[Fis] Two questions and one remark

Krassimir Markov itheaiss at gmail.com
Sun Nov 12 15:15:26 CET 2023

Dear colleagues,
Due to my busy schedule, I could not actively participate in the
I will try to briefly point out three things here.

1. A simple question for Daniel: Do animals process information?

2. Karl, you lost the bet before it was even made!
Thousands of math and computer science students study combinatorics, which
means that permutations and cycles (loops) are part of first-year studies
and exercises.
Nothing new will be gained if we call them by another name.

3. Regarding the paradigm shift, I would ask Yixin if it is possible to
outline the new paradigm.
What is central and new in it, what methodology is supposed to be created?

With respect,

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