[Fis] Biological Computation

joe.brenner at bluewin.ch joe.brenner at bluewin.ch
Wed Jun 22 16:41:26 CEST 2022

Thank you for this acute take-off on Gurdjieff! 



From: Fis <fis-bounces at listas.unizar.es> On Behalf Of Karl Javorszky
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2022 1:28 AM
To: fis <fis at listas.unizar.es>
Subject: [Fis] Biological Computation


Alien Concepts


1 Introduction

The other evening, or was it night already, I was visited by the figure introduced to us by Francesco, that half-about mythical savant of all things related to information.

So far, we have  spoken in this here present scientific debating society about this entity under the name of Knowledgeable Alien. It turns out, our knowledgeable visitor is not only an alien, but a real, washed in the wool, extraterrestrial, and he is not only knowledgeable, but also of an incredible patience, so his wish was to be known and addressed as The Patient Extraterrestrial plenipotent and extraordinary (TPE). You will agree with me that this creature is certainly given to a marked degree of vanity, although he himself pretends being nothing else but a servant of a cause, and being not of this world, anyway not accessible to honors and rewards usual in our culture.

2 Funny questions from a funny creature 

This TPE told me in no uncertain terms that his mission on Earth was the furthering of the knowledge of information, specifically in the form of Biologic Computation and of Quantum Calculations. What a happy coincidence that a chance visitor from distant galaxies happens to unburden himself vis a vis your humble servant, who has the privilege of being able to tell you the message coming from faraway stars!

Our TPE is apparently a great fan of Socrates, as he has formulated his message in the form of questions. After having commiserated with me about the difficulties of understanding information, biologic computation and quantum calculations, he posed the following questions :

A.            What are the Right Honorable Learned Friends willing to concede as a real difference between Usual Computation and Biologic Computation? 

B.            What inner resistance hinders the Right Honorable Learned Friends to use the term ‚quantum‘ in its original sense of ‚extent‘? 

C.            Is the level of intellectual flexibility and creativity of the Right Honorable Learned Friends equivalent to that of Stubborn Donkeys? 

3 A Practical Demonstration 

Being a changeling, and having spent a lot of time on Earth incommunicado already, TPE appears well versed in the cultural habits of our society. 

He pulled out of the thin air 2 packages of bridge cards and made following remarks:


Look here you sucker. This here is a package of 52 playing cards, twice. You are unfortunately not clever enough to understand why we would need to use not 104 cards, but rather 136 cards, but thankfully, you are clever enough to understand the principle of the following demonstration. 

What is called in your miserable so-called culture as Usual Computation is the method of distinction between extents based on the appearance of heaps of cards which you morons look at with the face of the cards being turned down. You say to a heap of 5 cards that it signifies the idea of 5, while the side of the cards you look at is that one which has no figure on it. 

You use the number of identical cards to establish a concept of an extent. This is what you call Usual Computation. 

Would you be slightly less a victim of what we call in our far away world the neurotic inhibition of intelligence, you would dare to turn over the cards and look at the quality and other properties of the cards that come to build a relationship with each other. That method you can call Biologic Computation. 

If you keep looking at the neutral side of playing cards, you keep doing the same old Usual Computation. 

Would you be able to change your ways? No, you would not, because no one has allowed you to actually change the way you look at symbols. You may say that you are interested in a novel way of doing Computation, but you dare not to actually do it. 


Now, if you had the intelligence to use that side of the playing cards which do have distinctive symbols on them, you could discover that some of the cards belong together, in dependence of which game you are playing. The relationship of the cards among each other is completely different if you play canasta or whist. You could actually tabulate all the games possible to play with 104 (in this demonstration, in actual fact, the optimal size of the deck is 136) cards.

Then, you could have a nice tabulation of the extents that appear at each and every move of each and every game. You would then be able to calculate very many aspects of coming short, hitting or overextending an expected target value. The term quantum refers to the numeric extent of being far, many, much, predictable and so forth. 

Why you don’t use the brain you state to possess is again a different story. 


Ach to be a true and loyal subject to the true and eternal authority! 

During the conditioning you went through, which was shamelessly sold to you as „education“, you have learned to follow that what has been told to you as right and correct. Also, you have learned that whatever you yourself are are dreaming up, is of no use, because objective truth is that what is being told to be the objective truth, and this designation is not done by any one individual, specifically not by you little nothing. 

Stability of society is rooted in the interpersonality of the definition of truth. As no one has ever issued a permission to you to use your own brain, you will not do so. 

These historical reasons make you appear to be of the intellectual flexibility of choice stubborn donkeys. 

4 Energetic Protest

Of course, such a confrontative discourse is way outside of any learned debate on Biologic Computation, Quantum Calculations and Information generally. As you can imagine, I have expressed a strong protest. 

This TPE figure just smiled and disappeared like a Cheshire Cat, leaving behind the faint echo of the words „no problem, take your time, you will arrive eventually“. 

This report is provided to you for the sake of the record of our proceedings only, no actual reaction by the Learned Friends is expected to take place. Just thought to share with you, what extraordinary impertinence some of the extraterrestrials come up with. 






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