[Fis] Article Computation on Information, Meaning and Representations

Christophe Menant christophe.menant at hotmail.fr
Fri Feb 17 06:41:23 CET 2023

Thanks Karl and Javier for your support to that systemic approach.
“A set of elements linked by a set of relations” is indeed a simple model leading to a wide usage. Beyond applications to animals, humans and artificial agents, the proposed approach to meaning generation introduces agency, autonomy and entry points to a-biotic or post human perspectives (summary at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://philpapers.org/archive/MENITA-7.pdf__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!RCvSZmBSxaIIWw4BbbiKRz8OyM8_GI18EEoAnRJlnDm4TymrpnD0tLfFag7L0tLh0TogvBnghgCXZfRGX1Spozutd77p1jeL$ ).
De : Jose Javier Blanco Rivero <javierweiss at gmail.com>
Envoyé : jeudi 16 février 2023 16:10
À : Karl Javorszky <karl.javorszky at gmail.com>
Cc : Christophe Menant <christophe.menant at hotmail.fr>; fis <fis at listas.unizar.es>
Objet : Re: [Fis] Article Computation on Information, Meaning and Representations

Dear Colleagues,

First and foremost, thank you Karl for the synthesis. I like this definition of meaning very much, because of its transdisciplinary potential, so to speak. For instance, semantic meaning can also be described in these very same terms. Speech acts (using a philosophical analytic concept, though without the intention to restrict us to this school of thought) take place in sociolinguistic contexts, which are nothing but systemic constraints. These constraints reduce ambiguity and therefore become meaningful, that is, they allow us to focus social action and communication with regard to their most plausible continuations. And continuation, as the concept of autopoiesis has taught us, is vital for the self-conservation of the system.

Thank you Christhophe for this essay, I will certainly enjoy it.



El jue, 16 feb 2023 a las 11:32, Karl Javorszky (<karl.javorszky at gmail.com<mailto:karl.javorszky at gmail.com>>) escribió:

Dear Colleagues,

Christophe Menant has shared an article “Computation on Information, Meaning and Representations. An Evolutionary Approach” with us. In this work, following points describe the meaning of the term “meaning”.

1) A meaning (the environment is becoming hostile versus the satisfaction of vital constraints) is associated to an information (level of acidity) received from an entity of the environment (drop of acid).

2) The meaning is generated because the system possesses a constraint linked to its nature (stay alive) that has to be satisfied for the system to maintain its nature.

3) A meaning is generated because the received information has a connection with the constraint of the system (too high an acidity level impacts the satisfaction of the vital constraints).

4) A meaning is a meaningful information generated by the system relatively to its constraint and to its environment (the environment is becoming hostile versus the satisfaction of the vital constraint).

5) The meaning is going to participate to the determination of an action that the system is to implement (move away from acid area) in order to satisfy its constraint and maintain its nature (stay alive).

These five characteristics lead to a systemic definition of a meaning for a system submitted to a constraint that receives an information from an entity of its environment:” A meaning is a meaningful information that is created by a system submitted to a constraint when it receives an incident information that has a connection with the constraint. The meaning is formed of the connection existing between the received information and the constraint of the system. The function of the meaningful information is to participate to the determination of an action that will be implemented in order to satisfy the constraint of the system”. This definition of a meaning tells what the meaning is and what the meaning is for.

The concept is wholly supported by what the numbers tell us. (In ancient times, it was the flight of eagles that supported or not a hypothesis, today we are more advanced and no less useful, practical and wise.)

The concept of the meaning that there is something that an occurrence refers to, is in relation with. In Christophe’s example above, the change in properties oft he surroundings of the assembly (a drop of acid into the habitat) refers to a physiological – ideal – state which has been changed.

The general concept of ideal state, ideal arrangement, ideal balance,  ideal cooperation, etc. can be seen in planar geometry by the places and properties of two central elements. The central elements become visible to the naked eye if one reorders some realizations of a+b=c into some other orders. (Eg. Reorder between sorting orders [a+b,b] ↔ [b-2a,a-2b].)

There exists an inbuilt reference system in which all appearances are somehow different to each other in a gradable fashion. There exist two relative Zeroes of being in any way different to the absolutely average member of the assembly.

This letter is supporting the general ideas expressed in the work.


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