[Pdi.espsh] Proposal for collaborative project : UNITA CALL FOR STARTING GRANTS ON RESEARCH, Tourism and cultural heritage in a digital world, deadline May, 8th

Merche Rincón mrincon en unizar.es
Vie Abr 26 09:39:33 CEST 2024

Buenos días,

Os redirijo esta propuesta de la Universidad de Turín, en la que buscan 
socios de UNITA, de las áreas de Veterinaria, Ciencias Agrarias y/o 
Turismo para presentarse a la convocatoria de "Starting Grants" de UNITA 
(ver adjunto).

En caso de que despierte vuestro interés, por favor poneros en contacto 
directamente con Benedetto Sicuro, benedetto.sicuro en unito.it 
<mailto:benedetto.sicuro en unito.it>

/Dear colleagues,/
/we are a group of colleagues of  Torino university, department of 
veterinary sciences./
/Considering that we belong to the UniTA consortium, we want to make a 
proposal for the following call: "UNITA CALL FOR STARTING GRANTS ON 
RESEARCH, Tourism and cultural heritage in a digital world" (see 
attached document), with deadline next May, 8th./
/Ideally, we would like to include 4 partners from each 
respective country (France, Spain, Portugal and Swiss) and Italy, for a 
total of 5 partners./
/Our idea is to submit a short proposal on the theme "Tourism and 
rural/marginal areas", considering our skills in Torino about animal 
production in mountain ecosystems and your possible participation with 
your complementary skills in your country./
/In a few words, our project aims to promote an optimal educational 
model for university courses on sustainable eco-tourism in mountain 
marginal areas, leveraging the conservation of landscapes, freshwater 
ecosystems, and traditional agricultural practices as central themes. It 
seeks to demonstrate how environmentally conscious tourism can 
contribute to local economies while ensuring the preservation and 
appreciation of alpine natural resources and cultural heritage for 
future generations./
/We are contacting you, as UnITA contact points, in order to indicate to 
us partners potentially interested in this project. /
/If you will find interested partners (as we hope), we will immediately 
send you the complete proposal, in order to share it and prepare a final 
common proposal./
/We trust that you will receive this proposal favorably. We believe that 
this project not only offers a prime opportunity for us to establish a 
collaborative relationship within UniTA but also serves as a 
foundational step towards a more extensive and detailed partnership in 
the future./
/Best regards,/
/Benedetto, Joana and Manuela /
Un saludo,

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