[Seapv] Fwd: Industry opportunities for EVCP Graduates

Lluís Luján Lluis.Lujan en unizar.es
Dom Ene 7 13:29:05 CET 2024

Hola y Feliz Año Nuevo!

Os paso un mensaje recibido el pasado día 2 para aquellas personas cerca 
de ser o que ya sean diplomados, interesados en toxicopatología en la 
industria farmacéutica.



-------- Missatge Original --------
Assumpte: Industry opportunities for EVCP Graduates
Data: 2024-01-02 11:16
Remitent: Reuben Riisager <reuben.riisager en hayburysearch.com>
Destinatari: "Lluis.Lujan en unizar.es" <Lluis.Lujan en unizar.es>

Dear Dr.Luján

Happy New Year, I hope this message finds you well.

Please excuse my direct approach, I wanted to contact you after I saw
your name listed as a programme director on the ECVP website
(https://www.ecvpath.org/training-centres [1]). The reason for my
contact is in regard to the Residents who will soon be achieving the
ECVP status following completion of your Veterinary Pathology Training
Programme at the University of Zaragoza

To introduce myself, my name is Reuben Riisager, and I am a Senior
Recruiter within an Executive Search company called Haybury. At Haybury
we support the Life Science industry with finding exceptional talent. I
am currently, and often have available, a number of interesting
positions related to Toxicologic Pathology, within highly reputable
Global Biopharmaceutical organisations.

I felt it would be prudent to contact you directly to see if any of your
ECVP Residents might be interested in a short discussion with me,
regarding making the move into the pharmaceutical industry after they
have qualified. It is possible, for those students that would be
interested, that we can help to guide them directly into rewarding
positions within the industry. I represent one pharmaceutical client, in
particular, who is actively searching for upcoming graduates to join
their Toxicologic Pathology team, helping to contribute actively to the
success of new therapeutics, contributing to the advancement of the
preclinical development of drug candidates across a highly innovative
discovery pipeline.

With the above in mind, I'm keen to gauge your thoughts on how best to
reach the Residents who are reaching the end of their training (e.g. 4
out of 5 examinations complete) within your program. Firstly, I would be
more than happy to have a brief call with you to talk more about Haybury
and how we might support your students in finding work within the
industry. I would also be happy for you to pass on my contact details to
any relevant individuals, I'm happy to be guided by you.

Please let me know if anything above is unclear, or you have any
questions at all. As mentioned, I would be happy to have a quick call
with you if appropriate, just let me know the best time.

Thanks so much for taking the time to consider my message.

Best regards,



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