[Fis] Pause to Wait Pedro's New Year Lecture!

Krassimir Markov markov at foibg.com
Fri Dec 27 13:27:53 CET 2019

Dear Colleagues,
This is really interesting discussion but I think we have to postpone it for 
later time.
The New Year Discussion is already announced and let our colleagues present 
Concept "disinformation" is important and I shall discuss it with great 
We have enough time after it to return to current topic.
Please excuse me for doubling my letter "The Bandwagon", it was my mistake.
Happy New Year!
Friendly greetings

-----Original Message----- 
From: Michel Petitjean
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2019 1:45 PM
To: Loet Leydesdorff
Cc: Yan Xueshan ; Krassimir Markov
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [Fis] Pause to Wait Pedro's New Year Lecture!

Dear Loet,
(Cc: Xueshan, Krassimir)
(FIS is not in Cc because I sent two messages within 2 days).

I do not agree with your conclusion.
There IS a link, your graph proves it because there are edges between
information science and each of the two other fields.
No link would mean no edge at all, i.e. the component "information
science" would be disconnected.
The result of the clustering is just a kind of optimal partitioning of a 
You may find something similar between chemistry and biology: there
are indeed two fields, but claiming that the two fields have no
connection would be obviously false.

It let you reply in the forum if you like.

Best wishes,


Le ven. 27 déc. 2019 à 07:15, Loet Leydesdorff <loet at leydesdorff.net> a 
écrit :
> In my opinion, there is indeed a link between computer science and 
> information science.
> Isn't it?
> If it can be demonstrated that there is not, it would be a result of 
> crucial importance for the FIS community.
> But it is likely that it is a matter of opinion, and that such a result 
> cannot be decided.
> The picture attached shows that there is NOT such a direct link.  It is 
> based on the citation environments (citing and cited) of JASIST. Three 
> clusters are distinguished:
> 1. Library and information sciences
> 2. Information management
> 3. computer science
> I hope that the system allows for the transmission.
> Best,
> Loet
> Best wishes,
> Michel.

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