[Fis] Various Thoughts . . .

Marcus Abundis 55mrcs at gmail.com
Sun Dec 15 11:56:44 CET 2024

Hey Jason – it looks like your post did NOT make it to the FIS listerserver
(as far as I can tell). Are you actually *enrolled* in the FIS group? While
I think anyone can READ FIS posts, I think you need to actually enroll on
FIS to make FIS posts. Regardless, I have copied your message below for
others to read.

Also, while I appreciate your bringing this alternate venue to our
attention (assuming you enroll and repost) . . . what *I* had in mind for
collaboration was much more limited/narrow in the called upon number of
contributors. The more-open approach your venue seems to suggest will (I
think – yes, I read the description) only marginally improve on the current
situation. What I had in mind, and what I think is called for is a much
narrower actively collaborative document (many venues for this exist) that
is later commented on by the larger FIS group.

[image: --]
Marcus Abundis
[image: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://*about.me/marcus.abundis__;XQ!!D9dNQwwGXtA!UWQW0t9Ug0Bgiwpkm9jAz71kXj__qyALTdskOQ-T9rcqwpf_Ln3ImgzfB1mGxBwWQr31aKLxrgHlIVud$ 
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://about.me/marcus.abundis?promo=email_sig__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!UWQW0t9Ug0Bgiwpkm9jAz71kXj__qyALTdskOQ-T9rcqwpf_Ln3ImgzfB1mGxBwWQr31aKLxrmx3jEeO$ >

On Sun, Dec 15, 2024 at 6:35 AM Jason Hu <jasonthegoodman at gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Marcus and All,

I have been observing these conversations for a few weeks and see the pain
of some of you struggling from individual cognition towards possible
collective cognition or from individual wisdom towards some kind of
collective wisdom, a very difficult task indeed. (Quote Marcus: "a very
sore point and extraordinarily chronic – to the point of even inspiring too
many odd/unhelpful/egoic insults and attacks..., ...How shall we proceed?
..., ...this goal might be best pursued by 2-3? committed (BEST QUALIFIED,
non-egoic ‘fair witnesses’) individuals most likely equal to the task-
perhaps working on a collaborative online document . .")

My suggestion is that you can consider upgrading your mode of conversation
from text email into face-to-face online meetings. Let me introduce you the
platform of Club of Remy (sometimes called Mini-Macy-Meetings or "M cube.")

"Mini" because we hold a discussion session if there are three colleagues
interested in a same or similar topic, e.g., "How do we define
information?" (Historical Macy Meetings had about thirty participants, so
we are 1/10 in size) Each person prepare 7 PPT slides to highlight his/her
points, to be presented on the meeting. So that will take the first hour.
In the second hour, the three discussants engage into a deep "meeting of
the minds." Audience are welcome but not neccessary, they can joing the
discussion or just listen. The whole process is recorded and upload to
YouTube for later viewers. Simple, effective, powerful.

The Club of Remy website introduce this process in detail:
You can find our video recordings here: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://YouTube.com@clubofremy__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!UWQW0t9Ug0Bgiwpkm9jAz71kXj__qyALTdskOQ-T9rcqwpf_Ln3ImgzfB1mGxBwWQr31aKLxrhy7qO9Z$ 

Interested colleagues can send me a Title-Abstract-Outline of the topic you
want to discuss (one page or one screenful in length). I post it to our
club members (about 200) and perhaps to FIS members in this case. If there
are two more people signing up to be discussants, the three will pick up a
date. We usually have our meetings on Wednesdays (The historical Macy
Meetings were on Tuesdays.)

I hope this message will qualify as "information" for you, i.e., "A
difference that makes a difference." Even you are not accepting is this
suggestion, it might provoke your thinking too.

Best regards - Jason
Jason Jixuan Hu, Ph.D.
Independent Research Scholar
Organizer: Club of REMY:  https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.clubofremy.org__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!UWQW0t9Ug0Bgiwpkm9jAz71kXj__qyALTdskOQ-T9rcqwpf_Ln3ImgzfB1mGxBwWQr31aKLxrglq6IDo$ 
General Partner: WINTOP Group: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wintopgroup.com__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!UWQW0t9Ug0Bgiwpkm9jAz71kXj__qyALTdskOQ-T9rcqwpf_Ln3ImgzfB1mGxBwWQr31aKLxriq4iqS3$ 
Introduction: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://drjasonhu.com__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!UWQW0t9Ug0Bgiwpkm9jAz71kXj__qyALTdskOQ-T9rcqwpf_Ln3ImgzfB1mGxBwWQr31aKLxrgH_BTRL$ 
Wiki Page: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://tinyurl.com/JJH008__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!UWQW0t9Ug0Bgiwpkm9jAz71kXj__qyALTdskOQ-T9rcqwpf_Ln3ImgzfB1mGxBwWQr31aKLxrlCe-_DX$ 
Video: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://tinyurl.com/JJHsprach__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!UWQW0t9Ug0Bgiwpkm9jAz71kXj__qyALTdskOQ-T9rcqwpf_Ln3ImgzfB1mGxBwWQr31aKLxrsy5UYad$ 
office: jjh at wintopgroup.com
mobile: jasonthegoodman at gmail.com
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