[Fis] Summarising this weeks discussion
plamen.l.simeonov at gmail.com
Sun Jun 26 12:12:44 CEST 2022
This is an interesting idea I like, Koichiro and Andrei.
Are there any other (anticipated) forms of biocomputation languages beyond the symbolical and indexing ones that can get mixed up at a later point in time? I think we should keep in mind Gödel‘s inheritance avoid repeating Hilbert‘s mistake, which is a biological one at its core.
> On Jun 26, 2022, at 11:07 AM, Koichiro Matsuno <CXQ02365 at nifty.com> wrote:
> Saturday, June 25, 2022 3:54 AM, Andrei Igamberdiev a_igamberdiev at hotmail.com wrote;
> I suggested the idea that the Heisenberg uncertainty ratio “energy-time” can explain the precision of operation of macromolecules as computing devices in living systems
> Quantum mechanics has been an attempt for preventing us from falling into a helpless abyss in case symbolical and indexical languages simply got mixed up. QM regulation integrating both the symbolical and indexical, e.g., conservation laws and measurements, as epitomized in the uncertainty relation, is an instance of quantum computation, and relevant to biology also.
> Best,
> Koichiro
> From: Andrei Igamberdiev <a_igamberdiev at hotmail.com>
> Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2022 3:54 AM
> To: Gordana Dodig Crnkovic <gordana.dodig-crnkovic at chalmers.se>; Nikita Shklovsky <nikitashk at gmail.com>; Koichiro Matsuno <cxq02365 at nifty.com>; joe.brenner at bluewin.ch; fis at listas.unizar.es
> Subject: Re: Summarising this weeks discussion
> Dear Gordana, Joseph, Koichiro and Nikita,
> In my opinion, the exchange between Joseph and Koichiro regarding the transitions between the potential and the actual is very important as this is the point where we can approach closer to the nature of macromolecular (and biological) computation. The whole process of computation is directly related to the aspects of “potentiality in reality”. The advanced systems that developed complex behavior are able to hold the potential for a prolonged time to make precise outputs based on the choice of particular result that help the system to navigate in the external world. This means that such holding the potential corresponds to the abstracting capacity, which was clarified in recent papers of Koichiro. This also corresponds to the duality of actual entity and of abstract entity in the philosophy of A.N. Whitehead.
> Many years ago, in my first paper of BioSystems (1993) I suggested the idea that the Heisenberg uncertainty ratio “energy-time” can explain the precision of operation of macromolecules as computing devices in living systems in a way that the prolonged time of quantum measurement corresponds to the minimum dissipation of energy in it, i.e. to the precise result and thus represents the basis of natural computation performed by macromolecular devices. These devices operate as molecular automata of the extremal quantum computer, and their set maintains highly ordered robust coherent state, which precisely directs actualizations in the course of natural computational process. During this process, single events corresponding to realization of interacting individual programs form a percolating network, and this leads to concrete spatial patterns constructed using optimal coordinate scales.
> I am confident that this concept has a potential for development, and it is grounded in the ideas expressed by Efim Liberman in his conceptual approach to natural computation. Several concrete aspects of the quantum biological computation were outlined in the works of Koichiro Matsuno, including the estimation of actual energy dissipation in the course of measurement accompanied by emitting quanta, each carrying energy E at every time interval τ (Matsuno and Paton, 2000, BioSystems 55: 39-46). The works of Yukio Gunji, of Andrei Khrennikov, also earlier works of Howard Pattee and others, are particularly important in this development, although we are still at the beginning of this important paradigm of the “new science”. In this development, the paradigm of the new science will incorporate the ideas of relational biology formulated by Robert Rosen, which will result in overcoming their too abstract original representation. Summarizing, I would say that we have all prerequisites for the concept of natural computation that can be applied to the real world, and the logic of potentiality in reality is in the core of this paradigm. The real world is tantot libre, tantot recherché (Beethoven words), and this is a pledge of freedom, which is the basis of the existence of the world and its evolution.
> All the best,
> Andrei
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