[Fis] Fwd: Entropy, the Second Law, and Life
Pedro C. Marijuan
pcmarijuan.iacs at aragon.es
Fri Jan 8 14:39:39 CET 2021
Dear Arieh & FISers,
My appreciation for your elegant and lively contribution. Reading about
labeling the food on their "negentropy content" or advising on low
entropy food (icy water!) was a most humorous way to criticize all the
nonsense and "mystical mystery tours" around entropy. Particularly,
Atkins (& Dawkins) quasi-religious views have always been unswallowable
for me. Anyhow, two further aspects I would like to hear from you.
First, to put it most briefly, what basic, visual image would you convey
for an intuitive understanding of entropy beyond the technicality of
SMI? Uncertainty, chaos, disorder, diffusion, dispersal... some many
terms around! I could see years ago some heated exchanges you had with
Frank Lambert, the champion of entropy as energy dispersal. There is
also a longish comment on how Steven Pinker approaches
entropy-information-evolution-cognition as the four fundamental concepts
in our scientific understanding of the world. He is wrong (IMO) in all
of them! Although it he is an extraordinary social psychologist the
basic sci. background he proposes is tainted. If we could give a more
sound "tetrad" even with those same concepts, it would be a great
outcome. Clarifying entropy in all aspects we could advance would a
terrific step.
And second (maybe to be discussed later on) do you accept "dimensions"
for entropy? The units of jules/degreeK aren't they derived from having
entered the Boltzmann's constant? Why do we need at all separate units
for temperature and energy?
Thanks for all the exchanges so far!
Pedro C. Marijuán
Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
pcmarijuan.iacs at aragon.es
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