[Fis] Excellent simulation

Mark Johnson johnsonmwj1 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 29 12:51:15 CEST 2020

Dear Gordana,

Thank you for this. Yes these tools are powerful (for good and bad!). It's
not a trivial question to ask why they are powerful.

It seems to me that in the fast changing environmental threat we are
wrestling with coordinating meaning over time. Simulations also occur over

Often however, even in the light of a simulation, we seek causal variables
with a linear "monothetic" cause-effect structure, and discard much
information as "noise" or exogenous factors that disturb the monothetic

But the experience of observing an unfolding model, as observing an
unfolding epidemic in real life, is "polythetic": there are family
resemblances between things, but no clear-cut categories. Moreover, time is
an integral factor in production of observed outcomes.

It's interesting that Alfred Schutz made the observation that music's
communication of meaning depended entirely on the polythetic mode operating
over time. Is it the same with all time-based phenomena like agent-based

Best wishes


On Sun, 29 Mar 2020, 11:17 Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic, <
gordana.dodig-crnkovic at mdh.se> wrote:

> Dear colleagues,
> Please have a look at this excellent simulation:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxAaO2rsdIs&feature=youtu.be
> which makes me think about how powerful thinking tools
> that computation and information/data really offer.
> Stay safe and take care,
> Gordana
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