[Fis] Fis Digest, Vol 105, Issue 12 Human Wisdom vs Meta-Intelligence. Universal contextual contradictory wisdom

钟义信 zyx at bupt.edu.cn
Fri Nov 10 03:13:57 CET 2023

Dear Louis, dear All,

Thank you for introducing one of the authoritative explanation on the term of "wisdom" and thank all colleagues who made good contributions to the discussions on the topic of "paradigm change in AI". 

The discussions carried on so far have been very fruitful and benefitial. Thank all colleagues for your contributions and thank Pedro for your initiation and organizing for the discussion!

At the moment, may I make a re-statement about the major anticipations for the discussion on "Paradigm Change in AI" as what follows.

(1) The term of "paradigm" here is referred as the "scientific worldview and its methodology", the highest guiding force for the research of a discipline, like AI, rather than any others in lower levels. For simplicity, however, the discussion is expected to focus only on the issue of  "methodology" for the present.
(2) The term of "AI" here is referred to the current state of the art of AI, rather than any other "AI" in imagination.  
(3) The phrase of "Paradigm change in AI" means that the methodologies used in AI research, including "pure formalism" and "divide and conquer", should be changed because that both of them make AI being not intelligent and having no general theory.

The point (3) is the focus for the discussion while the points of (1) and (2) are the limiting conditions for the discussion.

I am well aware that colleagues from FIS are very wise and very active. Therefore, any opinions, comments, and criticism on "Paradigm change in AI" are warmly welcome and thankful. 

Best wishes,


Prof. Yixin ZHONG
AI School, BUPT
Beijing 100876, China


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