[Exalgeolog] para PhD en el IPE

Luis E. Arlegui Crespo arlegui en unizar.es
Mar Sep 26 10:07:10 CEST 2023

Nos llega esta info del IPE, buscan candidat@ para tesis doctoral:

TEMPURA: TEMPeratUre Reconstruction At
past rapid climate transitions
TEMPURA proposal is aimed to quantify the temperature change in past rapid climate events in Iberia, focusing on those transitions that represent a large temperature change (above 2°C) in a short time period (decades-centuries) during
glacial terminations and during the Holocene. We are going to apply for the first time in Iberia Peninsula a combination of novel geochemical quantitative proxies in speleothems and lake sediments that, after a robust calibration, will produce temperature estimations for past abrupt changes. Those indicators are (i) the isotopic composition of fluid inclusions, (ii) the clumped isotopes and (iii) the composition in branched- glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (branched-GDGTs).
We are looking for a doctoral candidate who will carry out the following tasks:
• Field work: monitoring survey in high mountain lakes and caves; sediment coring and
speleothem sampling
• Laboratory tasks: carrying out multiproxy geochemical analyses in collaboration with national
and international specialists in the three proposed techniques (fluid inclusions, clumped isotopes
and GDGTs). Sample preparation for U-Th and 14C dating
• Publication of results in international journals, dissemination at scientific conferences and
outreach events.
The essential requirements expected of candidates are:
• Degree in geology, chemistry or environmental sciences
• Additional training in geochemistry would be important
• Master's degree related to geochemistry, environmental sciences or global change.
• Independence and ability to self-organise, as well as a collaborative spirit and teamwork.
Requirements not essential, but desirable, of the candidates are:
• Proficiency in English, especially written.
• Ability to do field work as well as laboratory work.
• Curiosity, motivation and enthusiasm.
• Ability to communicate with different audiences and social skills.

The Quaternary Palaeoenvironments group of IPE-CSIC offers: 
Training to develop a future research career, with the possibility of exploring options outside academia. 
4-year AEI contract for the completion of a doctoral thesis (according to salary tables for the year 2022, 12 payments which, depending on personal situation, is ca. 1300€/month with annual salary increase according to Spanish IRPF and additional from the third year onwards). 
Additional training opportunities within the framework of the CSIC, but also financed by the group's own projects. 
Working in an international environment with several programmed research stays (e.g., Germany and Austria). 
Participation in national and international conferences. 
Possibility of personal and professional development in "soft skills" (dissemination, oral 
expression techniques, communication, etc.). 
Excellent working environment that promotes each person’s skills and individual development. 

Previous and current students in the group can be contacted. 
Miguel Bartolomé mbart en ipe.csic.es
Carlos Pérez Mejías: perezmegias en xjtu.edu.cn
Juan Luis Bernal-Wormull: jluis.wormull en ipe.csic.es Alejandra Vicente de Vera: alejandra en vicentedevera.es Mario Morellón Marteles: mmorello en ucm.es
Pablo Corella pablo.corella en mncn.csic.es
Celia Martín-Puertas celia.martinpuertas en rhul.ac.uk 
For more information, address Ana Moreno Caballud, amoreno en ipe.csic.es (http://www.ipe.csic.es/moreno-caballud-ana, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7357-584X) or Blas Valero Garcés, blas en ipe.csic.es (http://www.ipe.csic.es/valero-garces-blas-l; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2214-7057) 

Dr. Luis Arlegui
Coordinador del Grado en Geología
Universidad de Zaragoza
Teléfono directo: 876 553 474
Extensión interna: 843 474
email: arlegui en unizar.es

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