[Fis] Cultural Acceleration?

Pedro C. Marijuan pcmarijuan.iacs at aragon.es
Thu Jun 4 11:33:24 CEST 2020

Dear FIS Friends,

Jorge Navarro and me have just published a paper entitled "SOCIOTYPE AND 
CULTURAL EVOLUTION : The acceleration of cultural change alongside 
industrial revolutions"

The link is this: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystems.2020.104170

And the Abstract is below.

It contains a series of hypothesis that can be useful for our 
discussions. I will post some of them in next days. Also Howard Bloom 
has published in the same Special Issue of BioSystems (Evolutionary 
Dynamics of Social Systems) a very intriguing essay on "biopolitics", 
about the bacterial roots of the new autocracies. More will follow...

/*Abstract: *The present work explores, from the vantage point of the 
sociotype, the dramatic acceleration of cultural change alongside the 
successive industrial revolutions, particularly in the ongoing 
information//era. //Developed within the 
//genotype-phenotype-sociotype////conceptual triad, the sociotype//means 
the average social environment that is adaptively demanded by the 
“social brain” of each individual.//For there is a regularity of social 
interaction, centered on social bonding and talking time, which has been 
developed as an adaptive trait, evolutionarily rooted, related to the 
substantial size increase of human groups. A quantitative approach to 
the sociotype basic traits shows fundamental competitive 
interrelationships taking place within an overall “attention economy.” 
Approaching these figures via the Planckian Distribution Equation, they 
can be connected with many other competitive processes taking place in 
the biological, economic, and cultural realms. Concerning culture, the 
cognitive limits of the individual, which we consider commensurate with 
the sociotype general limitations, impose by themselves a strict 
boundary on the cultural items effectively handled by each individual, 
fostering the overall competition and decay. Further, the emergence of 
differentiated generations with ample discrepancy in styles of life, 
social aspirations, and dominant technologies would represent a 
systematic bias in the competition and replacement of cultural items. 
Intriguingly, the cultural acceleration detected in modern societies 
alongside the successive industrial revolutions, with an ostensible 
climax in the ongoing fourth industrial revolution –the information era– 
might be itself a paradoxical consequence of the sociotype’s dynamic 

  Best regards--Pedro

Pedro C. Marijuán
Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group

pcmarijuan.iacs at aragon.es

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