[Seapv] RV: [VOPH-L] INVITATION to COPLOW ocular pathology teaching rounds

Juana M. Flores jflores en ucm.es
Mie Sep 14 10:38:41 CEST 2022

Gracias Carol.!!! Un fuerte abrazo



De: Seapv <seapv-bounces en listas.unizar.es> En nombre de Naranjo, Carolina
Enviado el: miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2022 10:37
Para: SEAPV- Lista <seapv en listas.unizar.es>
Asunto: [Seapv] RV: [VOPH-L] INVITATION to COPLOW ocular pathology teaching


Hola a todos, 


Os reenvío el link de Zoom para atender los rounds de COPLOW, os los
recomiendo a todos aquellos con algún interés en la patología ocular
comparada. La hora central americana son 7 horas de diferencia con España
gran parte del año, o sea, a las 15h nuestras, miércoles sí-miércoles no, el
siguiente es la semana que viene. 







---------- Missatge reenviat ---------
De: Richard R Dubielzig <0000085d2aa19232-dmarc-request en listserv.uga.edu
<mailto:0000085d2aa19232-dmarc-request en listserv.uga.edu> >
Data: dt, 13 set 2022 a les 18:10
Assumpte: [VOPH-L] INVITATION to COPLOW ocular pathology teaching rounds
Per a: <VOPH-L en listserv.uga.edu <mailto:VOPH-L en listserv.uga.edu> >

COPLOW bi-weekly teaching rounds now open free for guests.

Every two weeks, at 8am central time on Wednesdays, we hold an ocular
pathology teaching rounds.  This has been held for an in-house audience to
date but we are opening it up for remote guests to benefit.  Mark your
calendars now starting at 8am central Wednesday September 21st and going
forward every second Weds morning.  (Notice it is not a repeating monthly
event like, for instance every third Weds).  The zoom link will remain the
We do not intend to send out reminders, so you are required to be mindful of
the date your selves.   We are not inviting the world to a verbal forum so
we ask remote guests to mute yourselves.

The next rounds are Wednesday September 21st at 8am central time

Link to the Zoom meeting:
06WBQsWMBd$> &sa=D&source=calendar&usd=2&usg=AOvVaw1dLhWAo5-tvxlQWESCV1mH>

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is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain
confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use,
disclosure or distribution is prohibited.
For new subscription requests contact Ralph Hamor <hamor en ufl.edu
<mailto:hamor en ufl.edu> >.
For technical issues contact Doug Kemp <vetpharm en uga.edu
<mailto:vetpharm en uga.edu> >


Carolina Naranjo, DACVP, DECVP


Tel. +34-637413546 <tel:+34-637413546>  

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