[Fis] future collaboration
Pedro C. Marijuán
pedroc.marijuan at gmail.com
Mon Sep 26 12:52:21 CEST 2022
Dear Loet,
We will miss you.
During more than 20 years your comments have been bringing us wisdom,
wit, and humor.
Our discussions will be different without your nice contributions.
We will miss you.
My best regards,
El 26/09/2022 a las 3:28, Loet Leydesdorff escribió:
> Dear colleagues and friends,
> Unlike when someone dies, Parkinson's disease appears to be a slow
> phasing out. It is with regret that I must inform you that I cannot
> fulfill my professional obligations. This will also be the case in the
> future. I must resign from all my positions.
> With some of you I have worked so closely over the years that we also
> know each other as friends. I hope we can continue that relationship,
> but in the meantime you can't count on your e-mails to be answered,
> for example.
> Kind regards. Loet
> PS. Given a health condition, I am no longer able to read and write
> emails without mistakes. Please, consider using the telephone or
> skype. Best, Loet
> *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
> *"The Evolutionary Dynamics of Discusive Knowledge"
> <https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-59951-5>(Open Access)*
> Professor emeritus, University of Amsterdam
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