[Seapv] RV: FYI - February 16th Virtual Rounds Session

Naranjo, Carolina Carolina-Naranjo en idexx.com
Mar Feb 14 07:45:36 CET 2023

Apreciados colegas,

Adjunto invitación de rounds en IDEXX para residentes de patología. Por favor, reenviadla a vuestros residentes si no están en esta lista.


Carol Naranjo Freixa, LV, DACVP, DECVP, PhD I She/Her/Hers │Anatomic Pathologist II
IDEXX Laboratories │ Carrer Plom 2-8, 3ª │ 08038 Barcelona  │ Spain │NIF B61740361
Tel: +34 932 672 660 │carolina-naranjo en idexx.com │www.idexx.es│Central European Time (CET)

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We help pets lead fuller lives  +  +  +  +  +  +  +

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Hi all,

Please see below message from Nikki regarding our Virtual rounds for Pathology residents this Thursday.

Could you please circulate in your teams – thank you!

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Best, Nicole

Hi team, hope everyone’s doing well.

Sending out a quick FYI that next Thursday the 16th (10 – 11 AM EST) is our next Virtual Rounds session (and the first one of 2023): our annual Pathology Career Fair.

Attached is this session’s marketing image (shoutout to Richard and Nicole K. for the great photo!), and below is the link for residents to RSVP for Rounds. Please feel free to share it with your teams and/or networks to reach any additional Pathology residents who may be interested in joining.


If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thank you!

Nikki Vachon (she/her)
Talent Sourcing & Recruitment Marketing Specialist
IDEXX | https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.idexx.com__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!Qa2VlIrdbg7MjKwYYVR5bZx0qPlpg2vR4f-57EdyN2nDoOr1mtmuQaU73FVE9lyNc3qj2iKxEfBXkdh6scSNLNLnZEkqYKg$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.idexx.com__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!Qa2VlIrdbg7MjKwYYVR5bZx0qPlpg2vR4f-57EdyN2nDoOr1mtmuQaU73FVE9lyNc3qj2iKxEfBXkdh6scSNLNLnZEkqYKg$ > | https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://careers.idexx.com/us/en__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!Qa2VlIrdbg7MjKwYYVR5bZx0qPlpg2vR4f-57EdyN2nDoOr1mtmuQaU73FVE9lyNc3qj2iKxEfBXkdh6scSNLNLnWtw28b4$ 

Kind regards, herzliche Grüße,

Nicole Hammer-Kohler (She/Her)  |  Talent Acquisition Manager German Laboratories & European Veterinary Professionals

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