[Seapv] RV: National Pathology Week online veterinary pathology quiz event

Naranjo, Carolina Carolina-Naranjo en idexx.com
Mie Jun 15 16:49:58 CEST 2022

Apreciados colegas,

Especialmente para aquellos que trabajáis con estudiantes de veterinaria, os remito esta información por si es de vuestro interés.



Carol Naranjo Freixa I Anatomic Pathologist II

IDEXX Laboratories │ Carrer Plom 2-8, 3ª │ 08038 Barcelona  │ España │NIF B61740361
Tel: +34 932 672 660│carolina-naranjo en idexx.com │www.idexx.es

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Dear Lorenzo, Emma, Kelly and Carol

Would you mind circulating this link amongst your vet students who may be interested?

Veterinary pathology virtual pub quiz<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.rcpath.org/event/vetpathquiz.html__;!!NK8mlZvK!9uVTvIu1q72m3_vm0s94iHf1UFTJERA7F-qWTYRrg5Qe9ZQJfP3VRZzCsLVabIt8XcO8w514XU2-Hpw8ABP-j7r2x49amsI$>
About this event Discover the fascinating world of pathology in the fun of a pub quiz format, from the comfort of your own home. Teams of up to six undergraduates studying veterinary science (or similar) are invited to join in our National Pathology Week online veterinary pathology quiz even

Thanks and best wishes

Prof. Sarah Coupland, MBBS, PhD, FRCPath
George Holt Chair of Pathology
Consultant Histopathologist @ Liverpool Clinical Laboratories
Vice President for Communications, Royal College of Pathologists
General Secretary of the Pathological Society of GB and Ireland

Institute of Systems, Molecular and Integrative Biology
Room 365, 3rd Floor
The William Henry Duncan Building, 6 West Derby Street
University of Liverpool
Liverpool, L7 8TX, UK



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