[Seapv] Fwd: Senior vet position

Lluís Luján Lluis.Lujan en unizar.es
Mie Mayo 19 11:30:30 CEST 2021


Acabo de recibir esto, por si alguien le interesa o lo puede distribuir



-------- Missatge Original --------
Assumpte: Senior vet position
Data: 2021-05-19 09:21
Remitent: Director <director en cipf.es>
Destinatari: "lluis.lujan en unizar.es" <lluis.lujan en unizar.es>

  Buenos dias, Lluis. I am the director of the CIPF in Valencia and have
seen that you are the representative for Spain in EBVS.

  We are currently recruiting a senior vet to direct our cutting-edge
animal facility. I am attaching the job announcement and would be very
grateful if you could post it or circulate it on the EBVS mailing list.
Please feel free to distribute to other places as well as our goal is to
attract very qualified candidates with research experience.

  Many thanks for your help!
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