[Fis] THE ROOTS OF fis <fis at listas.unizar.es>MODERN CIVILISATION--transformers

Koichiro Matsuno cxq02365 at nifty.com
Sun Jan 15 03:02:00 CET 2023

January 12, 2023 6:39 PM; Ted Goranson <tedgoranson en me.com <mailto:tedgoranson en me.com> > wrote: I suppose any notion we have of object, agent and sequence are from our cognitive machinery and not from nature.


  In addition to the wiring of our brains, nature of itself is also involved in its own wiring with use of a lot of reaction cycles functioning as the organizational cohesive factors. Each of them remains invisible to us unless artifacts of human origin, e.g., carbon labelling, are allowed to intervene. In short, the organizational cohesion of a concrete particular nature is sought within the lasting production sequence of an indefinite implication. The product from the preceding production is constantly pulled into the immediately following downstream production while repeating the cycle. Organizational cohesion as an integration of both being pulled into and pulling in goes along with the cycle. 







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