast creativity of the biosphere, econosphere, and more.  I am deeply involved with others in global soil restoration to increase yield, increase soil carbon and water, obtain better nutrient recycling, use less nitrogen in fertilizer, and perhaps most important, stably sequester atmospheric CO2 in the soil. We are a quite strong group in the US, UK, EU, and Asia. In part our focus is on co-evolving soil bacterial fungal communities to solve these issues.  This is an aspect of the Third Transition in Science.  Perhaps we might connect? 

I will follow up on your sites.

Last April 17, 2023 I had the honor of giving a TED talk on these and related topics. At present it has been viewed 820,000 times.

Here is the link:  

 (go.ted.com/Stuart Kauffman <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://go.ted.com/stuartkauffman__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!TuE4XhOoAMYtoP2UWtWhvUnNkYwnd8iemejSTBh7-vB8hMALQ7xJzBiewG3M5u4zg58aT8FzN6eO2LzGTM54GE0$ >) 

Very best,


> On Jan 6, 2024, at 10:34 AM, Roy Morrison <roy.morrison114 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Stewart
> The exploration of emergence is generative. What strikes me in the broadest sense is the limitless nature of creativity in all spheres biological, social, philosophical.
> Emergence  is driven  by a mix of inherent and deliberate cybernetic processes of continual feedback -  conscious and unconscious feed back loops that drive innovation that continuously creates something new under the sun that is understandable but not predictable.
>  The ecosphere now includes humanity's conscious interventions. On a positive basis humanity has become a participant in the global process of sustainability as life and ecosphere co-evolve in response to changing condition in the interest of life. Emergence is a planetary and galactic phenomena at bottom. It is beyond species evolution and engages planetary consequences.
> For example, I am working on Sustainable Ecological Value by monetizing carbon dioxide displacement by renewables and efficiency as paid in capital and cash on balance sheets. Value based on EPA and NAS social cost of carbon currently  around $175. + Per metric ton CO2. The purpose is to make through accounting rule changes the pursuit of sustainability the  high profit center through new market rules and therefore the emergent basis in a global market system of an ecological civilization.Making more profit by making economic growth mean ecological improvement is an emergent force for dramatic change 
> See Roy Morrison  Jan 1. 2024. "Sustainable Ecological Value- The New wealth of Nations." Wall St.Internatiinal Magazine (meer com)
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://mail.onelink.me/107872968?pid=nativeplacement&c=Global_Acquisition_YMktg_315_Internal_EmailSignature&af_sub1=Acquisition&af_sub2=Global_YMktg&af_sub3=&af_sub4=100000604&af_sub5=EmailSignature__Static___;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!TuE4XhOoAMYtoP2UWtWhvUnNkYwnd8iemejSTBh7-vB8hMALQ7xJzBiewG3M5u4zg58aT8FzN6eO2LzGWTevPcA$ >
> On Sat, Jan 6, 2024 at 8:05 AM, Stuart Kauffman
> <stukauffman at gmail.com> wrote:
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