[Fis] "express matter and energy in terms of information"

Marcus Abundis 55mrcs at gmail.com
Tue Feb 13 08:20:57 CET 2024

Krassimir – a simple but absolutely essential question!

To my mind, this is T.H.E. central matter in clarifying our whole
'informatic mess'. Here is *my* take on things . . .

If the whole world is indeed composed of nothing but bosons (elementary
particles) and fermions (force carriers), then anything coming from the
*joining* of bosons and fermions is in fact energy-matter (re your 'matter
and energy'). Further, it is exactly in 'HOW they *join*' that conveys
basic 'information'. For example, if they join 'one way' we have a proton,
if they join 'another way' we have a neutron. That JOINING OF ENERGY AND
MATTER (energy-matter) thus produces 'proton' and 'neutron' information,
with no need for 'an observer' and with no need for 'interpretation' — it
simply IS as Stuart's 'order for free' (or God's 'I am that I am!'), or at
least *my* interpretation of cosmo-genesis.

So at this point, we now have protons, neutrons (NEW elementary
energy-matter particles), and electrons (force carrier). Next, HOW protons,
neutrons, and electrons JOIN tells us what type of 'atom' exists as oxygen,
iron, or . . . ALL as firmly bound energy-matter! So again, self-evident
order-for-free 'information' arises — which now easily extends to molecular
models of ferrous bits and bytes (computer core memory) . . . and *again*
it is HOW ferrous bits and bytes JOIN (are specifically read, now by an
observer/interpreter) that conveys 'next-level information'!

This notion of HOW 'things' JOIN reaches across the informatic map. For
example, the *specific* way of HOW nuts-and-bolts JOIN determines if we
have a 747 jumbo jet, a Rolls Royce, or a pair of roller skates — what we
might call distinct informatic expressions. The same applies equally to
material AND abstract (logical) realms.

But the problem is that we DO NOT have formally recognized energy-matter
(in contrast to space-time, thank you Einstein). Why no 'formally
recognized energy-matter' exists is that there are four fundamental forces
(force carrier 'types') and we are unsure of HOW the INTERACT/join . . .
which means no 'information' (exists to *us* humans) on a Unified Field
Theory (a Holy Grail to frame all of  'science'). Nature has no similar
problem, it does not need to 'understand' itself in order to act. We
briefly touched on this 'entropic problem' in the Q&A session at the end of
my IS4SI 2021 talk (you may recall?).


On Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 10:39 PM Krassimir Markov <itheaiss at gmail.com>

> Dear Carlos,
> You wrote "... express matter and energy in terms of information".
> Simple question:
> How can it be done?
> Please give at least one example, for instance, to express the cheese in
> terms of information.
> With respect,
> Krassimir
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