[Fis] misinformation, a lecture

Mark Johnson johnsonmwj1 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 9 16:09:00 CET 2020

"the truth needs reinforcement" is slightly chilling don't you think? Isn't
this an epistemological error?

Does beauty need reinforcement? Or goodness?

So what is this? An institution steps in to defends the grounds for its
continued viability and claim to be the arbiter if truth. Its defense is
amplified as the uncertainty of its environment increases and its
judgements questioned. And its defense if itself (and "truth") increases
environmental uncertainty, as (among other things) other institutions
defend their competing versions of truth.

Positive feedback isn't it?

What's lost is not truth, but coherence.


On Thu, 9 Jan 2020, 14:44 Stanley N Salthe, <ssalthe at binghamton.edu> wrote:

> https://ucsd.tv/search-details.aspx?showID=35394
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