[Seapv] OPRC 2022

Naranjo, Carolina Carolina-Naranjo en idexx.com
Dom Abr 10 11:29:20 CEST 2022

Apreciados colegas,

Reenvío información sobre el curso de patología ocular que se ofrece dentro del curso de ciencias básicas para residentes de oftalmología veterinaria. La porción de patología tiene 2 días de duración, 24 y 25 de junio, y este año vuelve a ser presencial. Sin embargo, probablemente se seguirá un patrón alternante de curso presencial-curso virtual, de manera que los años pares se hará presencial (ahora mismo en Davis, CA) y los años impares será virtual. Antes solo se ofrecía cada dos años y siempre de manera presencial, así que ahora ya podéis hacer vuestros cálculos si os va mejor atender de forma virtual.

Tenéis información en el link facilitado en el email que os reenvío y, si os puedo ser de alguna ayuda para resolver dudas, os podéis poner en contacto conmigo.

Por favor, distribuid este correo a quien creáis que pueda estar interesado.



Carol Naranjo Freixa I Anatomic Pathologist II

IDEXX Laboratories │ Carrer Plom 2-8, 3ª │ 08038 Barcelona  │ España │NIF B61740361
Tel: +34 932 672 660│carolina-naranjo en idexx.com │www.idexx.es

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Please could each of you advertise this as widely as possible:

Attention Veterinary Pathologists and Veterinary Pathology Trainees - Registration for the Ocular Pathology Review Course is open<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/ce.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/symposia-article/16th-acvo-william-magrane-basic-science-course-veterinary-and-comparative__;!!NK8mlZvK!7rVhFXmYiPxA45Lq0LZZg4SfWHBiLt3L-xl0PTSOVWqz3BYynIaM3B1Jt48tsIRhF3_vT8p-1SkiFf7EgoMgvGhcjg$>!
The Ocular Pathology Review Course (OPRC) will be presented as a two-day segment (June 24th and 25th) during the 2022 Magrane Basic Science Course at UC Davis. The OPRC offers broad exposure to ophthalmic pathology through didactic teaching. The course provides an entry-level review of diseases and processes affecting ocular structures emphasizing nomenclature, key diagnostic features, and diagnostic challenges. The course will focus on pathologic correlates of clinical disease in domestic/companion animals. While aimed at the primary audience of ACVO/ECVO Residents and not intended as a review for ACVP/ECVP Boards , the OPRC will be of interest and educational value to many in the Pathology discipline.
A limited number of spaces are being made available for individuals in approved ACVP and ECVP residency programs as well as graduate students in veterinary pathology, international university faculty teaching veterinary pathology, international trainees in veterinary pathology, and individuals with an interest in ophthalmic pathology. Register early as registration will close once the maximum number of spaces are filled. The Pathology section is presented as a two-day segment of the entire Basic Science Course and offers broad exposure to ophthalmic pathology through didactic teaching.
As a limited number of spaces are available, be sure to register early. Deadline for registration is midnight US Pacific daylight time on May 25, 2022. Information about registration is available at the UC Davis BSC webpage<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/ce.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/symposia-article/16th-acvo-william-magrane-basic-science-course-veterinary-and-comparative__;!!NK8mlZvK!7rVhFXmYiPxA45Lq0LZZg4SfWHBiLt3L-xl0PTSOVWqz3BYynIaM3B1Jt48tsIRhF3_vT8p-1SkiFf7EgoMgvGhcjg$>.

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