[Fis] (no subject)
Jason Hu
jasonthegoodman at gmail.com
Sat Dec 21 15:37:41 CET 2024
Dear Krassimir and all colleagues,
Would it be better if Information = Data*Meaning ?
>From a constructivist point of view, if Data = null or if Meaning = null
then there is no information.
Combining with my earlier suggestion that Information = A difference(d1)
that maks a difference (d2), d1=data, d2=meaning;
And we have d1=data=f(measurement), d2=meaning=f(cognition);
For d1 you need to use your hand, take out your ruler and perform the
measure; ("ruler" can expand to telescope, microscope, X-ray machine, MRI,
CT, ... and what I call SysScope (System Thinking) and CybScope (Cybernetic
For d2 you obtain some "ah-ha" by running the little machine inside your
head (most likely with outside assistant, such as, a pencil, a calculator,
a computer, a ChatGPT, etc.)
Therefore, d1 is "a desire to know," d2 is "result of knowing," Information
is therefore manufactured, or an emergence, of the loop of inquiry, which
is a capacity that the Creator installed within us.
Russell Ackoff had a good formula:
Data(result of measurement) < Information < Knowledge < Understanding <
I think each layer above is an emergence emerged from the self-organizing
circular-causalities of our brain, i.e. eigenstates at different levels.
Merry Christamas and Happy New Year! - Jason
Jason Jixuan Hu, Ph.D.
Independent Research Scholar
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office: jjh at wintopgroup.com
mobile: jasonthegoodman at gmail.com
On Sat, Dec 21, 2024 at 5:15 AM Krassimir Markov <itheaiss at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Xueshan,
> Thanks for the detailed answer.
> I will add that just as mathematics develops as (theoretical) mathematics
> and applied mathematics in different areas of practice, so too does
> information science develop as (theoretical) information science and
> applied information science in different areas of reality. Computer Science
> and Informatics develop as extensions of information science, directly
> related to the practice and implementation of machines for operating with
> data and knowledge.
> Therefore, I think it is justified to talk about:
> - information science and studies;
> - applied information science and studies.
> I have a proposal for the subject and foundations of this science, but now
> is not the time to start such a discussion. Perhaps I will first publish
> concise texts that will be available for discussion.
> Dear Christophe,
> Of course, as it is pointed out in 2017 in our joint paper from the FIS
> discussion, information is data with meaning, i.e.
> information = data + meaning
> Let's do a little transformation and transfer the "meaning" to the other
> side. We get:
> information - meaning = data
> Since data are reflections in the receptors of the subject, we can say that
> :
> information - meaning = reflection, in a particular case = data.
> This consideration allows us to say that all developments and definitions
> based on "information without meaning" refer to reflections, in particular
> - data, and do not concern the information with which subjects operate. In
> fact, they all rediscover or further develop parts of the Theory of
> Reflections.
> Dear Gordana,
> I think I gave in my response to Xueshan above the answer to your question
> "What do we want the study of information to be?"
> My answer to your other question, “Can we live with a plurality of notions
> of information?", is:
> - Yes, we can live with multiple definitions of information, but in fact
> there are not that many. In addition, some definitions define something
> else, but not the concept of "information", as we saw above. I will note,
> however, that it is difficult to find the methodological and factual
> shortcomings of the proposed new definitions, and this helps them to swarm.
> For example, regarding the publication of Stu Kaufman and Andrea Rolli, I
> will remember that I see in it a serious methodological flaw.
> I also argue " that no mathematics based on set theory can be used to
> deduce the diachronic emergence of adaptations in evolution". But this does
> not mean " that there can be no Final Theory that entails the becoming of
> the universe". Simply because modern mathematics has given us other tools,
> on the one hand, and on the other, there are a number of simulation
> approaches and systems that allow modeling these processes.
> In addition, we must remember that models are not reality itself, but its
> partial reflection, and therefore we cannot recreate reality through
> models, but we can externalize some of our ideas about it, creating
> corresponded models and thus make them available to other scientists who
> can continue further.
> But if we have no ideas, what do we expect our models to contain? This is
> exactly the case with the "becoming of the universe".
> If no one has any idea, why is a model expected to reveal this on its own?
> Dear colleagues,
> We are on the threshold of the New Year 2025.
> Moreover, today, 21.12.2024, is the transition day to the New Bulgarian
> Year 7530, which starts tomorrow (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bgkalendar.com/?lang=en__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!Qwm3FG8u3ojTiNRWAM2ejkkcvJi6OHf5bUdLZOw-7XE_1xzN3ha1Y266fCaCv6vSrZBudpcFzEP9815b9sFwPLKXlyXK$
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bgkalendar.com/?lang=en__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!Q558tG6NM4auOvNpkSnhaG3WcaPF6oRTBzEUTby2ES5aHlHvv1AO6zKAOKCxCClqC5zRL243b5927vzUsnE$>
> ).
> As the holiday season approaches, I want to express my warmest wishes for
> a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May these holidays bring you peace,
> happiness and the opportunity to reflect on the successes and challenges of
> the past year. May the New Year 2025 be filled with groundbreaking
> discoveries, inspiring collaborations, and continued growth in all your
> scientific endeavors.
> Merry Holidays and a Happy New Year!
> Warmest regards,
> Krassimir
> [image: image.png]
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