[Pdi.espsh] Would your engineering or science department be interested in hosting an undergraduate intern? as of November 2021

Merche Rincón mrincon en unizar.es
Vie Jul 9 10:44:13 CEST 2021

Buenos días,

UniLaSalle, universidad francesa con la que tenemos firmado convenios de 
movilidad, nos ha mandado el siguiente mensaje, interesados en enviar 
alumnos de tercer curso de Ingeniería Ambiental, desde noviembre de 2021 
a enero de 2022, para la realización de prácticas Erasmus+, participando 
en experimentos en curso, trabajo de campo, etc.

Nuestro Centro está interesado en colaborar con esta institución, así 
que os pediría que valorarais recibir a alguno de estos alumos. Si 
estáis interesados, poneos en contacto con *Pablo Martín, pmr en unizar.es, 
*para gestionarlo.

Gracias y un saludo

/"Dear partners, /

/Last January I wrote to you to see if you could host an intern in 
autumn 2021 under the Erasmus internship program, and you positively 
responded with proposals and possibilities.  Some of you haven't been 
contacted yet to my knowledge. Some of our students have found 
internships, and others are still looking. /


/Now I have another group of students who will be looking for an 
internship under the Erasmus+ program, their internship would last 
approximately 12 weeks, from early November 2021 to the end of January 
2022.These students will be in their third year of Environmental 
Engineering. Their first 2 years of environmental engineering were quite 
heavy in Math, Physics, Chemistry, and Life and Earth Sciences./

/These students could work on projects, help carry out experiments, do 
field work or be involved in activities that have specific protocols to 
follow.They have done lab work in their program, and they would be 
interested in working on subjects related to environmental science or 

/More information about their program can be found at: 

/Of course, they would be able to communicate in English.///

/Please let me know if one of your departments would still be interested 
in having an Erasmus+ intern this fall.///

/If you should need more information, do not hesitate to write me.///

/Best regards,///




/Thomas Hull//


/Head of International Relations - Rennes Campus - F  BEAUVAI02/


/**UniLaSalle Rennes - Ecole des Métiers de l'Environnement**/


/Campus de Ker Lann / Rennes///


/Avenue Robert Schuman - 35170 Bruz FRANCE///


/Phone +33 2 99 05 88 08 https://www.unilasalle.fr/en 
<https://www.unilasalle.fr/en> /


/*Thomas.HULL en unilasalle.fr <mailto:Thomas.HULL en unilasalle.fr> */



Merche Rincón Lafuente
Jefa de Negociado Académico
Escuela Politécnica Superior - Universidad de Zaragoza

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