[Fis] Various Thoughts- Foundations of Information Science? (REDUX)

Marcus Abundis 55mrcs at gmail.com
Mon Dec 16 15:42:57 CET 2024

I am reposting this from Sun Dec 15 05:52:40 as it did not show correctly
on the listserver. Hopefully this corrects the earlier problem

Dear all,

Some interesting exchanges, I offer a few thoughts.

Further to Gordana’s  note, below I forward a reply I got from Jose Maria
when I first raised the question about BITrum. Yes, it still exists but in
expanded form and with a new name. Read below. Jose Maria, might you
consider making an FIS post saying a bit more about this project?

Since first joining FIS and IS4SI (2015) this issue of ‘defining
information’ (etc.) has been a very sore point and extraordinarily chronic
– to the point of even inspiring too many odd/unhelpful/egoic insults and
attacks. But the FACT has remained this issue MUST BE ADDRESSED if real
progress is to be made . . . where we have a group called FIS and after
(25+ years?) of extended exchanges we find no real clarity (re current
debate). The one thing FIS has perhaps clearly proven is it is unsuited to
addressing this matter. Okay, so if defining information is NOT to be
discussed here, How shall we proceed?

I find Krassimir’s suggestion for a new venue encouraging, but then he
offers no real detail on how that venue would work and how it might
(differently) lead to a useful result. I would be reluctant to just proceed
without caution, to find the same result after another 25years. What must
be produced is a clear and balanced taxonomy AND pedagogy that supports
further (deepening) advances and NOT merely more debate! AND we need a
truly UNIVERSAL approach, NOT a view catering to anyone’s personal bias!

My opinion is that this goal might be best pursued by 2-3? committed (BEST
QUALIFIED, non-egoic ‘fair witnesses’) individuals most likely equal to the
task- perhaps working on a collaborative online document . . . which can be
later presented and STILL be debated on FIS for future refinement. I expect
a few iterations might be needed. The topic itself is too difficult AND
VITAL to be addressed by the entire FIS group all at once, I think.

Marcus Abundis
55mrcs at gmail.com (best: email, chat, vid conf)
+1 538-388-5576 (2nd best: U. S. voicemail)
+41 62 844 21 93 (3rd best: Swiss home)

Begin forwarded message:

From: José María Díaz Nafría <josemaria.diaz.n at udima.es>
Date: December 11, 2024 at 11:19:10 AM GMT+1
To: Marcus Abundis <55mrcs at gmail.com>
Cc: "Pedro C. Marijuán" <pedroc.marijuan at gmail.com>, fis at listas.unizar.es,
Krassimir Markov <itheaiss at gmail.com>
Subject: [Fis] Five Clouds over Fundamental Information Science.Information
and Computation

Dear Marcus,

Yes, the project is still alive, though in the form of glossaLAB:
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.glossalab.org__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!RFaGycCxQIGc-TRSjz_DVEsc2fO99M-1-J_ftxESSRQGWCoGGTTk05Os2HUzwDjMJ6REcSCbX7ZqINiO$ . What we are doing is declared on the main page
of the public platform. In the backyard, we're working on a development
system in which we are setting up a federated system of interdisciplinary
glossaries and encyclopedic corpora, annotated semantically. The most
important corpora are the ones referred to on the main page. The articles
abstracted on the webpage, whose URL you shared, talk about the project we
are currently involved in.

All the best,

El mié, 11 dic 2024 a las 2:02, Marcus Abundis (<55mrcs at gmail.com>)
Pedro, Krassimir,

Wasn’t there a BITrum project that was started a while back with that same
 purpose? Is that project still alive?


Marcus Abundis
55mrcs at gmail.com (best: email, chat, vid conf)
+1 538-388-5576 (2nd best: U. S. voicemail)
+41 62 844 21 93 (3rd best: Swiss home)

On Dec 10, 2024, at 6:29 PM, Pedro C. Marijuán <pedroc.marijuan at gmail.com>

Dear Krassimir,

With all respect to your initiative I do not find it suitable for FIS list.
Hundreds of definitions of information have been coined (ten or twenty
years ago I remind the counting was something like 500 ones). So, another
compilation becomes more of the same, insisting on a sterile direction in
my opinion. If recording or copyright matter, sure you can have other
solutions than the FIS list --ITHEA journals or other webs.

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