[Fis] Information, misinformation, disinformation
Dr. Plamen L. Simeonov
plamen.l.simeonov at gmail.com
Sun Jun 4 23:49:48 CEST 2023
May I suggest a correction, Michel: not Europe, but the EU(SSR).
Europe is an idea, a vision and I prefer the one of Valerie Giscard
On Sun, Jun 4, 2023 at 8:58 PM Michel Petitjean <petitjean.chiral at gmail.com>
> Dear All,
> Europa declares that fighting disinformation will be legal obligation.
> Let me ask some questions:
> - Who is able to recognize misinformation vs. information?
> - When misinformation is recognized, who is able to establish an
> intentional character, so that it is disinformation indeed?
> - Who will be in charge to do the tasks above?
> Well, in some simple cases disinformation can be recognized.
> Just curious, would we all agree when such of these cases is stated to
> have occurred?
> Better would be to massively educate people rather than to censor.
> All my best.
> Michel. retired scientist.
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://petitjeanmichel.free.fr/itoweb.petitjean.html__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!TJwbbe1lwYIxShwAfVBumCbM_Z8dLAOsPYouKKMFgAbgRlJOO-Hrq6KGYRxM2jIQ9ODmmYfdvxs8TQ6e1sxrhVXvMx3y$
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