[Fis] Book Presentation

Mariusz Stanowski stanowskimariusz at wp.pl
Mon Apr 4 08:51:09 CEST 2022

Dear Francesco,

Thank you very much for your response and I am glad you found my 
presentation inspiring. Your thoughts broaden my area of reflection.

Best regards


W dniu 2022-04-04 o 07:28, Francesco Rizzo pisze:
> Caro Mariusz,
> la Tua piattaforma paradigmatica è interessante e coinvolgente. Essa 
> s'in-centra su una legge del contrasto che implica la
> differenziazione crescente o decrescente di diversi campi di forma 
> della realtà osservata o pensata, I sistemi complessi non
> lineari e lontani dall'equilibrio, come ad es. le strutture 
> dissipative di Ilya Pirigogine, creano ordine dal disordine mediante
> fluttuazioni o instabilità. Una forma più complessa è più 
> neg-entropia, Man mano che si riduce questa complessità
> la neg-entropia si riduce fino a sparire lasciando il posto 
> all'entropia: come accade quando si arriva ad uno stato di
> mortalità. In senso generale.
> Io ho insegnato economia prima nella Facoltà di Ingegneria e dopo, 
> anche, nella Facoltà di Architettura. Lavorando e studiando
> con gli architetti, soprattutto con i teorici del restauro, la 
> conoscenza e la valutazione dei beni culturali, mi ha stimolato a
> creare una nuova teoria del valore fondata sulla combinazione creativa 
> di informazione e energia, O meglio: dato che l'energia
> è un modo di essere dell'informazione, si può affermare che il valore 
> economico dipenda esclusivamente dall'informazione.
> D'altra parte non avrebbe avuto senso dire, come ancora molti 
> utilitaristi pensano, che un'opera d'arte vale perchè è utile. Poi ho
> esteso o generalizzato il mio approccio al valore a tutti i beni, 
> dalle patate alla "Gioconda", alla musica, alla poesia e così via.
> Il passaggio dalle forme meno semplici a quelle più complesse di un 
> sistema o di sistemi diversi  attua un contrasto armonioso, creativo
> e musicale. Difatti la musica, con la dinamica dei tempi e la forza 
> delle note, può assumersi come  paradigma della scienza.
> Tu hai fatto bene a parlare di  economia della percezione, ma avresti 
> fatto ancor meglio se avessi usato l'espressione
> percezione dell'economia. Sai perché? Perchè, l'economia del pensiero 
> o il pensiero dell'economia, è imprescindibile per la
> ricerca del migliore mondo (esistenziale, scientifico e della fede 
> religiosa) possibile.
> Mi congratulo con Te e Ti ringrazio per questa bella lezione di 
> onto-epistemo-logia che ci ha dato.
> Un saluto affettuoso.
> Francesco Rizzo
> Il giorno sab 2 apr 2022 alle ore 19:22 Mariusz Stanowski 
> <stanowskimariusz at wp.pl> ha scritto:
>     *Book Presentation*
>     *“Theory and Practice of Contrast: Integrating Science, Art and
>     Philosophy.”*
>     *Mariusz Stanowski*
>     *Published June 10, 2021 by CRC Press (hardcover and eBook).*
>     Dear FIS list members,
>     Many thanks for the opportunity to present my recent book in this
>     list.
>     Our dispersed knowledge needs an underlying structure that allows
>     it to be organised into a coherent and complex system.
>     I believe “Theory and Practice of Contrast” provides such a
>     structure by bringing the considerations to the most basic,
>     general and abstract level. At this level it is possible to define
>     *contrast as a tension between common and differentiating features
>     of objects. It grows in intensity as the number/strength of
>     differentiating and common features of contrasting
>     structures/objects increases*. Contrast understood in this way
>     applies to any objects of reality (mental and physical) and is
>     also an impact (causal force) in the most general sense. Contrast
>     as a common principle organises (binds) our knowledge into a
>     coherent system. This is illustrated by a diagram of the
>     connections between the key concepts:
>     Below are brief descriptions of these connections.
>     *Contrast—Development *When observing a contrast, we also observe
>     the connection between contrasting objects/structures (resulting
>     from their common features) and the emergence of a new, more
>     complex structure possessing the common and differentiating
>     features of connected structures. In the general sense, the
>     emergence of a new structure is tantamount to development.
>     Therefore, it may be stated that contrast is a perception of
>     structures/objects connections, or experience of development. The
>     association of contrast with development brings a new quality to
>     the understanding of many other fundamental concepts, such as
>     beauty, value, creativity, emergence. (Similarly, /contrast as
>     development /is understood in Whitehead’s philosophy).
>     *Contrast—Complexity *In accordance with the proposed definition,
>     when we consider the contrast between two or more
>     objects/structures, it grows in intensity as the number/strength
>     of differentiating and common features of contrasting
>     structures/objects increases. Such an understanding of contrast
>     remain an intuitive criterion of complexity that can be formulated
>     as follows: *a system becomes more complex the greater is the
>     number of distinguishable elements and the greater the number of
>     connections among them*/. /If in definition of contrast we
>     substitute “differentiating features” for “distinguishable
>     elements” and “common features” for “connections”, we will be able
>     to conclude that *contrast is the perception and measure of
>     complexity.*
>     Note: Two types of contrasts can be distinguished: the sensual
>     (physical) contrast, which is determined only by the force of
>     features of contrasting objects and the mental (abstract) contrast
>     which depends primarily on the number of these features. (This
>     contrast can be equated with complexity). (The equation of
>     contrast with complexity is an important finding for the
>     investigations in: cognitive sciences, psychology, ontology,
>     epistemology, aesthetics, axiology, biology, information theory,
>     complexity theory and indirectly in physics).
>     *Complexity—Information Compression *Intuition says that the more
>     complex object with the same number of components (e.g. words) has
>     more features/information (i.e. more common and differentiating
>     features), which proves its better organization (assuming that all
>     components have the same or similar complexity). We can also say
>     that such an object has a higher degree of complexity. The degree
>     of complexity is in other words the brevity of the form or the
>     compression of information. Complexity understood intuitively (as
>     above) depends, however, not only on the complexity degree (that
>     could be defined as the ratio of the number of features to the
>     number of components) but also on the (total) number of features,
>     because it is more difficult to organize a larger number of
>     elements/features. In addition, the more features (with the same
>     degree of complexity), the greater the contrast. Therefore, in the
>     proposed /Abstract Definition of Complexity /(2011), we multiply
>     the degree of complexity by the number of features. This
>     definition defines the complexity (C) of the binary structure
>     (general model of all structures/objects) as the quotient of the
>     square of features (regularities/substructures) number (N) to the
>     number of components or the number of zeros and ones (n). It is
>     expressed in a simple formula: C = N²/n and should be considered
>     the most general definition of complexity, among the existing
>     ones, which also fulfils the intuitive criterion. (This relation
>     explains what compression of information in general is and what
>     role it plays as a complexity factor. This allows to generalize
>     the notion of information compression and use it not only in
>     computer science, but also in other fields of knowledge, such as
>     aesthetics, axiology, cognitive science, biology, chemistry, physics).
>     **
>     *Information compression—Development *Our mind perceiving objects
>     (receiving information) more compressed, saves energy.
>     Compression/organization of information reduce energy of
>     perception while maintaining the same amount of information (in
>     case of lossless compression). Thanks to this, perception becomes
>     easier (more economical) and more enjoyable; for example, it can
>     be compared to faster and easier learning, acquiring knowledge
>     (information), which also contributes to our development.
>     Compression of information as a degree of complexity also affects
>     its size. Complexity, in turn, is a measure of contrast (and vice
>     versa). Contrast, however, is identified with development. Hence,
>     complexity is also development. This sequence of associations is
>     the second way connecting the compression of information with
>     development. Similarly, one can trace all other possibilities of
>     connections in the diagram. (The association of information
>     compression with development brings a new, explanatory knowledge
>     to many fields including cognitive science, aesthetics, axiology,
>     information theory).
>     **
>     *Development—Value *Development is the essence of value, because
>     all values (ethical, material, intellectual, etc.) contribute to
>     our development which is their common feature. It follows that
>     value is also a contrast, complexity and compression of
>     information because they are synonymous with development. (The
>     relation explains and defines the notion of value fundamental to
>     axiology).
>     *Value—Abstract Value *About all kinds of values (with the
>     exception of aesthetic values) we can say, what they are useful
>     for. Only aesthetic values can be said to serve the development or
>     be the essence of values, values in general or abstract values.
>     This is a property of abstract concepts to express the general
>     idea of something (e.g. the concept of a chair includes all kinds
>     of chairs and not a specific one). It follows that *what is
>     specific to aesthetic value is that it is an abstract value*
>     (although it is difficult to imagine). (This is a new
>     understanding of aesthetic value, crucial for aesthetics and
>     axiology).
>     **
>     *Contrast—Being *Contrast or interaction is a concept prior to the
>     concept of being because without interaction there is no
>     existence. It follows that the basic component of being must be
>     two objects/elements/components (creating a contrast) having
>     common and differentiating features. (Understanding of being as a
>     contrast is fundamental to ontology and metaphysics and worth
>     considering in physics).
>     **
>     *Contrast—Cognition *The object of cognition and the subject
>     (mind) participate in the cognitive process. The object and the
>     subject have common and differentiating features, thus they create
>     a contrast. Cognition consists in attaching (through common
>     features) differentiating features of the object by the subject.
>     In this way, through the contrast, the subject develops. It can
>     therefore be said that cognition is a contrast of the object with
>     the subject. (This is a new definition of cognition important for
>     epistemology and cognitive science).
>     **
>     *Cognition—Subjectivity *The above understanding of cognition
>     agrees all disputable issues (present, among others, in
>     psychology, cognitive science and aesthetics) regarding the
>     objectivity and subjectivity of assessments (e.g. whether the
>     source of beauty is the observer's mind, whether it is a specific
>     quality from the observer independent), because it shows that they
>     depend on both the subject and the object, i.e. depend on their
>     relationship—contrast.
>     **
>     *Compression of information—Beauty *Beautiful are objects with
>     high information compression (a large degree of
>     complexity/organization). Thanks to the compression of
>     information, perceiving beauty, we save energy, the perception
>     becomes more economical and pleasant which favours our development
>     and is therefore a value for us. The example is golden division.
>     Counting features (information) in all possible types of divisions
>     (asymmetrical, symmetrical and golden) showed that the golden
>     division contains the most features/information (an additional
>     feature is well known golden proportion) and therefore creates the
>     greatest contrast, complexity and aesthetic value.(This explains
>     the previously unknown reasons for aesthetic preferences, key to
>     aesthetics, art theory, psychology, cognitive science and
>     neuroaesthetics).
>     **
>     *Development—Beauty *Beauty contributes to development thanks to
>     the economy of perception. Perception of beauty is accompanied by
>     a sense of development or ease and pleasure of perception. (This
>     explains the causes of aesthetic preferences).
>     **
>     *Abstract Value—Beauty, Art *Only beauty and art have no specific
>     value but they express/have value in general (an abstract value).
>     The objects that make up a work of art are not important, but
>     their contrast-interaction, which results from the complexity of
>     the artwork. (If we see a single object in the gallery, then the
>     art is its contrast with the context - as in the case of Duchamp's
>     "Urinal" or Malevich's "Black Square"). One can say that beauty
>     and art are distinguished (defined) by two elements: abstract
>     value and a large contrast.(This is a new and only definition of
>     beauty/art that indicates the distinctive common features of all
>     aesthetic/artistic objects, it is crucial for the theory of art,
>     aesthetics, axiology and epistemology).
>     _______________________________________________
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